Private Tales Ghost Of A Rose

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The sun painted the sky with brilliant soft colors as it raised from its sleep. The air was crisp this morning, and she couldn't help shiver a little from the cold that nipped at her. She pulled the long hooded black velvet robe closer to her body to try and keep warm as she moved along the thick forest. The sounds around her were creatures waking from their dreams and readying themselves for the day.

A deep gurgling growl cut through some of the noise and came from Aine's stomach. Her gut was protesting the lack of food within it. The tantrum was a bitter reminder that Aine hadn't eaten for a few days now. She gently placed her hand on her stomach and softly sighed.

"Whieest mah mukker, Ah ken yer guttin' but jist be patient." Aine pleaded to her stomach to hold on a little longer.

The well-worn once white slippers were now a dingy black color and had a few holes in the fabric, would softly crush the ground leaving little to no sound. After a few moments, this weary soul would stop moving and decided to rest her bones a bit and warm herself as best she could. She found what appeared to be a dead tree that had been struck by lightning long ago. Its bark was showing now decay, and so she seated herself at its base leaning against its bark, not fearful of being a victim of her curse. Aine closed her eyes within the shadow of her hood to take a small nap and gather enough strength to make it to the next town or village.
  • Yay
Reactions: Erën
All packed up and on the move, Garrod moved down the forest path, his great-sword sheathed and upon his back, and his pack slung over the shoulder. He was glad for the clear weather, and even the crisp winter air, even if his tired eye did not show it.

It had been days since he had finished his last contract, and he would be glad to find some lodging in a proper town soon enough. Too many days out in the wild had a funny way of messing with him.

You have not fed me in months. Came the voice within the jewel. Why must we always play this game, hmm?

But Garrod did not heed its words. Only let out a long breath, and kept on with his steady strides.

Why even wear me then, oh bearer mine? Belephus laughed, bitter and sickly sweet. You think I will help you still when you treat me with such disdain? With such disrespect and inconsideration?

His brow furrowed, and he grumbled some beneath his breath as he neared a dead tree.

The least you could do is give me a taste of human, you know? Just a drop of their sweet sticky soul.

"Will you shut up?!" He shouted out, and crows perched nearby flew off the branches of the dead tree beside him.

Belephus laughed inside his mind.

The world swirled within different hues of black and white. Aine found herself once more in the spot of a familiar glen. She called out to a tall, dark shadow a few distances away, and yet no sound fell from her lips. She watched as the phantom reached out to her, beckoning her to come to it. Aine tried, but her feet seemed to be rooted to the earth, unable to move.

Her heart began to race as panic began to flood her senses. It was as if she was overwhelmed with the feeling that she had to get to this creature quickly or something horrible would happen. Aine willed her feet to move as she tried again, but she remained ever paralyzed in place.

Ah cannae come tae ye, she desperately screamed out, tears welling up in her eyes, but again she was unable to speak. The nauseating dread feeling bubbled up from her gut and into her throat, forming a vile lump. Please, gods, please hulp me! Aine screamed in her mind, her right arm raised, right palm held outstretched as far as she could, to attempt to reach whom or whatever this phantom was.

As the intensity of the situation began to grow, A roar of squawks and fluttered wings sent reality racing back into Aine's mind, and her eyes shot open in a start. Aine's heart was pounding so heavily within her chest and ears that it felt like it was going to break out of its cage.

Whit th' hell is gaun oan? Her brain rapidly thought, trying to gain composure.
Aine's eyes darted around, and soon those golden hues fell upon a tall male stranger no more than a dangerously few boot steps from where she rested. Aine froze in place. She guessed he was the one that must have been the cause for the sound that woke her from the daymare.

Now, what does she do? Should she fight, or should she flee? Aine knew it was too late for both, so she remained frozen, watching and waiting, remaining seated with her right brown gloved hand, keeping her robe closed.

Gods, please be wi' me. Aine mentally pleaded.
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A movement stirred near him, a figure that caused him to turn about in surprise.

Look at you, scaring the poor and the innocent. Next thing you know, you'll be the monster that requires hunting. Belephus mocked.

Garrod did his best to annoy the demon, his eye narrowed, but his brow arched with some concern. A regular tumult of emotions. "Ah," he intoned, and took a step back and away from the person. A young lady from the looks, ragged and travel worn. He raised his empty hand in an attempt to dismiss concern.

"Uh, no no, sorry, I didn't mean you," he looked about, realized how insane he must have looked. His eye came back to her, and he brought his pack down. "You look hungry, like you've been on the road for a long while," he began to sift through his things, his gauntleted hand pulled a bundle wrapped in waxed cloth. "I have some bread and jerky I can share with you," he nodded. Unsure if the person was a mute, or just scared witless.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
"Y, ye wad be richt, umm, thon wad be very kynd o ye tae dae sae, no necessary but thank ye." Aine replied, finally finding her voice. It was soft but thick.

