Fable - Ask Gallivanting

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
The Ixchel Wilds

Dawn had arrived, her entrance marked by the song of unseen birds nestled in the treetops and the vague threat of sunlight that would never truly pierce through the thick canopy. There was nothing strange or unusual about it with the cycle of day and night deciding to keep a very sensible schedule. Familiarity was good, familiarity was safe, even if the Wilds were known as anything but 'good' and 'safe' and keeping in line with familiar scenes...

...Bruk was lost.

Well, technically if you asked Bruk he would have told you (LOUDLY) that he was exactly where he was meant to be, his meaty footfalls guided by the very hand of nature herself. This, of course, was just a very fancy way of saying that one was misplaced. He wandered in whichever direction his heart suggested, leaving a trail of broken bodies and decimated villages in his wake. Being the official 'Guardian ov da Forest' was a very important role, after all, and the Orc was now a large contributing factor in the sudden spike in unemployment amongst fletchers.

Save a tree, kill a villager.

Speaking of trees, Bruk was currently inhabiting one. It was definitely a sight not meant for the eyes of a common rabble. An Orc in a tree? What next? A vegetarian Nordenfiir? A tolerable Elf?

Ah, but the promise of food was the greatest promise of all, and in the tall reaches of the dew-soaked branches sat plump (and presumably juicy) berries. They were the siren’s call to the bottomless pit that was otherwise known as Bruk’s stomach and so with all the graceful finesse that he could muster he had climbed the tree. It could have been construed as an act of hypocrisy to declare oneself as the Guardian of Nature while simultaneously molesting a tree with great bark-shredding hands and feet that broke branches not capable of supporting a large, green idiot but mercifully, hypocrisy was a notion that flew far above Bruk’s dented head.

He could accost as many trees as he wanted because nature gives to those who give back and the Orc’s tribute came in scores of crimson.

Coincidentally, the very berries that he had painstakingly climbed for were also crimson. Upon closer inspection, Bruk’s piggy little eyes discerned that they were oblong in shape and approximately the size of the tip of his thumb. A mental note was made of this by the Orc as he popped one into his gaping maw and chewed.

It tasted like...horse?

“DESE IZ HORSE BERRIES!” Bruk declared triumphantly before he began to shove fistfuls of the discovery into his greedy face, with little care for the side-effects of eating strange fruits.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Mavka
The wilds. Her wilds. Was an orchestra today, playing one enchanting symphony after another. Leaves fluttered to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind in which the branches swayed in perfect synchronicity. In there, sheltered by the mighty trees, was every kind of life, from the humble beetle to enchanting birds of every colour. Of course it was all for Her delight and amusement, and the vivacious druid splayed her fingers toward the canopy to feel the shafts of cascading light that illuminated the greens into virescent riots. Yup, everything was no less than perfect today, and Mavka gleefully twirled amongst the wildflowers, her face cast skyward and giggling madly as she searched for the birds that sang to her so sweetly.

That was when the breeze shifted, and her floppy ears twitched as the trees spoke to her. That and the assault of distant exclamation about horse berries? She spun upon her dainty took off without further hesitation to find the disturbance and give whatever it was a piece of her severely fragmented mind.

So many thoughts rushed to the forefront of her mind all at once and tumbled from mouth in an unfathomable blurt of horror as she witness the great oaf shredding the bark from one of HER trees!

"WAOARRADOIN?!" She gripped at her wooden horns in disbelief at what she was seeing, letting out another irritable squawk as her tiny foot stomped on the ground and her balled fists settled on her hips. The mossy hues of her eyes burned away and she glared up at the creature with smouldering twin orbs. The tiny woman stood as though she had an army behind her. And she did. She stood with her tribe of wood and leaves, those who who bowed to her will and she to theirs, the giants and ancient souls with whom she was one. Where most might flee from a creature such as he, Mavka knew he was no match for her.

With a wrinkle of her nose, the tree he was in shuddered as the ground cracked underneath it, the tendril of a root was wrenched from the dirt and whipped through the air to lash at the orc's backside in reprimand.

"You get out of My tree! Greenie! Lookit whatcha do!" she pointed at the torn crust of the trunk and growled in fury. "Do ya got brains in dat meaty head, hah? HAH?!"
  • Stressed
Reactions: Bruk
It was difficult for Bruk not to get caught up in the joy of 'discovering' (and subsequently devouring) a new species of berry. Others might have perhaps held a sense of caution in regards to the eating of strange fruits, but no, not him, he had a cast-iron stomach and the constitution of a long-lived Orcish maiden.

It wasn't until the ground started hurling annoyed squeals at him that Bruk actually stopped, his craggy forehead creasing in mystified concern.

And then the tree whipped his bottom.

