Private Tales First and 342nd Impressions

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
Julian had recently discovered what Byanka was dealing with outside of the KOA, and had become an eager shoulder to lean on. Her father, Lord of a swath of land outside the Vale had died, and he'd left no legitimate heirs behind to take up his mantle, and so it fell upon Byanka, who of course shouldered the weight and hardly ever complained about it. Julian was just glad she felt comfortable enough to tell him (given it had taken her a while to actually come out and say it), and she hadn't actually asked for help, but she had at least admitted she would need some help. So he was here to help.

Julian had been prepared to just show up to her new estate and offer his services but he was glad she had invited him instead. She had mentioned there was something she wanted to talk to him about and even thought Julian had had practice reading through the cracks in her walls, he could not quite figure this one out.

He arrived on horseback and was met with whom he guessed was a stable boy. The younger boy took Julian's horse and led it into a hall, and Julian led himself to the front door, making his way through a beautiful garden. He guessed there was a much bigger garden on the other side of the house, but this one was quaint and a little ragged; he thought it was more beautiful that way.

He paused a moment at the door, thinking he should knock and not just walk in when the door swung open on without his help. A smile stretched across his face when he saw Byanka on the other side of the door. She looked a little pale and jumpy, but then he couldn't blame her- she had to be stressed out of her mind. He told himself to be cool, he certainly didn't want to add to her stress.

"Hey, Byanka," he said warmly. He was about to say something else when he thought he heard something from behind her. Was there someone else in her house with her?

giantlady Byanka Valkas
  • Ooof
Reactions: Byanka Valkas
Who came behind her was fast, faster than the eye almost. It was scary how fast Sarah could be. Her giant blade pointed at the chest of the stranger. Her body was in front of Byanka as if she were a living shield. She was being paid well, and this was a place she could stay. Perhaps this was her permanent home. She had gotten tired of wandering. Her blade crackled with lighting, eager to let loose upon her foes. If she said the words, then the spell would unleash, but she didn't. Sarah towered over the man, she towered over everyone. However, in an embarrassing moment, her stomach growled.

"It is lady Byanka, and I don't know you, little man." If her employer died on her watch then it would be a major slap in the face. Could she call herself a merc if she failed on a job such as this?"
  • Ooof
Reactions: Julian Benavide
Julian took a step back. A very, very tall woman with a very large, very sharp blade was blocking Byanka from his view and pointing her weapon at his chest. And worst of all, she called him "little man". He didn't know if he would ever recover from this blow to his ego.

He was about to defend himself but thankfully Byanka stepped in. "Sarah, it's Julian, he's a friend. He's not going to do anything stupid,"

Julian guessed from the look in her eyes that her last sentence was more of a strong suggestion for him than a reassurance for the giant lady with the sharp blade.

"Thank you, Lady Byanka," he replied, emphasizing the lady to appease Sarah.

The tips of Byanka's ears went pink. "Don't call me that," she said softly, stepping aside so Sarah could let Julian through.

Sarah glared at the man for a couple of seconds. He was a friend, but she had never seen him before, but if Lady Byanka said it was her friend then she would believe her. Sarah wore a full plate, it was all she owned, outside of it, she wore some basic clothing or was naked. She retracted her sword, and the lighting faded as she sheathed her sword. The small man didn't look bad but she didn't trust him yet. She needed a drink or something to eat.

"Don't do anything stupid with Lady Byanka or I will fry you, I am Sarah, a giant, and that is all you need to know." Sarah was like a mother, overly protective of their child.

Apperance-wise, Sarah was beautiful, she had a body that showed she was a merc and a warrior of many years. If she punched any smaller race they would have been broken.
  • Ooof
Reactions: Julian Benavide
Julian mulled over what the two women had called him in rather rapid succession. Sarah had called him a little man (oh the pain) and then Byanka had called him a friend (better than an enemy he supposed).

But then Sarah spoke once more and Julian could not help but chuckle. "Anything I've done with Byanka was far from stupid," he reassured Sarah, but his eyes and smirk were directed at Byanka.

Byanka hid her flush by turning and walking into the house. Julian followed her Sarah inside, glancing around. There were plenty of servants around, cleaning furniture and windows and rugs and arranging flowers, and Julian thought it looked nice. He didn't think it quite fit Byanka from what he knew of her, and as his gaze shifted to her, her body language said she didn't feel entirely at ease here. Maybe that was why she had hired Sarah the giant.

