Open Chronicles Fight Club

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Alexis Armon

The White Enchantress
Character Biography
Elbion is known for its college and focus on magic, many of Arethil's leading wizards and magic scholars found their beginnings in this city at the college. But there's an aspect of Elbion many visitors don't get to see. The many entertainment centers of the city are well known to most who have an eye for finding fun, but the hole in the wall tavern with a large basement is easy to miss.

When one first enters the tavern they either present coin for food and drink, or a ticket to go downstairs and participate in the most renowned fight club in the Elbion black market of entertainment. The Stinging Weird is the name of the tavern and the club together, named after an obscure but ancient creature that is constantly evolving to become the apex predator.

The downstairs of the tavern reveals a second tavern with a large sand filled arena in the middle surrounded by benches and tables with a booth for taking bets and a billboard tracking the top winners of the week. Full contact, no protection, no magic, no killing, no complaining, otherwise anything goes. Get a drink and watch, or take off your armor and weapons and participate.

The current champion, a large half orc, was being challenged by a skinny pale girl with white hair. When she came in she was dressed like a noble in pure white clothes and a matching long coat, followed by another woman similarly dressed also with white hair, they looked like they might have been sisters.
But now the first girl had removed her coat and her other restricting articles of clothing and stood in the sand in trousers and a crop-top shirt, both white and both now splattered with blood as she went toe to toe with the half orc, slugging away at each other trading blow for blow.
The smaller woman was holding her own pretty well, even tanked some of the orcs hardest punches in the face.
They were both breathing hard when the orc sent another crashing blow to her jaw, she staggered back to the wall and her companion leaned over, taking hold of her arm before she could charge out into the fight again and whispered urgently to her.
"Mistress, why are you doing this now?! You've been starving yourself all week, you aren't recovering and you're weakened. What's the point?!"
Alexis smiled, spitting a gob of blood out of her mouth.
Her hair had come loose and fell in snowy waves around her back and shoulders.
"To make this a fair fight. And besides, my brothers keep telling me I need to get better at fighting, so what better way to learn than this?"
Her opponent didn't press the attack, using their conversation as a moment's reprieve, taking the chance to rest.
Alexis Armon

Jexlt watched the fight from the crowd, watching as the fight went on. It was interesting, to see the wide range of fighting styles many of the contestants had. He was here in Elbion because he had a job here, he had been hired to protect some important person, and now that job was over, so he was enjoying what the city had to offer before heading out. He had come down to this tavern because he heard about it from some of the locals, and even managed to get into the club beneath the tavern. So, he took a seat, and he watched, studying the other fighting techniques.

Jexlt had pulled back his hood. He wouldn't need it right now, no one would recognize him here or they wouldn't care if they did recognize him. He watched the fight, as the small girl went up against the large half-orc. Interesting. It looked like the orc should beat her easily, but the girl was holding her own. How interesting. He indeed had bet a little bit of money, towards the girl. It would be interesting to see how this played out.

Then, there was a brief pause in the battle, with both opponents taking a quick rest. "Hey, small lady," Jexlt called out to her. "You know where the pressure points on an orc are? Aim for the top of the collarbone, right next to the neck, and hit with everything you got. Just some advice. You have got to be really confident in your abilities or you have to have major brain damage to go up against a half-orc." Jexlt told her. Then, he returned his attention back to the fight.
Vincent held a metal cup of liquor that fit in the palm of his hand as he watched the brawl. As a lowlife in Alliria, he'd only heard stories of the establishment from merchants that passed through the port city, and having finally visited Elbion could not resist stopping in to watch the fights.

Oh, how disappointed he was.

Like any other underground fighting ring, only muscle-bound fools endlessly clobbering on each other occupied the tavern. The big, ugly champion himself was far from lacking in mass. The night had turned out to be boring, and Vincent was finishing off what was supposed to be his last drink until two well-dressed, ashen-haired women entered the tavern. That wasn't enough to keep him there, as curious as it was, but what was enough was when one of them began to face off against the champion.

So, there the scoundrel stood, fresh drink in hand, leaning against the pit's wall as he watched on with newfound interest. He cringed when the girl was cleanly struck over the jaw and stumbled back. He used the small break in fighting to sip from his cup.

