LFG or 1x1 characters need friends, rivals, and love interests


Arach 0, A0, Kumo, The Good Spider, Arachnid0
After a bit of downtime due to life taking me away from writing, I am back. And I wanna play.

Specifically looking for situations and relationships for my two most enjoyable characters to play. One is an orcish mercenary and blessing/bane of tavern owners everywhere, Gurash Gloomrunner. During downtime he's been doing alot of work guarding caravans and other less spectacular feats. But it's been hard to keep a job with the way these merchants daughters always seem to try to distract and tease the biggest of the guards. Which is almost always him.

And the other is the Drow spider trainer, beastmaster, merchant, and general misfit, Karanon Ulventhral. He came up out of the under realms via Bhathairk's mysterious undercity during the rise of Neha. His downtime has been very strange though. Because arriving in a new world just as it is being destroyed can take it's toll on one's mind. He's lost his grip on reality. He's lost his animal companion. And he's been living like a caveman with a crossbow in the forests near Bhathairk, looking for his lost spider, Shaerra, ever since.

So if you fancy hanging out or adventuring with either the Bard of the Battlefield or the Mad Drow, drop a comment here pls.

Ty, A0 :)
If you think either character would be interested in speaking with an eldritch abomination in the shape of a cat, yes please. Kthell can basically be thrown into any situation.