Fortunately, Bruk had an arse like an old heifer; his green exterior much like a leathery pin-cushion that could store a hail of arrows as if he believed in acupuncture. Ah, better a tree-lashed welt than a blade one could reason.

The angry voice of the forest floor continued its tirade until Bruk actually looked down to see a strange creature hurling abuse and making claims to trees instead. Which, really, made a lot more sense when properly considered. Although, he was rather uncomfortable with the notion that he himself had done harm to nature. Wasn't he allowed? Was it not the perk of being the Guardian of Nature that you could reap the rewards that were offered?

“WAT YOU MEAN?” Bruk finally replied, a form of wounded puppy dog-ese inflecting his shouty tones, “BRUK NOT MEAN TO HURT TREE! BRUK FOUGHT IT WAS OKAY!”

Then again, the tree had hit him. Maybe it wasn't okay? Oh no.

“OOOOOOOOO!” the Orc caterwauled, still remaining precariously lodged in the tree as he started to feel an overwhelming sense of hypocritical guilt in his tusks. Was he as bad as the humans he smashed in nature's name?

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Mavka
It wasn't at all the reaction she had been expecting. Mavka had been on full on attack mode, her face drawn into a riktus of rage that caused the cords of tendons on her neck to stand out, but it all seemed to slowly melt into an expression of confusion and curiosity.

He was a 'greenie'. Greenies weren't generally kind to her forests, they chopped and hacked and burned and dug. They certainly didn't ever give any fucks about hurting her trees. The swirling flames in her eyes were doused and returned to their usual mossy shade before narrowing on the creature in scrutiny in the uncertainty of whether he was being genuine or not. Her nostrils flared with a huff and she pointed at the ground urgently.

"Well first yah can git down, dumb dumb." she stamped a foot. "An' yah can shhhh with dat waaaailin like dat, hah? We gots ears yah know." she frowned and pointed at her floppy ears which wagged irritably.

"An' den yah can say yah sorry." she demanded, fists back on her hips as she waited.
  • Bless
Reactions: Skad
While the furious little ground creature’s temper seemed to cool somewhat she was hardly what could be considered pleasant.

Looking down from his position at the top of her head, Bruk’s expression took a turn for the forlorn (who knew that tusks could be sad). However accustomed the Orc may have been to getting called ‘a dumb dumb’ and varieties thereof it didn’t make him any more resistant to such hurtful words. In fewer words: leather arse, paper heart.

Then she shushed him, which gave cause for a small and tragic grunt to leave his snout. He couldn’t help that he was so loud, nobody had shown him how to be quieter…

In keeping with the rude being’s demands, Bruk attempted to get down from the tree without damaging it any further, which as it turned out was a very difficult process. When a large awkward ham hand lead to another branch snapping and breaking the Orc froze in place like a dog caught in the middle of taking a devious shit.

There was no other way to do it.

Without a second thought, Bruk abandoned the notion of climbing down normally and leapt out of the abused tree. It was a rather tall tree, he realised when he had enough time to think about it as he fell before landing on his face with a ground-shaking thud.

“DAT BETTA?” Bruk eventually asked in earnest while still face down, his loud voice muffled on account of the forest floor that was now in his mouth.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mavka
Mavka let out a high pitched shriek at the sound of snapping branch, and she threw her arms into the air and gripped hold of her horns for her own mental stability. "Be CAREFUL. Yah be HURTIN' IT!" she whined loudly and her hands slipped onto her face and she pressed her palms into her eyes, hiding them from such a horrendous display.

The ground trembled so hard when the Orc crashed into it that Mavka staggered and let out a meep of a sound and she uncovered her eyes to let them blink wildly at the grounded creature. She winced and covered her mouth, hiding a quiet 'oooooh' behind her fingertips.

Hesitantly, she wandered a little closer to the oafish thing and stood over him, her head tilting curiously. "Yah, betta." she agreed begrudgingly.. "Are yah broken?" she asked, lifting her foot to prod at his fleshy side. She frowned at the debris of tree bark that peppered the ground around him and she looked up at Her tree and huffed, rubbing at her forehead and muttering some choice words under her breath.

"Git up den, Greenie, an' yah can pay for what hurt yah did." her arms folded and her toe tapped at the leafy floor as she waited impatiently.
  • Bless
Reactions: Bruk
BRUK NOT BROKEN, BRUK STRONG” he responded, his shout still muffled by a mouthful of grass, leaves and dirt as he continued to lay the way he had landed until she told him otherwise.

Gingerly the Orc returned rose to his face, the sheepish expression upon his face stained by the red juice of the berries, making him appear like the most oafish vampire that ever graced their wide and wonderful realm. Attempting to emulate a more civilised society, Bruk gave the creature an awkward bow before turning to the molested tree.