Surprisingly sturdy, that one, Van mused.
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She listened to the shouting from the crowd and grinned at her handmaiden, "Put some money on me, Rhali. We're about to rake it in!". She spat blood once more and then pulled herself up. She approached the orc with her hands high, the brute was blinking sweat out of his eyes, but besides blood and a few bruises his opponent seemed unfazed. He let out a roar as he entered an Orcish frenzy, charging the girl in a bulrush.

She met the charge head-on, but not stupidly. She listened to the advice from the man from the crowd, the half-orc had some very prominent collarbones. Instead of stopping his charge she leapt up in the air and landed on the orcs chest, brining both her knees down on his left collarbone, both of their colliding momentum and the force of her blow did devastating damage, an audible snap could be heard through the whole basement.

The orc went down with a scream and Alexis landed on top of him. She began delivering blow after blow to his face, not stopping till the doctor stepped in. The crowd erupted in cheers for those who decided to gamble dangerously, and groans for those who made the safe bet. She lifted her hands in the air, signifying her victory, drawing more cheers from the crowd. As a token reward to herself she licked some of the orcs blood off her knuckles, not enough to sate her thirst, but it would help her injuries recover faster.

She went to the side of the arena and climbed over the wall. Then the two women in white made their way to the betting booth to collect their winnings. Her handmaiden gave Alexis her coat to cover up a bit at least, but Alexis was still on fire and full of adrenaline. So this is what her brothers felt every time they fought with their hands!
Alexis Armon Vincent

Jexlt watched the fight. He watched as the woman charged at the orc, and pulled a very unorthodox move, but the correct one. She followed Jex's advice, and brought herself down on the orc's collarbone. The orc fell. Jexlt was impressed, she had won. She had followed his advice, and pulled a move that Jexlt most likely would have also pulled in that situation. He lightly clapped. Well, it was impressive, it wasn't everyday that someone beat someone else that is probably three times their size and weight."Good work," He told her as she passed him towards the betting booth. "Good idea, using both your knees, it was really the best way to get through those layers of muscle and bone. That was some good fighting there. You obviously have experience." He told her. Jexlt noticed her many injuries. "And you took quite a beating, too. It's a wonder you're still standing. You sure you're okay?" He asked her.
After hearing from several people that Elbion is notorious for it's books, food and spellcasting, Zier couldn't resist stopping by to expand his knowledge, and stomach. This intent was quickly overcome by the urge to visit The Stinging Weird. He normally tends to stay away from such establishments but after finding out about an underground fight club, his curiosity was peaked. Zier payed for a small drink, stepping down stairs and being immediately greeted by the roaring of dozens of fans. Zier was a bit late to the party, so he was disappointed to find that he missed the previous fights.

Zier is a caring soul, and he doesn't like the idea of hurting people in a fight. He's into it for the artistic view of battle. He enjoys the lightning-fast reflexes, footwork and different fighting styles that come with it. The way people are able to train their body to display incredible feats of strength and stamina in the pen, then execute explosive, yet elegant, attacks with ease. It's truly a beautiful art to him, an art he too takes part in.

He sat down just in time to see two people step into the pen with white robes on. He sips his drink, wondering why people that appear of high stature are in such a vicious and sometimes revolting place. When one of them threw off her robe, Zier was beyond confused. She looks as if she hasn't eaten in a while, plus the Orc makes her look like a dwarf. Although, there Must be something about her, considering the fact that no one steps into the ring starved to face off an opponent bigger than you. She must be skilled.

Zier soon found out that she was indeed skilled. She absorbed blows that would've knocked many men out, or end their career. Zier told himself that he was going to keep it together and stay civil, but after watching the girl stagger back from the orcs punch, Zier stood out of his seat to loudly cheer her on. He overhead someone a few rows in front of him offer advice. It was loud there, but it was something about the collarbone.