It was probably best not to upset the man by refusing the offer; he looked like someone you'd rather have as an ally than an enemy. She remained unmoving in her spot; at the moment, it seemed to be the safest thing to do. Aine studied the stranger starting from the head and ending at boot toe. She took in all the details and began to decipher what type of person or creature graced her with his presence.

A low humming began to ring in her ears, and a slow weaving headache started to form in her brain. What the gods, she thought to herself as she raised her gloved right hand to her head. The pain and sound began to dissipate.

Those golden hues narrowed their gaze now at the man, did that come from him? Like a water wheel turning, so made her mind. What she had just experienced felt familiar, like it had happened to her before. The problem was she couldn't remember why it felt familiar. Her memories were still blank, and the last memory from the news was when she woke up in an empty glen a few years ago.

"are ye alricht?" Aine blurted out. She could feel her cheeks grow hotter from embarrassment. Damn it, you stupid girl, what the hell are you doing? Aine scolded herself mentally. The can of worms that this one question could open, she didn't know if she wanted to meet, but it was too late now.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
It was a little hard to make out her words. Travel and experience in working with folks from all manner of places and lifestyles had helped him grow accustomed to listening, finding patterns and making sense of what at first seemed indecipherable. At least enough to get by. And what words failed to communicate, the eyes and the body tended to fill in.

She is scared of you, you know? Look at her, still as a statue.

He huffed, and nodded, with a weak smile on his lips as he opened the bundle and found some bread, laid it down and pushed it toward her. "Right, let me get that meat then, it's the least I can do after startling you," he went on, rummaging through the things that had been neatly put away inside. Each shift of his arm shifted the light which bounced across the bone-white gauntlet, and the pale jewel that was set upon its surface gleamed, like an eye that watched the young woman. It almost seemed happy.

She knows you hide me, Garrod. Belephus giggled.

His search seemed a little more frantic, a little less care went in to how he moved each item and stuff started to fall to the ground. "Ah, there!" He said and pulled out a bundle of food.

She asked if he was alright, and the question froze him up.

Quite far from alright. The demon thought for him.

"I am fine," he said coldly. "Tired from travel, and still on the mend from my last job," he opened the bundle of food without looking at her. Inside the wax cloth was some strips of dried beef, well salted and even seasoned lightly. He rummaged some more in his pack, and produced a small sack, which he let down by the beef and began to undo the twine. It unfurled, and inside were some roasted nuts, which he nudged closer to her. " Here, help yourself," he said softly. "I know what its like to be on the road without food," he smiled, a sad little expression, but the truest one so far.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
The sight of the baked good distracted any other thoughts or any emotions that would hinder her from movement as she lunged forward, gripping the bread in a gloved hand, and began to devour it quickly. The activity in which she did this knocked the hood away, revealing a petite fair skinned young woman with matted long chestnut hair and sun-kissed amber eyes. It was apparent that this woman hadn't bathed in a while as her face had a patchwork of smudged filth covering the surface.

Her clothing and slippers were well-traveled and showed the wear quickly. Once the crust from the bread touched her tongue then disappeared with one swallow down her throat, soon her brains began to work again.

"Ta, ah truly apperciate this," Aine replied, thanking the man after swallowing another piece of bread. She could still feel a low humming that stayed in the back of her mind and vibrated down to her chest, and something was still off about this adventure.

He wasn't telling the truth, and she could feel it and see it like the fighter's reaction to her words. Aine also told herself that it wasn't any of her business and to keep her thoughts to herself before she became beheaded over something that had nothing to do with her.

She scooted herself forward, now looking within the sack, and grabbed a handful of nuts, curling her hand into a fist to cup said nuts and brought the savory treat to her mouth. Aine parted her cracked ruby lips as she dropped the handful in her opened mouth then closed them together, making a crunch sound as she slowly chewed.

Once the contents vanished by a swallow, the satisfaction feeling of quitting the hunger allowed a warmth of strength to reenter her body that helped to make things seen more clearly. A tilt of the head as the knight before her spoke his little lie and how it came out. A nod in agreement to his words was her only response for the few seconds that passed between them. A thought came to mind, and a scream within the back of her mind to not even say it, but it was too late; her mouth opened, and out came.

" Ye are welcome tae rest a bit wi me, gin ye like. Perhaps, start again on the richt foot. A'm awnye." The left had the last bit of bread in it, gesturing to herself with the right gloved hand.
  • Bless
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
To hear her appreciation, muffled as it was by her chewing, did help the one eyed man ease some as he squat there on his haunches. He nodded, and decided it was best to sit down for a moment. "You'll probably want some water," he thought out loud as he idled by. He grabbed his pack and brought it closer, undid the leather bindings that kept his water-skin secured to its side. He grabbed it and offered it to her wordlessly as she went on inhaling the food. Hungry thing, he thought to himself. Though he couldn't blame her. Long and lonely travel was hungry business.