“BRUK NOT KNOW GOTTA PAY!” he shouted quietly (somehow breaking the laws of physical possibility) as he tip-toed towards the victim of his ham-handedness.

Monstrous green hands searched every nook and cranny of his battle-worn attire, rooting through various leather straps and the weathered cloth that covered his modesty barring the section of his arse cheek that was now on display to both entice and horrify those who looked.

After a brief search, there was a eureka moment as Bruk pulled an unspecified chunk of old cooked meat (horse? No, too fatty, maybe human) from out of his loincloth and delicately placed it at the foot of the tree, where the ground had recently been disturbed by whipping roots.


He looked over his gargantuan shoulder, his little piggy eyes staring at the disgruntled goat lady for some form of approval.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mavka
There weren't many civilised creatures -well, creatures with the capability of speech, that amused Mavka. She generally disliked everyone, because everyone in one way or another, mistreated Her forests. Even the elves, those tree-hugging, pretentious, uppity old cretins - they'd have everyone believe them worshipers of the natural world but even they bent it to their will, they cut down forests, they built their houses and weapons with it, they were even worse than the humans. At least the humans didn't pretend.

But this one -a greenie, no less - amused her. Not that she'd tell her face that right now. He seemed to lack the capability of communicating without exclamation, whether he lowered the tone of it or not, but despite his ability to speak, he seemed about as simple a creature as an animal. A very large, very ugly animal.

Mavka maintained her expression, a blend of confusion and irritation as she watched this absolute disaster of a creature dishevel himself even further as his sausage fingers picked through his attire in search of something. The druid's nose wrinkled at the hunk of meat he tossed at the root of the tree and her eyes rolled with a huff as he looked back at her expectantly.

Blood was what the tree needed, and she'd intended on making him pay that toll until he apologised and gave up sustenance to appease her fury and the injured tree's feelings. It was then she'd let her green lips curl upward and she gave a quick shrug and nodded to him, her floppy ears fluttering.

"Alrigh'.. Dem tree forgive yah, Greenie." she murmured and shook her head, feeling the need to mollify the big oaf. Her shoulders rose and fell in a sigh and she lifted her hand to slip a long spike of sharpened bone from her hair, and she gave a viper-quick stab at her palm, and held up the ruby bead that bloomed from the pierced skin.

"Watch an' see, hah?.." Mavka grinned smugly at him and stepped up to the tree, her petite hand lifting to press 'payment' to the wounded bark. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, and as they opened the olive hues were once again replaced by the swirling glow akin to molten rock. It wouldn't take long for the damaged flesh to regrow, but she was feeling a little pompous and so was simply of a mind to show off. The berries he'd scoffed were replaced in abundance, the browning leaves that were giving way to the autumn regrew and revived to their verdant lustre until the tree stood plush, proud and bounteous.

A few blinks washed the smouldering embers from her eyes and she fixed her mossy gaze on the Orc with a conceited smirk as she withdrew her hand and returned it to her hip which popped with a flare of attitude. "Whatcha thinka that, hah?" she quirked a brow, fully expecting the creature to have his green tits utterly blown off.
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  • Spooky Gasp
Reactions: Bruk
Upon being granted forgiveness Bruk had to do his very level best to suppress the urge to give a blood-curdling victory roar and so what actually came out of his massive maw was more akin to the growl of a horny bear (which conjured far too much imagery for the Nordenfiir to get their rocks off to).

His puppy-dog stare followed the strange goat lady as she pricked her own flesh and approached the tree. Was this proper procedure in forest penance? Eagerly he continued to watch, observing how she...she...


...utterly blew his tits off.

Bruk's grizzled face sagged open in awe upon witnessing the healing of the tree, his tiny eyes sparkling as too many thought to process whizzed around behind them. It once more flourished and bloomed as if the Orc had never touched it at all! Bark and branches regrew from his recklessness and the berries, well now there were more berries than ever before (his stomach was particularly excited by that development)! He'd never seen such vibrancy in his entire life!


Suffice to say that he had forgotten about his inside voice by this point.

Very suddenly, and very awkwardly Bruk took a knee before her, emulating the dramatic love-laden tales of knights and princesses and looked up to her as if she was a market stall that said the immortal words of 'All You Can Eat'.

His wandering feet had finally carried him to her!

She was Nature herself!

“MY LADEE! IT ME! BRUK! GUARDIAN OV NATURE! GUARDIAN OV YOU!” Bruk finally exclaimed using actual words instead of very loud vowel sounds, his excitement so palpable that his great green ham hands actually trembled.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Mavka
Mavka's smugness was wiped from her face with the Orc's rambunctious blaring. Her eyes squeezed shut and her hands shot to grab her ears with a hiss.. "Gah for dem heaven's SAKE Greenie - I said stop with dat waili-- Hah?.." Mavka blinked and looked down at him, well, directly at him now that he was much more on her level..