● ● ●

Zier clutched his drink in suspense as the orc charged the girl, he almost thought she was done for, until she sprang up and rammed both her knees into the Orcs collarbone and clearly breaking it from the sound he heard. It was unorthodox and fast-paced, the exact type of action that gets Zier going! he jumped out of his seat, accidentally spilling his drink on somebody next to him but he didn't care at the moment. "FUCK YEAH!!!" He shouts, dropping his cup as the girl landed repeated, brutal shots to the Orcs face. He didn't place any bets, but he damn sure wish he did!

He waded through the audience over to the girl and he started wildly recounting the events while telling her how amazing that was like a child. Ladies and gentlemen, Zier on Adrenaline. "YOU WERE AMAZING. HONESTLY, I WAS ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT WHEN HE CHARGED YOU, BUT FUCK! You beat his SHIT in!!!" He sees that someone else is talking to her, but he just can't help himself. This is why he tries to stay away from taverns, in one way or another, they always make him seem insane.
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The bout ended with a swift, brutal move from the ashen-haired woman. The cheering in response was almost deafening; Vincent dryly chuckled, not quite expecting for the bout to end in that manner. He navigated the crowd, past the betting booth, and back to the bar. He quickly found the new champion through the mass of bodies (not a terribly difficult task, given her appearance) and turned back to the barkeeper.

“A refreshment for the new champion. Something nice,” he jabbed a thumb in Alexis’ general direction, “on my tab.” Oh, yes, his tab. The tab that he’d been putting his drinks on all night; the tab that, truthfully, he had no way of paying off.

He’d fully intended to leave that night before paying. But, Vincent would cross that bridge when he arrived. Instead, he leaned back against the bar and watched as a tavern wench carried a glass of wine to the woman.

“Courtesy of the gentleman by the bar,” The wench said as she handed the wine off to Alexis.

If she were to look his way, Vincent would only raise his drink to her in a silent toast with a wry smile.
Even after the fight was over the crowd was still going wild. Alexis just smiled, back in her homeland she remembered riding down the center street with her brothers, the entire population lining the side of the road cheering as their procession rode by, hailing them heroes just after they soundly defeated their enemies.
This crowd wasn't anything so cooth, but it was flattering nonetheless.

She passed by the man who gave her advice and gave him a respectful nod, as he spoke he commented on her injuries. To be honest she really didn't feel them anymore, but she held back her regeneration for appearances, couldn't have her bruises vanishing moments after leaving a fight.
"I've got two brothers back home, you learn things like that. Thanks for your help and concern, I'll be fine with some rest."

With that she passed on to continue to the betting booth when she was stopped again by a very excited, if not a rather young elf who was raving about her performance.
"It was nothing, really. I just hope his ego recovers intact. If you'll excuse me?"

Finally at the betting booth, the crochety old man behind the bared window began shoveling out the reward, some hefty bags of gold and silver. While she and her handmaiden, Rhali Ka'Thas, were collecting their winnings a server brought Alexis some wine, telling her the gentleman it's from.
She took the wine and looked over, raising it in match to his silent toast. She took a sip and the alcohol stun the cut on her lip were a punch forced her fang through it, but she endured it and walked over to the bar and sat down with him. Thankfully the man ordered her a wine and not something else, she didn't enjoy having to hold anything down in public.
"Thank you for the kind gesture. It was very thoughtful."

The orc was carried out of the arena by some volunteers and some other guy jumped into the ring, an easterner and clearly drunk but itching to fight and shouting out challenges to anyone who thought they could take him.
Alexis Armon Vincent Zier Xya Zythos

Jexlt nodded to her and leaned back. She was a strange one. On most people, those injuries would be enough to leave them on the ground, or force them to surrender. And yet, she seemed completely unaffected by them. She even said all she needed was rest, but it looked like she needed a doctor. By all means, she seemed completely fine, like her injuries were fake. How curious.

Jex noticed the new fighter enter the arena, challenging anyone to fight him. Jexlt thought against it. The man wouldn't be much of a challenge, and Jex might accidentally kill him So, he leaned back, watching.
"Thank you for the kind gesture. It was very thoughtful."

“There is something about a fight that makes a drink after more refreshing than it normally would be,” he swirled the liquor in his hand as he spoke and set his eyes on the next fighter, a subtle, disapproving frown drawing across his face in response, “or, so I think, anyways.”