She introduced herself, and he nodded as he re-offered the water. "Garrod," he said plainly. "Thank you for the invitation, Awnye," he added, and he let out a long sigh, and a small smile crept across his lips. "Its been a few days since I came across another person" he added.

Odd creature that he was, he was rather fond of company. The sound of other people stirring about around him. Long bouts of silence, well, those never stayed too quiet.

No, they certainly do not. Belephus hissed.

His expression flinched, as if burned by an unseen flame, quick and only just before he pulled away and recovered his calm. "You traveling somewhere?" he asked. "Not too often you find a young lady out in the wilds sleeping under dead trees," he said as he cast his eye up and examined the withered old ancient.

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She had to hold herself back from lunging for the offered water snatching it up, and devouring its contents. No, this time, she bowed her head once in greeting.

"A pleasure tae meet ye garrod, thank ye for the water." She answered, accepting the water-skin with her right hand and instantly brought it to her lips. It was as if life itself kissed her into being. The cool liquid poured onto her tongue and down her throat. The dry sensation in her throat and mouth disappeared, and soon her headache began to ease. Cracked lips were now brightened and looked a lot better than before. Small streams of water dribbled down the sides of her mouth as she continued to swallow as much as she could before stopping.

Aine's eyes were tightly closed while she replenished herself, which drained the skin halfway. She opened them slowly, still dazed from the wave of relief. The awareness of what she might look like while she drank embarrassed her a little, and so fair cheeks began to redden a little. She brushed the corners of her mouth with the back of her gloved right hand.

" Sorry." Aine started and then watched as he spoke and looked toward the tree she rested, and she to turned her head to look and then shrugged, looking back to address him.

" na offense taken, ay, A'm travelin but tae na particular place." It was a twisted truth; to be honest, she had no idea where to go. She needed to find a way to cure herself, but having no memory of anything hinders this quest. Aine was a piece of driftwood at the moment, at the mercy of the fates and hoping they guided her to the right place.

" A wish tae be honest an say thon A'v niver really guid at havin company, A find myself better at stickin tae oneself, A find it is a guid way tae stay alive." This time Aine didn't force it but showed a charming smile, and a small honeyed chuckle floated out as she offered the water-skin back to Garrod.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
"No place in particular, huh?" he parroted, and brought his eye back down to the young lady who had so hungrily taken the food and the water. She went on, and told him a little more about herself, offered up a smile even, and the sincerity behind her expression and the sweetness of her laugh had him smile in return, if only a little.

He took back the waterskin, felt how much lighter it was and laughed a little to himself upon hearing her words. "Till you run out of good water, I'm sure," he teased some, and lifted up the skin so he could drink some of what was left. He drank carefully, without spilling a drop. And when he was done, he let out a satisfied breath, wiped away his mouth and corked the skin before he placed it between them once more. "Or break a leg far from any easy road, and farther still from a good healer," he shook his head, too many close calls coming to mind, and he made sure not to ask how he was still alive. Never good to count your luck and all.

He fixed her with a look, curious. "A lone drifter then," he said, and nodded. "That's a hard life," he looked her over, some scrutiny there behind his eye. "You don't look like the mercenary type, nor much of a merchant, pardon my saying so," he met her gaze. "How do you get by?" he took some nuts from the small pouch between them, and popped them into his mouth, looking at some small bird that flitted through the shrubbery.

Probably by stealing from rubes like you, oh bearer mine. Belephus poisoned.

Garrod's demeanor shifted some toward the sour. As if he'd eaten a bad cashew.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine leaned back against the dead elm, now those October eyes fully on Garrod. Her feminine lips turned up into a slight grin at the comment about the water running out. The filth on her fair cheeks didn't hide the rosy color of embarrassment.

A slight nod came with the look as he continued about the broken leg and healer. Aine nodded again in agreement about being a drifter and how it was a rough life. It was, but she was used to it now.

Aine shook her head to his question of being a mercenary or merchant.

"Nae. aam neither ay those things, jist a simple adventure." She paused a moment to think of the best way to answer his question.

" Ah guess by a wee luck an' nae upsettin' mammy nature, Fur ane." Aine continued and then added.
" fowk tend tae forgit 'at helpful fact." The expression on the beauty before him was an adorable warmth as she spoke with a thick accent. The only times Aine was so desperate for shelter was during mammy nature's hissy fits, which usually consisted of natural disasters. She'd, of course, steal something small to get caught and stay the night in whatever holding place was available. Aine also pretended to be drunk once, and that worked too.

All in all, she was a good person, or at least she thought she was.
The sourness about him did not seem to last long in her company. There was an ease about her, a pleasantness that cut through the grime about her.

"Aye, usually pays to respect the wilds," he said with a quick nod. He was a hunter of monsters, yes, a soul who earned their living slaying beasts that had run afoul of mortal plans, and more oft than not, he had been hired to kill creatures that did little more than annoy the wrong baron. Cost them one too many carts.

