LFG Let's Fricking Sabotage Vel Anir's Heart of Governance


Restless Revolutionary
Character Biography
an adventure otherwise titled


Vel Aerelos - Standing directly opposite the Keep of Anir and serving as a reminder of the absolute excess and splendor humanity is capable of is Vel Aerelos. This huge ten story building serves as the main point of government for all of Vel Anir. (...) Offices, Council chambers, libraries, and meeting halls are all decorated with (...) Plundered Elven wood, stolen Dwarven artifacts, and confiscated goods from ancient ruins. (...) It serves as a place of governance.

You, a capable individual believed to harbor deep resentment for Vel Anir and/or a deep love for coin, were approached through magical means — or not — and given the following mission:
  • Enter Vel Aerelos
  • Cause as much mayhem as possible
  • Leave Vel Anir
Vague as the guidelines may be, the vast Consortium of interests that is your new employer has promised very, very generous pay. Could be just money, if you're drab like that, or even a new identity. Something that a secretive alliance of settlements, organizations and concerned citizens could feasibly provide. Supposing that what was offered to you could make up for the danger of wrecking one of the most well-guarded buildings in one of the most well-guarded cities of Arethil, you might have taken up the job. If not, maybe you were threatened. The Consortium has the means.

And that's the tea, I'm looking for a group to bully Vel Aerelos and a counter-group to fight it. I think it'd be a fun thread.

Any ideas or suggestions?


To help keep tabs on who is on which side, and why (I'll only be counting confirmed presences) (feel free to poke me if I get something wrong, I'm very sleepy):

Won't suffer any human pig dog to live​
Pay and bloodthirst​
Pay and hatred for Vel Anir​
Peace and Isolation treaty, revenge, hatred for cities and Vel Anir in particular​


Not Racism​
The hundreds-numbering
soldiers, guards and braves
just within earshot of Vel Aerelos​
The hundreds-numbering
soldiers, guards and braves
just outside of earshot of Vel Aerelos​
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  • Cthuulove
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Hahnah and Aife
Need a serial killer? Not necessarily what my character isn’t but pay would definitely catch her attention, and she’s none too fond of big cities .org empires either. She’d be HAPPY to sew chaos amongst the populace.
  • Smug
Reactions: Smiling One
Are elves invited?
Even sneezies would be invited, you just need to be greedy or hate Vel Anir enough

I am down to defend as long as we remember this is literally the very heart of Vel Anir
Ye, that's the fun part, it's at the center of every place you wouldn't want to be around. If not enough players appear on Vel Anir's side tho I'll be joining the thread as a DM instead

Need a serial killer? Not necessarily what my character isn’t but pay would definitely catch her attention, and she’s none too fond of big cities .org empires either. She’d be HAPPY to sew chaos amongst the populace.
Aife would definitely be on the call list, and nothing says not to sew chaos amongst the populace. Seems like the Consortium either allows it or hasn't considered someone would be so mad as to try it - have fun
Debating. I hate all cities with equal vigor, but Vel Anir with a particular passion.

Decisions, decisions. Could some concession be made for a treaty to not encroach on No'rei lands? Even though, lets be honest, history is replete with examples of people promising and then violating said treaties, anyway . . .

If you do decide to help mess with Vel Anir, perhaps you’d like to work in conjunction with a sister-in-crime? We could create wonderous chaos together!
Chaos, Aife? I am just here to kill city-dwellers. Every sword-and-bow slain is one less to be sent against my people. But why stop at the people in their fortress? Why not include everybody in the party? Nothing like a little blood running in the streets to make them all think twice about setting foot where they are not wanted.

So you wanna kill everybody? Why not?
Now I got this boi made, I was thinking we can develop something if the aim is to cause mayhem. Maybe sort of a "nuke" magic? No mushroom cloud involved.
  • Devil
Reactions: Aife
I don’t think that it’s a battle. More like what’s happened in V for Vendetta, except without public support.
Smiling One Aife its looks like it gonna be a skirmish bc a lot of people voted on luring them into the falwood. Which is pretty good bit away from the Vel Anir.

Regardless, if needed I could have this char go in as a spy. As a sort of inside man keeping a low profile/gonna wait to strike dude or we can just have a little meet up thread like I been trying to do with Adagium while we wait lol as a prelude while we wait.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Smiling One
Well set up the meet thread and link it here, or ask Callarn to do that, and we’ll get it started, discuss IC what we do, and act on it in the same, or separate thread.