Vincent then turned to her, finally giving her his undivided attention. His eyes bounced between the bruises on her face, the black and purple spots far more prominent than they would normally be due to her pale complexion. It was like splotches of dark paint on a fresh canvas, and was something he found to be strangely appealing.

“You wear those well,” he flashed an emotionless smile at her, “is pit fighting something you do often?”
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"Well?" the crotchety old man said glancing over at a timid elf sitting next to his booth. Her glasses nearly falling from her face. "Huh?" She said jumping up in surprise and almost crashing into a waiter. "Watch it Melani!" He said with a chuckle as the elf blushed "Sorry, Sorry!" She said apologetically clumsily helping him steady his tray until he waved her off good naturally. "Well? What do we pay you for you stupid girl!?" The old man said berating her over the din gesturing to the orc being hauled away. "He's got another fight in two hours! Get him ready!" He said as she scampered off after him.

"Hey Gronk!" She said brightly as the massive Orc smiled at her approach with genuine kindness in his eyes. "Little one!" He said with a slight wheeze. "Old Gawdfrey still riding you?" He asked as the men hauling him off halted . "Yeah..I still get spaced out sometimes..I really-" She began. "Your mind is always on battlefields of the past little one." The orc interrupted her excuse with a knowing look.

"You have seen many battles for one with such a kind heart. The evil of war pains you more than others." He said evenly as she simply nodded. Her hands shaking as she began to heal him.

"She knocked out a tooth...Could you..?" The orc asked as she quietly worked and got him back to fighting shape.

"Oh! Of course..I just need to find it!" She yelled over the din as she dashed off into the ring looking for the tooth to reattach it. She didnt notice the drunk hopping into the ring.

"Well! looks like the elf wants a piece of me!" He yelled to the crowd. A few laughing as Melaniphi noticed what was happening and jumped up with a red faced squeak.

"Oh! Nonononononononononono!" She said raising her hands in surrender backing up instantly.

"HA!" He cackled. "You stepped into the ring when a challenger was present! Now your not leaving until one of us is beaten." He said as the crowd seemed ready to see another bout. Drunkenly cheering for blood no matter whose it was.

"I-I" Melaniphi glanced around her for someone to save her. Gronk too hurt to come to her aid and the old man watched impassively. It felt like the crowd itself closed in around her as she began to hyperventilate. Her hands held in surrender as she kept backing up as the large man continued to advance on her.

Her back finally hitting the edge of the ring. She turned to climb back over only for the rough crowd to throw her back. Landing on her back the hard dirt floor drove the air from her lungs. She tried to struggle to her feet only for the man to kick her sending her sprawling.

"I-I-I dont want t-to-" She began finally struggling to her feet and turning only to recive a punch to her face.

Her glasses flying off. They landed on the ground, a new crack spider webbing her lenses.

"I said we dont leave un-" He began firing another punch before the air was driven from his lungs. The elf sinking under his guard and firing a punch into his sternum.

Blood flowing from her nose and tears streaming from her eyes the elf grabbed the arm loaded to punch throwing him with a shoulder throw. She retained her grip going to the ground with the man as he drunkenly crumpled. Her brain seemingly on autopilot she locked in an arm bar. Snapping his wrist, elbow, and shoulder in one move adjusting her grip and pulling with a hard twist using all her strength.

Her eyes glazed over as she then mounted the screaming man and began pounding his face with hammer fisted over head blows. "Why! I didnt want this ! Why! Why!" She yelled enunciating every word with a blow. She kept going until a few of the mans friends hopped into the ring and pulled her off.

"Whats your problem!?" One asked as Meliniphi looked like she wanted to curl into a ball.

"I..What..I didnt mean to.." She struggled to form words. Her eyes were now clear. She scooped up her glasses and placed them back on her face.

Her cracked glasses slanting her vision. as the mans friends dragged him away.

"Wait!" She said finally.

The men halted. The beaten man hung between two of them bleeding.

"H-here.." She said quietly as her hands glowed. The mans injuries began to heal. "It will be sore but you wont bleed or bruise.." She said quietly as the men glanced at each other puzzled as they simply left. their drunk minds unable to truly understand what had truly happened.

