LFG Fires On The Front | Cortos

Iahmesu Merira

Kalitian Champion
The Empire
Character Biography
Recently, the imperial forces of the Empire have invaded upon Cortosi soil!

The Empire has established a forward base, withstanding their prior defeat.

After months of battle, the god-emperor Gerra - while en route to return home - was attacked.

Now, the attacking Cortosi are in retreat and the imperials move to intercept them.

Join as a Cortosi, en route to reunite with a more formidable force and relative safety, or join as an imperial rider, bent on striking them down before they can.

The imperial entrenchment is located to the east, on the northern side of a plateau north of the city of Alcazar. The main Cortosi force is south, at Alcazar.

The imperial forces are currently located in the west on the bank of the Sleeping Sister, having just seen their emperor off to cross the river.