Guardian of Her?..

A worshipper? A greenie!? Mavka's fingertips tapped at her chin as she looked at him as though considering whether she wanted to adopt the giant green pup. He was right, of course, She was nature herself, She was a goddess to be worshipped. Perhaps a bit of muscle wouldn't be a bad thing. Her lips curled and she folded her arms across her chest and lifted her chin a little too high as she let out an exasperated sigh. Yep, she could get used to worship.

"Alright den.." she gave a firm nod and held out a hand. The same tendril of tree root that had thwacked the Orc's backside curled around a broken branch and deposited it in Mavka's hand for the added bit of flare. She tapped it on one meaty shoulder, and then the other.

"Arise, Ser Bruk!... Uh.. Knight of dem Forests!" she proclaimed and threw her hands into the air, casting down a celebratory shower of autumnal leaves that fluttered down over him like nature's confetti.
  • Spooky Gasp
Reactions: Bruk
As Nature considered his pledge, Bruk made sure to look extra...extra...well, just a bit extra, really. His lower jaw that already protruded, stuck out even more and his great lip that held in jagged and broken tusks trembled. His tiny eyes widened so much that edges of his vision began to cloud which actually wasn't how that worked and was mildly concerning.

Despite this, it seemed as if he would be judged as true in the eyes of Nature, which of course turned his bones to the purest glee.

Except for the very fact that it...got even better!

With her royal branch, She tapped both of his meaty shoulders, officially anointing him as a Knight! The Orc didn't even know that She could do that! Although upon reflection he supposed that Nature could do anything She wanted.

Oh, who are we kidding, he didn't have any thoughts at that moment aside from:


As the newly knighted Ser Bruk was showered in glorious leaves of celebration he jumped up to his feet with such suddenness that it made his entire world blurry, which, again, was still concerning. But Ser Bruk, Knight of Dem Forests didn't care if his supreme deity was nought but a vague blur before him because all he wanted to do was give her a GREAT, BIG, MEATY HUG. ONE THAT WOULD WARM THE VERY COCKLES OF HER HEART.

And so that's what he attempted to do, all the while roaring in triumph.

  • Haha
Reactions: Mavka
Mavka took a half step backward as the orc jumped to his feet. She was but a small thing, and for a creature such as he, crushing her wouldn't have been too difficult, of that she was well aware. And then, he hugged her and she made a meep of a sound as she drew in a gasp of a breath but otherwise lapsed into affronted silence, her eyes wide in disbelief. Her face was drawn into a rictus of rage, the cords of her neck drawing taught as her body seized rigid with tension.

She had never been so insulted in all her life, never been so enraged or so disgusted. Never been so...appreciated. She....had never been hugged. Not one single time in her long, long life. Her green lips parted and her jaw fell wide, stupefied with confusion. She tried to form words of reprimand but they turned to stone in her chest and refused to give any such motion to her lashing tongue.

He was.. squishy, and warm. People didn't generally like her, but she didn't like them either. Greenies were usually mean, they didn't care about her forests, nor about her. It was a perplexing sort of day, and Mavka found herself slowly oh-so-slowly easing.

"Y-yes... I know." she answered in a dumfounded stutter and lifted her hand to pat pat at his arm with a "Der Der Greenie..." and a tiny smile formed at the corner of her mouth.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Bruk
Nobody ever expected the Bruk hug.

Well, I mean, usually they expected something more painful; something more along the lines of snapping bones and crushed lungs, like being murdered by a big fragrant avalanche of gnarled flesh. A fair expectation, the Orc had definitely squashed a few enemies to death in his time (and once, even a horse).

But this hug was like green hot chocolate.

Warm, safe and surprisingly rich, with the ability to make one question whether Bruk was actually on Orc or actually a very grizzled marshmallow. Perhaps deep down, his greatest natural talents were buried in the realm of gentle physical affection, but alas, very few beings in their world actually deserved a good and proper cuddle.

He finally relaxed and relinquished his grip when Nature gave him a gentle few pats on the arm, and as Ser Bruk, Knight of Dem Forests stepped back to await the commands of his goddess he couldn't help but noticed that...well...

...he couldn't see very well.

The blurriness of his vision had not subsided in celebration and in fact, had only worsened over the last few moments, the centre of his sight a muddied collection of colourful blobs that was being slowly encroached upon by the darkness around the edges. He blinked, then blinked again and then for good measure, the Orc tried blinking at least seven more times.

“MISS NATURE?” Bruk began to sheepishly ask, his meaty ham hands wringing together with mild concern, “DOES KNIGHTZ GO BLIND?”
  • Haha
Reactions: Mavka