The man leaving on his own power now. She looked sick at her self as she slowly walked and sat back at her chair by the old man.

"So I guess your one of the old steel legion soldiers after all." He said without a glance to her. She nodded numbly. her hands still shaking. “I’m guessing the story about you is true then.” He continued still never taking his eyes off the ring. “Sole survivor of the early northern explorations. Back when the Steel Legion ment something..” He kept talking but Heike didn’t hear his words. Her eyes were locked on the blood. The blood on her hands..Her slanted vision clouded as her mind went back to the battlefield. The room and noise faded from her mind.


She was holding her friend Marcus.

"Melani we have to go!" Another soldier tried to pull her off the young man. She had been trying to heal him even as his entire bottom half lay off to the side three yards away. "No! I can save him! Let me go! Marcus! I can save him!" She tried to break away and run back to her friends corpse.

Her healing magic being reduced to small sparks of gold as she had exhausted her reserves.

Still she tried.


Her mind snapped back to reality as she stood and began to go upstairs to wash her hands. She was barely paying attention as she brushed past patrons.

A new fight had already begun.

She was so clouded in her thoughts she barely noticed as she ran into a woman dressed in white as well as another who was talking to a rough looking man close by. Causing blood from her still quite bleeding nose to splatter the woman’s spotless robes. She had been with the woman that had fought Gronk earlier.

She had been so concerned for the man she had fought that she barely even noticed her own injuries. "Oh Godess Fourtuna damn me!" She said stumbling and landing on her butt looking up at the woman apologetically.

"I..Um.." She looked up at the woman with awe. Her long white hair, radiant looks, and kind face seemed to pull her into her gaze. "I'm..Sorry.." She said slowly.

"I..I cant really see glasses like this.." She said pushing up the broken pair as they almost slipped from her still bleeding nose. She sat feeling the adrenaline leave her body leaving her knees weak and unable to aid her in getting back to her feet.

“Your with the woman that fought earlier are you not? You look like sisters..” She said with an embarrassed smile fully expecting them woman to silently turn away and leave her to her embarrassment.
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"Eh. He's an orc, so probably not." He waves slightly as she walks off. Turning his attention to the arena, He saw a drunk male challenging anybody who enters the arena. The immense disappointment on his face probably could've sobered the man if he was close enough. He dislikes intoxicated people that look for a fight, it's very irresponsible. He wasn't going to pay any attention to him, that was until a female elf ran into the arena to challenge him, or so Zier thought. He observed that she was fear stricken, raising her hands in surrender and soon attempting to climb out of the ring only to be ruthlessly thrown back in by the cruel crowd.

He doesn't know why she jumped into the arena in the first place, but it's clear that it was a misunderstanding. He cringed when he saw the sickening blow to her face. He's only been in this tavern for about 15 minutes, maybe more, so he doesn't know how many people can occupy the ring at a time, but he's not going to sit back and watch a slaughter. He began stepping towards the arena when he was halted in his tracks, seeing the Elf strike the man in his sternum. Zier held his chest, his face starting to show pain as if he took the blow. He wasn't expecting such violence from her, she didn't appear like that at first. He took a seat next to Jexit, watching The elf get on top of the man and pound away at his face. "You know... i was thinkin' about getting in there to fight someone, but after watching two people get their face beaten in tonight, I think I'll pass. If a girl hops in there with me, I'm screwed. i might not come back with a head." He chuckles, watching the other men pry her off the man. After, she sees her hands glow and heal him. He's never seen a healer preform such brutal actions. A simple punch and kick, sure, nothing out of the ordinary. This one seems to have taken out some pent up aggression on the poor soul. "I should watch myself around here." He mused.

(honestly laughed when another guy got his face beat, also rushed this cause gtg-)
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Zier Xya Zythos Melaniphi Syllis Vincent Alexis Armon

Jex watched as the elf girl entered the ring, apparently on accident. There was some sort of misunderstanding, but now there was a fight. Jexlt watched as the man started beating her up. He would go and help her, but he noticed something about the girl, something strange. Something you could only see if you looked and hard close enough. She had the air of someone who was a warrior, of someone who was a fighter. He could see it in the way she held herself, the way her actions seemed to weigh down her, the way her eyes looked around, the weariness. Oh yes, Jex had seen it all before, but never like this. Then, she started beating up the man.

