Open Chronicles - Free Return to Elbion!
Pain shot through his chest, waking up with a startle he grasps his chest sweat pouring down his face. Looking around the man sighs and lays back down in the small nest of blankets he made himself. Another nightmare. He’d look at his hands and sees that one of them was glowing white, what...
Now that I had a nice break from Ash and now have a new baby to write as well, lets get this other snow rolling! This time Ashieron V2.0 wakes up in Elbion after Jirou (his best mate maybe ex-mate now ) “killed” Ash allowing him to be able to kill a demon in the process. Luckly he is not wanted by the city guards, but he does have a bit of a spotty memory though lol. He looks like a twin to his older form but has all these light marking on him that look like shattered glass running around his body
Please feel free to join in on Ash’s next adventure. How about we let the dice decide what decisions he make as well as well as his combat. Since he doesnt know what the world is like currently, maybe some people can try to get him onto their side. After all he is over a thousand years old with a vast amount of magic at his disposal. No telling what he’d be able to do for you!