All to grow fatter, and happier, ey Garrod? his demon teased.

"And luck never hurts," he added, ignoring the voice that seeped through his mind. He grabbed another handful of nuts and popped them into his mouth. "So, it would stand to reason that luck or mother nature had me stumble across you and this here tree," he said, with a jerk of the head toward the dead tree. "I can use some help for a job or two, if you are interested, adventurer," he smiled warmly. "I've run a few too many solo and..." he laughed, tired and to himself. "It starts to wear on ya," he nodded, and clapped his hands gently before standing up, leaving her with the nuts and the water. "The next town isn't too far out, I should be able to reach it by nightfall, " he hefted up his pack and tightened the strap on his sword his eye up to the road that stretched ahead. "Survival is a talent, to be sure," he looked down at her. "If you have others that would help earn some coin, I'd welcome them, and see you rewarded in turn."

He wasn't sure why he invited her. Maybe he just wanted to help a fellow wanderer find their way. Maybe he saw himself in the girl. Seemingly lost and alone in a world that could so easily turn cruel.

A smirk cut across his lips as he remembered his own past. "What say you?" he asked, and there was welcome there in his voice.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine listened quietly to each of his words, trying to figure out Garrod, though something was burdening him, and she felt a zing of magic somewhere, and she couldn't make it out. She glanced toward the tree as he gestured toward it. True, their fates did have their paths cross, and the fortunes never did things just because there were motives behind their actions.

As Garrod offered her a job, she toyed with the idea of her helping him; it was so tempting, but what of her curse. As long as she kept to herself and fully clothed, no harm could come. She glanced down at herself and then back to him.

She could use some money for a bath, food, and somewhere to sleep. The brightness of those gold eyes drifted back toward Garrod as he stood up. Aine followed suit as she slowly stood picking up the items left on the ground, and she nodded her head once in agreement.

"Ah, accept." She replied, after all, what's the worst thing that could happen. A little imp whispered in her ear. You curse everyone, and you die by pitchfork. She glared internally at the demon and shook her head as she looked back toward Garrod.

"Thenk ye." Aine replied with her thick sweet voice.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
A reply, and Garrod nodded. Some part of him pleased that he would be able to do some good, if even in a small act. "You are welcome," he added, and thumbed at his nose before he set his eye on the road ahead. "Though we'll see how happy you are come the work," there was a bit of impishness in his voice, even if he knew he wouldn't put her directly in harms way. He began to walk. "You know your numbers? How about your letters?" he asked, already some steps along the road.

Oh you fool, think she is but a little lost mouse, in need of a fellow rat, do you? Belephus mused in his mind. The pale jewel gleaming in the light of day, the bone white material that held it in place iridescent, a ray of blues and greens, if only in a moment, like beetle shells and crow feathers, only across the pale and deathly metal that formed it. But, go on, play your part as this pretend hero, let us see how far it takes you.

Garrod ignored the voice.

The village of Erenhold was some hours away, a small, but bustling place, fixed upon a good trade road that lead to larger settlements, even the big city.

"Two silver a night, per person," said the gaunt looking inkeep, his broom bristle mustache shaking some through his words.

"Two silver?" Garrod said, and pointed at a sign that read, one silver a night. "What's that then?"

The inn keep turned his head sleepy eyed. Blinked, slow like. "Ah," he returned his gaze upon the mercenary and the dirty young woman beside him. "You can read," he sounded deeply disappointed. He turned up his nose, and took out a ledger. "Two silver for the both of you then, the room comes with a bath, two beds, and a cot,"

Garrod smirked. "How much for food?"

The gaunt inn keep's eyes slid up to regard the man as the candle light flickered across his face. "A silver for two tickets."

Garrod reached into his coin-purse, and plucked three coins. "A little on the pricey side,"

"We have a fine mutton stew, rather famous for it actually,"
he added with a nod.

Garrod slapped the coins on the table and the inn-keep exchanged them for an old iron key and some wooden meal tickets. "Thank ya," he said as he picked them up, and moved off toward the room. "Bath sounds nice, doesn't it?" He asked, Awnye. "Been a while since I had one but uh, I can wait till morning if you'd like to take the night's hot water."

The room was sparsely appointed, two beds, a small cot that acted as a place to sit, and a large window with foggy glass. Garrod moved about the space like a man accustomed to such roadside lodgings, cramming his pack in a corner between the nearest bed and the door, and carefully laying his sword against the wall. Armor plate and gambeson came off, and and the pale gauntlet was last to come off. He kept a knife at his belt, along with a side-sword.