Jex watched in anticipation of her moves. He could almost predict what moves she would do next. Even from his position, Jex could see the weak points and openings on the man. Impressive, she hit every single point that would be the most efficient. Very impressive.

Then, he noticed an elf man, seemingly considering entering and helping her out. Then the elf man decided against it, and sat down next to Jexlt. "I have a very similar predicament to yours, my friend. I was considering it, but then thought against it, with most of the people here, I might accidentally kill or seriously maim someone. I know my abilities. Any other fight against most of the people here would end too quickly, I would need someone who is very good at fighting." Jex replied. He then noticed the elf girl struggling with her injuries. "Hmm, can a healer heal themselves?" Jexlt asked the elf man. "I don't think so, sounds like a paradox. She seems pretty injured. Someone should make sure she's alright." Jexlt told the elf man. Then, Jex elbowed him in the ribs. "Perhaps someone from her own species." He told the man, hinting to go over there.
Alexis Armon

He crosses a leg over the other, listening as the man speaks. He already likes him, he has self confidence and that's always a freshing quality in an individual, a quality not many possess. Some may have found his words over confident, but as Zier sees it, there's nothing wrong with being cognizant of your abilities. "I admire your self esteem, something I have yet to work on. That being said, I don't think I'd be much of a challenge to you, but I'd still enjoy it if we could spar one day. Also, My name is Zier." Despite that he doesn't feel like the best in the ring, he stills tries to find opponents to help better himself. "A healer healing themselves may be possible. It probably depends on the skill."

Sensing the hint, he stands up. "I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't alright, Not a doctor..." He smiles to the man, departing from him and stepping past people over to her, sometimes bumping some. When he reaches her, he waves awkwardly. He doesn't really know what to do, she seems hurt and embarrassed and Zier struggles with comforting. "You okay? you're bleeding and you should probably heal yourself... if you can." He stands up,
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“There is something about a fight that makes a drink after more refreshing than it normally would be,” he swirled the liquor in his hand as he spoke and set his eyes on the next fighter, a subtle, disapproving frown drawing across his face in response, “or, so I think, anyways.”
Alexis nodded in agreement, "Quite right. My brothers would often say "food always tastes better after a battle", and now I'm inclined to agree with them. Everything tastes better after a hard fight."

“You wear those well,” he flashed an emotionless smile at her, “is pit fighting something you do often?”
She sipped her wine again and shook her head, "Not as such, but my brothers are always pushing me to take a more active approach to battle. I'm studying at the college, magic is my passion. But they keep telling me I could stand to use a sword a bit better."


Melaniphi Syllis
“Your with the woman that fought earlier are you not? You look like sisters..” She said with an embarrassed smile fully expecting them woman to silently turn away and leave her to her embarrassment.
Rhali smiled, the blood splattered on her white clothing was an annoyance, but given the circumstances she didn't mind so much. She bent down to the elf, offering her a hand up.
"Please, think nothing of it, you just had a hard fight, and well fought by the way."
She pulled Melaniphi to her feet and handed her a handkerchief for her nose.
"I'm Rhali Ka'Thas. Handmaiden of House Armon. And my mistress who just fought is the lady Alexis Armon."
Alexis Armon

Vincent attentively listened, though he did consider several things. She was a fair lady, of that there was no debate. He wondered then, what was the point of such a fair woman knowing her way about a sword? Vincent felt assured she was from a noble house of some sort. Daughter to a warmongering father? Perhaps it was a strict military household. There was no end to his speculation.

"Well, if you are capable of that with your hands, I fear what you can do with a sword."

Vincent only glanced over to the small incident to the side. Perhaps it was lucky for the dainty elf that it was the handmaiden she bumped into and not some burly drunk.

