Letters Korhbin to Pierce

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.

Korhbin Wolfgang

Eat a potato once a day, part of his "royal diet"
Character Biography
Dear Pierce,

I am dying of boredom, the women here are nice and all but they aren't letting me do much. Pretty much all I do is lay here in bed or stay in doors. They claim that its so my wounds won't rip open again but I know they won't. Since when do I rough house around the clock?

Sometimes it hurts but only when they change the bandages, and I apparently cant bath by myself which is.... weird as stink. Having someone walk in to bath me with a sponge and some cloth. I rather keep my bits to myself if I could tell them!

I know you are away right now doing some jobs to make sure that the costs still get paid but please do not do anything too rash. If I need to I'd rather get kicked out of here and on the streets with these gashes then you getting maimed or worse. Just please do me that solid.

Its kinda lonely without you, but please tell me of your travels!

~ Sincerely,

Dear Korhbin,

I’m sorry to hear that my friend. If I had it my way you would have never had to be there in the first place. I suppose we might have been a bit under prepared for that amount of vampires. The good thing is that ultimately you’re alright.

My time has been... busy without you. Business is slow in a way because there are a number of jobs I can’t take alone. That being said the only ones I can get don’t pay as well as usual. My schedule usually consists of working, eating, sleeping, and repeating.

It’s been a good amount of boring work such as escorting people, and guarding places from nonexistent threats. I hope you get better soon so you can get back out to work with me. In the meantime I’ll manage though so don’t worry about me. Leave all the worrying to me.


Dear Pierce,

That sounds like it sucks, even worse than my position. Just try not to hurt yourself or strain yourself too much, the mind is as important as the body. I am sure that we can get away without one payment.

Just received word that my wounds are infected but I will be trying to get better as fast as I can, whenever my wounds are almost healed I am out of here! No one can stop me, besides I need my partner in crime.

Just make sure you do you, keep that in mind okay? Maybe you can tell me about your more entertaining en devours?


Dear Korhbin,

I know, I know. I promise I won't be getting hurt anytime soon. Can't have us both down at the same time lest we go into debt. Don't worry okay? I like doing the work in a way anyways. Helps keep my mind off other things if I stay busy.

Don't make me come burn that infection out of you! Even more so stay in bed, and don't try to do anything stupid. If I hear so much as one story about you trying to leave with an infection, Korhbin Wolfgang Andreas Von Falkenberg of Teutonia, so help me. See how I used your entire full name? That shows I mean business so you'd better stay put.

As for my so-called entertaining en devours I don't know what you're speaking of. Nothing I'm doing right now is really too entertaining. The most entertaining thing I've done recently is take a modeling job from some weird traveling artist. Though I'm not sure why anyone would want to paint me of all people. Other than that I've been keeping busy with... other things. Just small, mainly unimportant stuff. As it should be I suppose. Just passing the time until my favorite partner in crime makes a FULL recovery.


Dear Korhbin,

I'm a bit worried to say the least. It's been such a long time since my last letter, and you haven't responded yet. Surely you're not busy in the hospital. Maybe something happened with the delivering of my letter? Perhaps you're still waiting for a letter from me. Either was Korhbin I'm worried. Please, please, please respond. I don't care what it is. Send me an empty untouched page for all I care. Just let me know you're okay. Please...


Dearest Pierce,

They got me on some high all mighty drugs right now. So real fast before they give me more. The infection did spread, but do not worry, it sucks but I’ll pull through. Damn vampires aren’t gonna get another bastard.

The fever did make me go a bit crazy, I think I broke someones nose, a table and apparently made people sick with the blood and puss. But it definetly could’ve been worse!

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I’ll b heading of t sleep.

