Hail, and well-met.

Marlo Blackbrook

The Quiet Life
Character Biography
Greetings, friends & fellow writers. My name is Marlo Blackbrook. I'm a new member to Chronicles, though I've been writing for many years.. including on SWRP Chaos, Chronicles' sister-site. I'd like to introduce myself, and extend an offer to anyone traveling along The Gold Road - please stop by The Blackbrook Inn. My darling wife & I would be happy to offer you a mug of ale on the house!

All jokes aside, I've been looking to get involved on Chronicles for a while now. This character is intended as a small-time project, but Kayte & I do have some plans... namely, RPing our Inn and opening it as a Location for interactions with others. I look forward to writing with you all in due-time, and I hope this autumn day finds you well.

Hey! Was just peepin your profile earlier. Seems like a rad little project :) I'll definitely have a character or three stop on by... eventually xD

Happy posting! And hope all is going well for you.
  • Bless
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