Byanka led them into a sitting room off the main hallway. All of the ceilings were high in this place, which worked out lovely for Sarah. Julian met Byanka's eyes and knew better than to ask what she had wanted him here for. Now he had a better guess, but knew she would talk to him about it later, likely privately.

"So, Sarah. You sure you can't tell me anything else about yourself? What if I told you something about me?" He knew the giant woman still did not trust him, even as he lounged in a chair comfortably and Byanka only seemed a little bit nervous in his presence.

Sarah looked at him and set her massive blade aside on the ground. A blade too heavy for any normal human to lift up." I command the weather Julian, that is what you need to know." Her time growing up with the Storm Giants was always great. Her adoptive father taught her how to harass the power of the storms, and gifted her with a sword. It was great but sadly didn't know who her true parents were.

"I told you about me, what can you tell me about yourself?" She landed on a large chair fit for her and stretched her legs.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Julian Benavide
Julian raised an eyebrow. He knew some of the witches of Crobhear lake could control the weather, but he had never met a giant who could as well. "Impressive," he replied, and meant it. He certainly couldn't control the weather.

"I am a Knight of Anathaeum, and I can manipulate the earth and how it grows." Sarah might notice how he avoided using the word 'command'. The earth was never 'commanded', that implied not only complete control but also one's superiority to nature.

One of the lessons taught to young knights-in-training was that no matter which element you wielded, whether it was water, shadows, earth, light, or even life or death, you always came second. You were lucky to even control what you do. Only with practice and years of experience could one come close to earning their magic.

"I have known Byanka for about three years now," he went on, "and she hasn't killed me yet. She is more than capable of doing so, too," he added in another attempt to reassure Sarah that he meant Byanka no harm. Jokes aside, Byanka was the last person he ever wanted to hurt.

Hm, a geomancer or someone with earth magic is quite interesting. She didn't know all of these cultures, and histories near magic. She only knew what the storm giants taught her. She could try to find a a fire giant. Perhaps they will teach her how to control fire. Regardless that was an adventurer for another time.

"A knight eh, I never expected you to be a knight. Still what is your relation with lady Byanka? She has no children then you either have to be a husband, or a lover." Sarah was perceptive when it come to other relationships but was blind as a bat when it came to others.

"Have you come to ask her hand in marriage?"
Julian was not drinking anything but he still managed to choke. He placed a fist to chest and cleared his throat deeply. His gaze snapped to Byanka, who had squeaked in surprise. Her face was now a deep shade of red.

"Sarah, it's not like that-" Byanka started, her voice small and tight.

"No one is getting married," Julian replied, looking at Sarah amusedly. There was something else behind his amused expression however, something only Byanka would likely notice. And notice she did. But just because she noticed it did not mean she understood it.

Thanks to Sarah, the air was now charged with awkwardness thick enough to cut with Sarah's lightning sword. The two of them had managed to avoid any conversation related to this topic for a while and Julian wondered what exactly Byanka had told Sarah for the giant to immediately assume they were lovers. Sure, he had made some flirty jokes, but he had not thought them serious enough to imply marriage or even children.

Sarah laughed at their reaction and found that she could have some fun with this. Regardless she lowered her guard as she found herself enjoying the day."Oh, well could have fooled me, but why are you here Julian if not to bed and marry Lady Byanka. There has to be some reason." Sarah said as she turned to look around, a habit of hers that she picked up among living in the forests.
Good God, was this woman doing it on purpose? When he looked at her reaction, he thought maybe she was. Her teasing and prodding tempted him to make some of his own jokes but he thought Byanka might kill him if he did.

However, he could not help himself entirely. "Yes, indeed, Sarah brings up a good point, Byanka. If I am not here to be your passionate lover, then what is my purpose here today?"

Byanka was so red she was nearly a shade of purple. "I-that's not, you don't understand, I-" she paused after stuttering a bit, taking a moment to attempt to regather herself. "You said you wanted to be kept in the loop, so I am keeping you in the loop. I thought you might like to know that I've hired Sarah as a sort of defender of this land, and I plan on making my butler Barrow a lord regent."

Julian was quiet for a moment, all joking gone. "I'm glad you've figured it out, really. And I'm sorry about what I said, before, you know I didn't mean it," his voice got softer at the end; directed more at Byanka then at Sarah.

"You have no filter or sense of privacy, you know? I expect if I were to bed Byanka you'd be standing outside the door listening in and making comments,"

Byanka snorted a laugh and Julian glanced at her and grinned, pleasantly surprised.
