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Melaniphi Syllas
Name: Melaniphi Syllis
Species: Elf
Age: 22
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 125 lb
Hair: sandy blonde
Eyes: Sky Blue
Skin: Tan with a smattering of freckles across her face.
Occupation: Healer, Mage, Combat medic of the steel legion.
Place of Birth: Allira
Home: A loft in the central market place of Elbion.
Slender, and Lithe in appearance, She often keeps her hair short and is know to have 2 ear rings in each ear. She wears round gold rimmed glasses which are constantly sliding down her nose.
She also wears a blue scarf with a usual white button up shirt paired with a brown cloak and black leather pants tucked into her brown knee high leather boots.
Skills and Abilities
Healer: She has studied the restorative arcane arts extensively, making her a skilled healer. Her healing spells are potent and can keep her allies healed and energized.
Effective combatant: Melani is well versed in close quarters combat and hand to hand. While effective she is in no way a game changer. Her full focus will always be the safety and status of her fellow soldiers.
Mad Chemist: Always experimenting with new ideas new materials, and new combinations. She has a firm grasp on a wide range and varieties of potions, enchantments and runes that strengthen weapons and armor to potions that can make you more resistant to poisons or adverse health effects.
Her runes and enchantments seem to preform better, and last longer than others. Her potions are usually stronger and more potent.
Stronghold: She can utilize light to build a shield that can withstand physical attacks as well as pure arcane energy. It however struggles to deflect or protect from elemental attacks.
Rune Carver: She has studied runes and is quite adept at defensive and restorative runes. However her attack and summoning runes are quite lacking and leave a lot to be desired in the way of effectiveness.
Linguistic Gift: Is well versed in reading, speaking and translating many of the different tongues of the land. As her studies have taken her to many places and require that she be able to speak with the inhabitants of that land.
Lover not a fighter: While she understands violence as a necessity for defending one's self and is capable due to her extensive legion training she is extremely slow to resort to violence directly to a fault.
Paper thin skin: She is used to physical abuse, injury, or pain in general.
She but due to her peaceful nature she can very easily be hurt or injured and even if she can heal herself it puts her in serious distress until she is.
Door mat: Her peaceful nature will often leave her easily pushed around if it means avoiding avoidable violence even if she is capable of using force to end a situation. (Ex: If mugged she would pay the thieves despite possibly being capable of taking them out easily.)
Big Heart: Often seeing anyone in pain breaks her down. She will often waste time that she doesnt have or waste energy trying to save those that can not be with little regard to her own health or safety.
her experience on the battlefield as a combat medic haunts her, and she is prone to breakdowns when confronted with reminders and is plagued with nightly nightmares.
Leaving her a sweating, shaking and shivering mess when she awakens at different times of the night.
Shy, but extremely cheery and optimistic with a fierce intellect behind it all with a curiosity and wonder to fuel it. She helps anyone she can, Has a fierce loyalty to her friends, and will sacrifice everything to help another in pain. She is fiercely competitive in scholarly and physical pursuits and will often debate and verbally spar with the best professors with a fire in her eyes.
Medical Journal: Is often seen writing in a leather bound book full of her's and others research on poisons, injuries ans the best treatments,spells, and plant remedies found for each.
Simple Steel Legion standard issue medical dagger: Used mostly for utility and rarely for combat. Is poisoned to numb what it cuts to help ease the pain of its cut when used medically (Helping remove a crossbow bolt etc.)
Staff of Restoration: A long oaken staff enchanted to maximize channeling healing magic and carved with runes of healing and wellness to help take the burden off of her personal energy when healing to a point.
Blow gun: a long and smooth wooden tube with runes for acceleration carved into it. It propels paralyzing darts at tremendous speed. And while not effective against an armored target is generally only used against thieves or bandits that have accosted her on the roads to different places.
Enchanted glove of burning: A leather glove with light steel plating sewn into it. Enchanted to burn when activated. Used in emergencies to cauterize wounds should She be out of healing energy and needing to stop bleeding.
Biography & Lore:
Born In Allira to an affluent shop keeper and a caring mother Melaniphi had always read.
In school she was bullied as her passive nature and skittishness made her a very large and easy target for bullies.
She was not long normal schooling however as she was found to be exceptionally bright and began studies at the college of Elbion at quite a young age. Due to her sheer adeptness in healing she was soon hired as a combat medic by a noble waging a blood war over a territory dispute with a tribe of orcs.
She showed a great ability and caring for the nobles soldiers and many owed her their lives. However she was finally released from service after a company she was assigned to was decimated.
She was the only survivor.
The company of soldiers that found her said she was "drained of energy, holding the body of one of the younger soldiers that had been torn in half. Muttering healing spells and trying to push his intestines back in. "Gotta stop the bleeding...Stay with me Jacks..." she had been saying it over and over, Even as the soldiers took her away from the slaughter. She was paid well and discharged being sent back to the college.
When back at the college she found the confines of it oppressing leaving her to spiral further into the depression that was crushing her spirit plagued with the ghosts of the battlefield following her like a rain cloud threatening to consume her.
Then the legion took her in. Being spotted by a recruiter he approached the girl. And they talked. Veteran to veteran. He knew where she was. He knew who could help.
The steel legion. Once a massive, influential private army for hire. Now reduced to a small guild headed by ex-lieutenant now Captain Maxine Steelborne in Elbion.
Falling into small the mix of young promising fighters and skilled veterans. Finally trying to get back to the battlefields she thought would never be possible with a confidence she thought lost to her younger years.
Fighting for the highest bidder and finally finding a place that’s needs her as badly as she needs them.
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