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Open Chronicles - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Dead silence hung on the air. It should not have been so; the mountains to the east, climbing and piercing the heavens themselves, should have been a place where myriad animals lived and yet, for all that the forest actually encroached on the little village of Heath, nary a bird sang. No crows...
Some information for any interested in this thread. Some have asked in PMs but it may be easier to put all of that here because all of it is going to be publicly know and included in any posters or information handed to guilds, companies, or other organizations regarding the events in Heath.
1: No information is known about the progenitor beast. No description or any ideas about its abilities are known. No survivors have seen it; all of the individuals who came into direct contact with it were either killed immediately, or died later of the mysterious disease it inflicts upon its victims.
2: Survivors (all dead, now) have indicated that while they haven't seen the beast itself, anything that comes into contact with it become infected with some strange disease. Those that are killed are animated in some way, and mutate into incredibly violent beasts themselves that are also capable of spreading the infection to others.
3: The mystery monster and all of the mutated things running around have either an extreme distaste or a perverse love for the flesh of magicians. Any magi on the mountain were the first to die. Those who tried to save the sick also were torn to pieces in short order.
4: There are an unknown number of survivors possibly still holding out in Heath or in the surrounding woodlands. The governor of the region is paying for their safe passage back to The Ford, and paying more for their extraction than for killing the beasts that infest the area.
5: The beasts will not leave the mountain. The reason is not understood.
6: They are more active at night than during the day, but this may be inaccurate. Violent attacks happen at any time.
7: Those afflicted with the sickness coming from the mutated beasts do not always reanimate.
If anyone has other questions, feel free to ask.