Hanging up my hat again

Last Origin

Character Biography
Hey everyone.

I'm leaving this here to let everyone know that as of now, I am going to be abandoning most of my threads. A few situations have occurred over my experience here on Chronicles, especially before my first break, but after coming back, I'm finding it hard to continue. I don't want to name names or point fingers, as I think that would be both immature and cruel, but suffice it to say that I felt like I've always had a hard time finding a footing here both in regards to finding good threads that last a while, and good people to write them with. A few problematic situations occurred for me behind the scenes as well that have broken my spirit with this site.

I'm in love with the concept of this site. It seems like a great place to have group threads with multiple characters in a living world. There is a promise of a world that exists without your characters, and events happening that can shape the very world itself. It is an ambitious and respectable project that I very much wanted to believe in, but as with many dreams, they often either fall short of your expectations, or there are too many flies in the ointment for your own vision of something to work out. That's okay, and there aren't any hard feelings here as it isn't anyone's fault. And sometimes, you need to admit to yourself that something isn't working, and that putting more energy into it is only bringing you more pain.

For those who have been friendly and kind to me, I wanted to thank you, because I have had some great memories on this site, and it's thanks to those who made it worthwhile to be here. So for that, I thank you. I don't want to say I'll never be back, because sometimes things change and you're willing to try something again, but for now I will be closing all threads save for a few. If I haven't messaged you personally, unfortunately your thread wasn't one I felt like continuing, and I hope that you don't take that personally, as it had nothing to do with you as a person.

I'm available to reach by Discord still if you have any questions about this, as I will still be taking plot requests if anyone has them, but for now I think I need a break.
I'm sorry you've come to that decision, but I respect that you are in tune with yourself and what is best for you. I hope that you keep well wherever you go, and maybe we'll get to continue another time, under better circumstances.
  • Yay
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