The airy creme colored chemise clung to him, and he spoke with an air of relief. "Gods, It's good to be in a real place," he turned to regard Awnye, with an easy smile. "Dry room, bed to sleep on, hells," he lifted the pair of meal plaques, and placed one on a small table in the middle of the room. " And a real meal," he made for the door, lighter and quicker in his stride. "I'm going to go see if I can't find a bounty board, maybe some merchants in need of some muscle, meet me in the meal hall when you're ready," before he reached the door he came to a sudden stop. "Ah, almost forgot," he doubled back and picked up a small leather pack, rolled up. "I'll need these," he slung it over his shoulder and made for the door again.

The door creaked open, and shut with a clack, and Garrod was out from the room.

Belephus lay by the armor, draped over Garrod's travel pack. The bone white relic almost looked alive, and its opal jewel gleamed with an awareness most foul.

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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
It was impressive how Aine could keep up stride with Garrod, especially from someone who looked as fragile as a porcelain figurine. When he jested about the work, she honestly didn't have a real problem with work. How else did she survive so long on her own? Ah, and then the question of education, that was a good one, technically yes, for some reason, she could read and write, but any memory of how this happened was but a fog.

"Och aye, tae baith." She answered, continuing to keep up, but she did keep a slight distance from him as they walked, enough to stay in earshot but not enough to have any contact.

A sudden flash of a painful vibration flooded her head, making her stumble as they walked, but she caught herself and acted as if she had tripped over a rock. She'd glance over toward Garrod's items and wonder what was giving her such a headache.

Soon as time oozed on, the Village had now distracted her from investigating further. Aine would quickly flip up her hooded robe to hide her appearance from prying eyes. It was easy to tell that Aine was uncomfortable around a crowd of strangers. She remained quiet, thinking it best to let Garrod handle people as she didn't much care for it.

A smirk wiggled her lips at the Inn Keep's embarrassment and surprise. A roll of the eyes as she glanced back to Garrod, then it dawned on her that she would be sharing lodgings with him. Oh, Shite! It could be worse, but she'd have to be doubly careful. Aine never showed any emotion of fear and kept her composure as Garrod handled everything, including food.

She'd nod her head in response to his question about the bath and again to his second question.

"Och aye, it has bin a while, which mah deep apologies fur mah reek." Aine paused, then added.

"Ah thenk ye an' accept takin' th' hot bath tonecht, efter aw Ah dornt want tae offend th' Scran." Scran being food. Aine attempted a small laugh, which was adorable but one could tell forced.

She'd follow behind him, entering the chamber, moving toward the other empty cot by the window. She turned to see him begin to get comfortable. She felt odd watching this as if disrespecting his privacy, so Aine turned back to the window, acting like she was inspecting it.

"Och aye, 'at soonds guid, aye i'll meit ye doon efter Ah gie cleaned up." She replied, clearing her throat. She turned, thinking he had left, but he had forgotten a leather bag. Aine nodded her head, diverting her eyes, and waited to tell he indeed left the chamber.

She let out a long sigh of relief and looked around the chamber thoroughly, noting everything. The aroma that her form was giving was starting to assault her nose. Aine jumped at a knock on the door, and a small feminine voice called out.

"I have some clean towels. May I come in?" Aine relaxed, seeing as it was just one of the servants that worked in the inn.

"Aye." She called back. A small but plump young peasant girl moved, opened the door, and stepped inside with, as she said, clean towels and something else, a small basket of soap. Aine almost melted with joy at the sight of such items.

Aine convinced the servant girl to wash her clothes and find her something clean to wear in the meantime. She did have to use all her coin to do this achievement, but it was needed if she was going to fill her belly. A simple long-sleeve pretty blue linen dress with a squared neckline was all the girl could find, and brown slippers. They have abandoned items from past guests. The girl insisted that she keep the clothing and left Aine to handle the bath on her taking said dirty things, including gloves, off to be scrubbed and not burned. Aine sighed significantly at how the hot water felt on her cold body; though the clear water had now turned to a murky brown, Aine didn't care. She began to scrub herself from head to toe, getting every inch of her clean.

A good decent amount of time had passed before Aine would make her way to the meal hall doorway. The dirty wretch was a shiny sapphire in all that muck. She had a shapely figure which was supple but delicate, a fair complexion, and a pair of arched eyebrows that looked down on velvety eyelashes. Her soft ears framed a dainty nose. It was an enticing sight to see her flowing silken river of chestnut waves and curls called hair. Her enticing, bright whiskey eyes glowed from the light of the inn and those plump, full lips. Her everyday clothes didn't hinder or enhance her beauty but remained the same.

Aine cupped her bare hands, trying to shield them as she searched for Garrod, avoiding any glances her way.
  • Aww
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Bodies hustled and bustled all about the dinning room, and long tables with wooden stools at each side were organized in rows that made it easy for folks and servers to move about. It was a warm sort of commotion, the like that came from places well guarded and of good repute.

Garrod was tucked away in a corner, leather pack unrolled, in it, some ink vials, a few old dog-eared notebooks, and a fine wooden case. A keen eye would note that he kept them close to him, as he hunched over the table and scribbled at one of the notebooks with a black feather quill pen.