"So, is this your way of studying battle? Underground brawling?" He swirled the drink again, contemplated sipping from his cup, then conceded to it.
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She shrugged at his question. "Experience is the best teacher. I've certainly had to throw a few punches and make a few stabs on rare occasions, but other than that I have little experience and only vague technique to draw upon. And in my family, we're often up against some very... unsavory characters. I've fared just fine in the past with simply relying on my magic, but due to certain circumstances my magic isn't as powerful as it used to be, so I've also had to make efforts to increase my skill physically in addition to my studies."
She toyed with the wine in her hands, tapping a finger against the edge. She looked over at him. He wasn't bad looking for a human, a little rough around the edges but who doesn't like that about a man?
She sipped her wine once more before placing the glass on the bar and gingerly touching her cut lip now cleaned by the alcohol.

She smiled inwardly to herself about his comment about what she could do with her hands and swords. In past life she probably would have done amazing things with his "sword" that might bring fear to many. But that wasn't who she was now, her nor her family. Forgiveness came at a heavy cost to their family and she was not about to dishonor her vows.
Though another temptation was present as well, the thirst that wine could not quench. Her throat tingled for that sensation and satisfaction. It had really been too long since she last fed.

She didn't fool herself that she might get him alone, but the thought was tantalizing.


Another fight was already under way, two drunks who tumbled in fighting over a bet. The arena was its lively self but as soon as any woman stood up even the drunkest of men quickly jumped the barrier.
Vincent curiously gazed over the rim of his cup as the woman spoke. A small sigh slipped between nearly-closed lips as he savored his drink.

"Adaptability is simple to understand, yet difficult to put into practice." He mused aloud. Punches, stabs, and unsavory characters? For the first time, Vincent's eyes explored the woman in front of him. Their difference in height wasn't drastic, though he could see over the top of her head. She was a lissome thing, and while a complexion such as hers would oftentimes be off-putting, it instead only lent to her ethereal allure. He could tell too, by her posture, that her words were true; her efforts towards an improved physique was not in vain.

How curious.

His gaze returned to hers.

"Fickle thing, magic. How do you fare as a student of the College despite your weakened magic?" His eyes lingered to the woman's lips for only a moment, then fell to her cup. Vincent, while still leaning against the bar, made himself comfortable there. "Could I offer you another drink? I would enjoy talking to you longer."
  • Sip
Reactions: Alexis Armon
She finished the last dregs of her wine before accepting his offer.
"Delighted! I rather enjoy speaking with you as well."
She let him order another drink for her while she went on.
"Studying has been difficult. I've essentially been forced to relearn magic from the bottom up. It's as if the nature of the lay lines here are different at their core, so the laws of magic itself are different than the magic I'm used to in my homeland."
She turned on the barstool to face him so she wasn't looking at other things whilst paying attention to him, that was simply rude of her... But also a bad idea on her part, she was hungry and finding it difficult to not focus on his throat, the intoxicating scents, or the sound of blood pumping all around her.

She discreetly pinched herself to bring back her focus.
"I apologise, I don't think I got your name? I'm Alexis Armon. You have a look of a soldier about you, is that what you are?"
  • Love
Reactions: Vincent
“T-that was an accident!” She blurted out as the fight was brought up. “..I..I don’t fight anymore...” She said beginning to simply stare at the ground. She perked up at the handmaiden revealing her name however. “Pleasure to meet you Rahli.” She said with a genuinely warm smile.

“I wish there was more I could have done for that man..but curing alcoholism is a bit out of my field of expertise..but I should not have done what I did. I was trained to fight hand to hand to defend myself..not stumbling into rings and beating up civilians..If captain Lillian had seen what just happened I’d have been scrubbing the barracks for a week..” She chuckled to herself before realizing something.

Here she was giving her story to someone who was probably simply being polite. She would more than likely very much enjoy Melaniphi turning around and walking away so she could resume her peaceful night. No one liked hearing an old soldier talk about soldiering..

“Well can I at least get you a drink for staining your robes? You don’t look like someone who enjoys blood.” She said with a half hearted chuckle at her half hearted joke. “Hey Justin let me get a couple of shots of “Dragon fire.” Please?” She asked as a scruffy looking waiter glanced at her with a scowl that slowly turned to a good natured smile as he saw it was Melani asking.

