LFG Looking for a partner....to start a new arc!

Lyssia D'avore

Lady Fae
Character Biography
As if all of them aren't new arcs here, but this is a character concept that never got off the ground in the past.

I am looking for someone who is interested in helping me introduce Lyssia as a character, in this world, in a setting that I am trying to flesh out. Some cloak and dagger stuff will probably be involved, as I want to dive into the why of her sudden fall from grace, and explore how she deals with going from scion of a noble House to urchin on the street!

If anyone needs more details, feel free to ask~
I am more than willing to help you introduce your character!
I can make whatever character you want for whatever setting you're going for.
What would work best for you, Halo? I can probably just write an introduction post for the thread and allow you to figure out what A) you would like to play as in this craziness and B) what you think would be best?

I generally do not like to tell people what they have to do, I would rather it remain as organic as possible!
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Well, I'm thinking I can take this two ways. I have a character I already made that would make an interesting dynamic, Kiileet Glassdancer.

Or I can make a new character that could be a friend or servant to your character that stays by her side through everything.
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Reactions: Aeyliea
Huh. The latter option sounds pretty interesting, not gonna lie. Maybe a streetrat friend? A loyal servant is also neat...

So, basically, you chose which sounds more fun to you.
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Reactions: Haloshooter
I Think I'll go with Kiileet. If you want to make the thread go ahead and tag him.

Be prepared for an encounter with the mysterious and mystical!