"You write, as well as kill monsters?" a finely dressed man who sat beside him asked, eyes wide yet half narrowed in that way that only the rich and wealthy seemed to pull off with so little effort.

"Found it came in handy," Garrod replied with a quirk of the lip. "So, ten silvers per day, with a meals and board provided?"

The finely dressed man cleared his throat, and adjusted his bright red collar. "Yes, we have a rather large shipment, and have heard the road has been best by brigands as of late, something to do about a war in the east,"

Garrod chuckled sardonically. "Always some war somewhere,"

"Well, I for one can't complain," The rich man smiled wide and greasy as he whirled his glass of wine. "With war comes greater demand, and with more demand comes higher prices,"

Garrod nodded, as his eye slid to find the man. "Ah, how right you are," Garrod cooed. "Suddenly, I feel my services are worth fifteen silver per day," his eye caught Awnye. " With five extra for my assistant."

The rich man recoiled, as if he'd been slapped, and his drink stopped its easy swirl with a splash against the glass. "Excuse me?"

Garrod waved at Awnye, and then looked at the rich man. "All those supplies you are carrying," he grinned, like a hungry wolf. "Would be a shame if some brigands caught wind of the caravan's route,"

"I should have you thrown in the jail, you filthy-"

"Awnye!" Garrod said excitedly, and smiled at her. "My, you clean up well, don't you."

The rich man huffed, and turned to face Awnye, his ire suddenly cooler. "Oh," he said, "why, hello young lady," he bowed his head to her.

"Lenault and I were just talking business, trying to agree upon a proper price to run guard for his caravan,"

Lenault rose from his chair, and nodded to Awnye, stepping closer to her. "Yes, indeed we were, I blieve you had mentioned twenty silver a day, was that right?" he said. "I'll give you fifty a night if you let this one ride in my carriage," he chuckled and took Awnye's hand in his own. Rich man that he was, he was not accustomed to asking peasants for much.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Once she finally spotted Garrod, relief crossed her features, and she quickly moved toward him, gracefully twisting and twirling about through the crowd without being touched by a single soul. Aine did this while keeping her hands high above her head.

Once she got to the table, to her horror, she hadn't noticed that he had company; a rosy color began to form over those ivory cheeks as Garrod complimented her. She went to open her mouth to protest when those golden orbs that matched the color of when honey would slowly drip out of the container, smooth and slow, yet so captivating, rested on the stranger, who reached out and grabbed her hand.

Aine's eyes widened from being torn between panic and fear, but then a feeling of pins and needles started to form from the base of her spine, then worked its way up in a straight line toward her shoulders, then branched out to all of her body.

"Ah, Ah dornt hink 'at woods be a guid idea." Aine managed to spill out as she pulled her bare hand out of the strangers.

As the last word idea drifts into the air, Lenault's nose swells like a plump blueberry, the fruit but not the color. It continued to grow until the size was something as big as an ogre's fist. Lenault, unfortunately, is the victim of Aine's curse. Yes, his nose was huge, but he could smell everything, from the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen to the foul odor of someone who had stepped in horse manure and anything in between.

SHITE! What do I do? Think quickly, Aine. Aine thought The best way to get out of this, playing dumb, would be the best option.

"Whit happened tae yer beak? m'lord did ye gie stung by a bee?" Stepping back a step, with shock written all over her expression. Yes, Aine felt guilty and a little at ease, only because now she couldn't curse anyone the rest of the night. This aspect made things a little easier to keep up the whole act.

Aine darted her eyes toward Garrod for answers, continuing the masquerade and playing the confused maiden.
  • Haha
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
"Wha...what," the merchant asked, voice muffled and distorted by the sudden swelling of his honker. "Whatever do you mean?" his eyes went crossed as he looked at silhouette of his inflated proboscis. "Why?! How?!" he seemed to honk.

Garrod stared wide eyed at the scene. Had it... had it really played out the way that it had seemed? The man touched her hands and then suddenly. Woahm. Huge nose. He blinked his lone eye and looked to Awnye, mouthed a silent, what?

"My nose! My beautiful nose, I... who..." Lenault's eyes scanned about wide with a panic that would have you think he feared death itself. "Someone, please, anyone!" he began to shout, up on his feet and wild eyed. People stopped what they were doing and started looking at the crazed merchant with the enormous nose. "A bee! a most foul bee has stung my beautiful nose and I!" all of this of course was said in a squeezed and suffocated voice, all throat and sinus.

Garrod stood and placed a hand on the merchant's shoulder. "Good Lenault," the monster hunter tried to calm him with reasurring hold. "I have a sav for just such stings, please, have a seat, I will go and fetch it for you,"

Heavy breathing starting to slow, Lenault nodded, noticing the scared look people were giving him. "Yes," he honked. "Very well, I... i aplogize for losing my head," he added and sat down at the table.