He gave a nod and moved off through the crowd. “I’m Melaniphi but my friends call me Melani.” She said. Seeming to want to leave The woman to her drink and her night but something kept her standing there. A feeling in her gut that stirred when she looked at her eyes. She was attracted to her.

Not in a sexual nature though she was gorgeous, but in a way of someone with a servants heart meeting another. “Kindred spirits” Miguel would have said..poor guy.. With most of her friends dead She very rarely met someone she felt a connection with in this way, so she savored it when ever she found it occurred. She only hoped the woman would indulge her awkwardness a little bit longer.
Alexis Armon

Turning to the bartender, he deftly ordered more wine for his beautiful conversation partner.

"Oh, no," he said through a chuckle, "not a soldier. Most definitely not. You could say that I am a, oh, procurer of things." Euphemistic way to say thief.

"Vincent Vasteel," he said with a winsome smile, "but friends call me 'Van'. It's a pleasure, Alexis."

He paused to drink and met the woman's gaze.

"I've no talent for magic myself. Isn't it an impressive thing, completely relearning magic at the most renowned institute of magic in these lands? You must have some talent."

He took another sip while curiously eyeing her over the cup's rim.
  • Sip
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His clever wording was not lost on her and she gave a little smirk at his roundabout way of calling himself a thief. She accepted the refill with a smile and took a sip.
Wine had no effect on her, but it was one of the few things that her kind could enjoy without throwing it up again.
He flattered her talking about her talents with magic, indeed she used to take great pride in her magical prowess.
"Your words are too kind, Van. I was devastated when I discovered my traditional skills with magic were useless here. I used to be one of the most renowned and powerful magic users in my homeland, and I suppose some of that fame got to my head."
She set down her glass as if just remembering something and replaced her house ring on her finger that she removed for the fight.
It was a white gold band with ornate tracery and a blood diamond set in the center. It was the signage ring of her house and marked her boldly as nobility.

She picked up her glass and took another drink. If he were a thief then she knew a bobble like this would certainly catch his eye, which was something she was very interested in doing.
"Finding The college was easy, but gaining entrance proved a challenge, not because they wouldn't allow us entry, but because when we first arrived an assassin made an attempt on my life and an attack on the college itself."

Rhali shook her head at the offer for a drink.
"No thank you, miss Melani. I'm on duty, I'm sure you understand. But if you would like a refreshment I wouldn't mind keeping you company."
She offered her a kind smile. She didn't mind talking to her, in fact she often enjoyed speaking with elves, they had longevity in common which usually meant they had much to relate with and much to speak about.
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Vincent wasn't prideful. He wasn't particularly smug or arrogant. But he, like everyone else, enjoyed being right. No commoner would wear a ring like that.

Wonder how much it could sell for at the right fence? Time to play.

As she remarked on his supposed kindness, he subtly raised his cup to her.

"The way a person reacts to loss defines one's character. Not everyone is capable of starting from nothing after having everything." His finger traced the rim of his cup. "I wonder who would attempt to take the life of somebody as lovely as you?"
The compliments were coming on now, as if the way she dressed wasn't enough to signify her noble status, now he knew without a doubt.
She blushed a little at his calling her beautiful and gave him a doe eyes stare over the edge of her cup.
"An old enemy of my family, turned out his servants were even here in Arethil. But we'll manage in spite of them, or even because of them. The attempt on my life drew some attention from a few people in high places, so we were basically given an inroad into establishing ourselves in Elbion."
She licked her lips and set down her cup, all the while staring at him and keeping eye contact.
The game of manipulation had begun, and one way or another she knew she would win.
The wine was good, but it did nothing to satisfy her thirst or hunger.
"Truth be told, Van... This is the first real conversation I've been able to have ever since I arrived. If it's not a meeting with a noble House it was a lesson in the college."
“I see,” he thoughtfully nodded, “I can’t imagine that it would do Elbion well to let foreign nobility get murdered in the city. Seems all turned out well enough for you, then.” The smile he flashed was polite and fleeting.

“Oddly enough, I could say the same. Though, I’ve only been in Elbion for... what, three, four days?” He shrugged with a droll smile and gestured to the two drunks still slugging each other in the pit. “Thought I would take in what the city has to offer.”
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