Garrod fished through the pouches still on his belt, and produced a small glass jar, carefully, he uncorked it. There was a fishy smell to the gel like substance inside. "Here, garr-hound oils, congealed with bone powder," he pushed the substance toward the merchant, and sat down across from him, looked to Awnye and motioned for her to sit beside him. "Rub it on your nose and it should reduce the swelling in some time."

Hurridly, Lenault grabbed up the glass jar and dipped his fingers into the substance, and smeared it across his swollen red nose.

"Now, as for the payment we were discussing," Garrod said coolly, and stabbed at a piece of roasted carrot still on his plate, looked at the roast and caramelization across it.

"Twenty silver per day, was that it?" Lenault said, nose thick with oily paste.

  • Haha
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine did cringe inside at how she had to lie, but it was more out of survival; Aine found herself often forced to leave villages, towns, and even small cities because of her curse. At least this curse wasn't too evil, he would get his perfectly horrible nose back in the morning, and one would never know.

This curse was quickly covered up, but say, a woman who suddenly turned into a toad was a whole different matter. Aine continued to play the part as her eyes darted toward Garrod, who mouthed What?. She shrugged her shoulders with a broad eyed confused expression.

As the man shouted and had all eyes on them, she shrunk a little more inside, and so did her posture as it was apparent she didn't like being a part of any attention. It was a horrible feeling, so Aine began to cup her hands together, gently squeezing her fingernails into the palm, almost breaking the skin if Garrod hadn't suggested his sav and calm the man.

Aine's eyes darted down to the floor for the moment, but when she looked back up, Garrod was telling Aine to sit beside him, which she did, gracefully and remained quiet, keeping her hands to herself. Yes, the ability should be gone for the moment, but that doesn't mean it was, and it was better safe than sorry.

Once more, her golden hue moved toward the disgusting pig and his plump snout as Garrod addressed him. So, this is how Garrod received coins for his services, it was exciting, and perhaps she could learn a little for when she needed currency herself. Which, let's face it, was all the time.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Aine looked nervous, a bit scared even. But Garrod made no hint at noticing, just looked lazily at the merchant, Lenault.

"Aye, that sounds about right," no need to push further, he thought, they were already skating on thin ice with whatever... the nose thing was. "And lodgings and meals provided, if you would," he stabbed his fork into another roasted vegetable and popped it into his mouth.

Lenault squinted behind his big red tomato of a swollen shnoze. "Right, yes, lodging and meals,"

"For me, and my associate,"

"Associate? You said she was your assistant,"

"I misspoke,"
Garrod said coolly as he went on picking at the morsels of food on his plate.

Lenault was none too pleased, but he nodded in agreement. "Very well, I shall make the necesarry accommodations."

Garrod nodded, pleased, took out a fresh piece of parchment and began to scribble across the piece of folio, quick and smooth letters that turned to words, phrases and finally a contract that listed the terms they had discussed. "Very good," he said with a smile, and left the paper between them so the ink could dry.

Lenault looked down from behind his swollen honker, eyes wide as they scanned each line written before him.

"They are the same terms we have just agreed upon, are they not?" The sometimes mercenary asked, and offered the man his pen.

"It... would certainly seem so," he took the pen, stared at the contract for a long moment, and scratched his own name across the bottom. He turned the paper back, and pushed it across the table, along with the pen.

Garrod pushed the parchment to Aine, and offered her the pen in turn. "If you find the terms agreeable," he said with a small smile, and nodded down at the pen and paper.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine stared down at her plate of food and drank that the waitress so kindly had brought her. She'd pick up a u-shaped utensil and begin to stab at a small potato, ignoring the conversation between the cursed fellow and Garrod. Once Aine was victorious at penetrating her veg, she'd started to nibble on it. A single brow arched as Garrod spoke of the mistake in calling her assistant to associate.

Suddenly, he was placing a parchment and pen before her. What? Did she even remember how to write? Aine swallowed the evidence while putting her utensil on the table's surface and took the offered pen in hand. She carefully made sure not to touch Garrod's hand in case her curse was still thriving but at the same time tried not to be so obvious about it. Looking down at the writing, she could read that she remembered, but writing, she hadn't ever actually tried and was far more scared to, in case it might give her away.

It was probably best not to push it and try another time to write, so she nodded and signed an x where her name should have been. A blush on her cheeks would seal the deal that she was embarrassed by such a sign, but it was for another reason, and she alone would know that.

She handed it back to Garrod with a nod of satisfaction and looked back to her food, attacking the army of veg and meat on the battlefield called a plate. The way Aine held herself while quenching her hunger was oozing some sort of nobility, at least in her manners. But what was strange was that she'd switch to someone so introverted, and she did sign her name with an X. A great mystery surrounded Garrod's new partner. Aine hadn't noticed this and continued her mannerisms as she ate, trying not to stare at Lenault.

She remained subdued for now.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Garrod took the paper careful as he grabbed it up. Looked at the signature with some interest, then nodded and showed it once more to the merchant with the engorged nose. "It is settled then, we will accompany you to the town of Westfallow," Garrod nodded, solemn before he began to neatly fold the piece of paper and tuck it into his scribe's kit.

"What, what are you doing? That should stay with me, should it not?" Lenault protested, body rising and leaning toward the parchment as if it were a piece of meat, and he a hungry dog, one hand reaching out, almost snatching at the paper.

"You have agreed upon the terms," Garrod said coolly, "I trust that you will remember them, as you are the one in charge of pay and expenses. In case you forget, I've learned it best that I do the keeping of the records,"

Lenault's brow furrowed, funny behind the red horrid and ugly red of his nose as he eased back into his seat. "And what is to keep you from changing the rate of pay?" he all but honked.

Garrod smirked. "You, of course. Should you feel cheated, I am sure that there would be little I can do to keep you from hiring others to collect what you feel owed," he stashed it away for good, and Lenault nodded.

"I suppose that is the right of it," he cleared his throat, stood up, and turned away, haughty and with pomp. He strolled around their table, huge nose jiggling oddly with each step. Still, it did not stop him from stopping beside Aine once more, taking her hand, and banding low to plant a kiss atop her fair skin. His fat greese covered nose pressed against the back of her hand as his wormy lips smooched a wet smooch there upon. "You have my sincerest apologies, fair miss," he wheezed. "I was most uncouth before, but your beauty," he kissed the back of her hand again, and held it so firmly that it would not let her go. "Is so exquisite, I simply forgot myself."
  • Nervous
Reactions: Aineflynn
Aine continued to prob the last piece of meat in her bowl, pushing it here and there around with her utensil. She didn't look up as the two spoke back and forth; Aine didn't feel she was safe not to make a face that would give herself away when looking at Lenault.

Suddenly, her hand jerked away, turning toward Lenault, who was now kissing the back of the said hand. The whole sight and feeling made her spine shiver in a disgusted manner. Don't give yourself away, don't vomit, don't vomit.

At first, there was no sign of another curse, that was a relief, and now the troll wouldn't let her hand go. She tilted her head to the side.

".Ah forgife ye, ye arenae th' first tae be a victeem tae mah charm,ain tae hink ye huvnae e'en seen whit hangs atween mah legs." Aine replied, batting lashes, hoping this would make Lenault let go of her hand and possibly get him to leave.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Lenault seemed a tad surprised by her response, as if splashed with cold water. But the wide eyed pursed lips look gave away to a greasy smile and a narrowed gaze. "My, aren't you just full of surprises, my dear," he gave her another kiss, further up the hand, and onto the back of her wrist. "I promise, I won't tell anyone if you won't," a third kiss, and a fit of giggling. "Of course, my indulgent proclivities are no point of shame for me, my dear, I am, after all, a self made man," he readied himself for a fourth kiss, even further up her arm, when Garrod cleared his throat, only just finishing putting his writing kit away.

"Merchant Lenault," he began, and the merchant froze up at the sound of Garrod's voice, his eyes squeezed with the weight of irritation.

"What is it," he sneered, voice tight as a wire pulled taught.

"Preparing for a trip takes planning," he cut back, cold as a knife in winter. "As flattered as my associate surely is by your... indulgence, I am sure you would want your security detail to be well in order for the trip, yes?"

If looks could kill, then Garrod would like have lost his head then, with how sharply the merchant lord stared at him. "Yes," he trailed off, and let his hand slip from Aine's, rising with a huff. "Well my dear," he said, suddenly sweeter, head turned, bulbus nose pointed toward the young woman. "If you have any desire you need fulfilled, please, waste no time in knocking at my door," his brows did a little suggestive dance. "For now," he said with a dismissive flick of the wrist. "I shall away," and he strut off. His gold laced cape glittering along its edges.

"Well, that was something," Garrod said with a wry little smirk. "Still have an appetite?" he asked her, his eye looking her over.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Aineflynn
The only way one could describe the look on Aine's face was a mix of sheer disgust with panic. Her plan had very much backfired in the worst sense. As the toad slurped his way further up her skin, the bile within her belly began to rise to leave a painful lump in her throat.

The red flag waved, and bells were ringing; stranger danger was extreme with this one; with all the strength to keep her supper down and share it with others of the establishment, lips began to part to speak.

In the nick of time, the hero spoke up thankfully, striking down such vile advances with a distraction of perfect words, allowing Aine to quickly remove her hand and scoot a tad closer to Garrod. She diverted her head down to look at her lap and hand, inspecting her flesh for damages and wondering if one could survive without skin.

As Mr. Toad continued to make advances, Aine ignored him and was relieved when the lord left.

"Nae," she replied by turning her head in his direction.
  • Bless
Reactions: Garrod Arlette