Private Tales Dead Deals

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Alexandria Viacian

Raven Queen
Character Biography
"Shh, shh, be quiet now 'princess', I'm not going to hurt you..."
"Please don't do this!"
"Hey, hey! I said shut up! I'm not going to hurt you, you're too fucking valuable to have a single mark on your precious skin."
*sobbing* "Please just leave me alo-"
"I said shut up you fucking bitch!"
Quiet nights didn't exist anymore, not for Alexandria Viacian. Nightmares, constantly, every night.

She awoke with a start and gasping for air. Thankfully she didn't wake up screaming anymore but she was still sweating in spite of the summer mountain air coming from the open window.
She breathed heavily taking great gulps of air as she attempted to calm herself.

She looked about her room, stone walls with only a few decorations, the fire had died down to embers, the floor covered in furs.
She slowly sat up in her bed and the brushed away the hair clinging to her sweat stained brow. The blanket fell from her torso exposing her bare flesh to the chilly mountain air.
She sighed. Her nightmares were all too real for her, but for some reason she didn't fear falling asleep... She hoped... Hoped that eventually she would become strong in her dreams, that she would finally fight back and kill all those men and women who took her day and night.
It hasn't happened yet, but every time she goes to sleep she hopes that her nightmares would finally turn around.

She was about to lay down and go back to sleep when she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, a shifting of the shadows...
In the next moment he was on her, a man dressed in black robes with a hood and mask, only his cold dead eyes exposed and a blade seeking her heart.
She cried out as she caught his wrist and struggled against him desperately. He was mounted on top of her, putting his weight down to drive the dagger closer and closer to her chest.
Her eyes flared up with a green fire, and next that green fire appeared in her hands and lit his sleeve on fire. He pulled back quickly but the fires didn't go out as it licked up his sleeves and began spreading. he didn't cry out or scream, only made a single grunt as he tried to slap out the flames, but their magical nature wouldn't allow them to be so easily extinguished, just as the flame didn't extinguish from her eyes and now she was chanting.
She chanted as she stood up slowly, the blanked fell from her naked body and the fire spread, still the assassin didn't make a sound above a grunt.

Realizing he was about to die he reached for a dagger to throw at her as she slowly approached him, but when he reached for it that arm simply disintegrated from the flames, then his other arm did the same.


"I wish you would have kept him alive, my queen. We could have discovered who employed him."
The next morning Alexandria was seated on her throne in conference with her advisors.
"He wouldn't have given up the traitors... They hired a professional. And I must do the same..."
"More mercenaries, my queen?"
Alexandria crossed her pale legs and lounged against an arm of her throne.
"We cannot recruit from our own holdings, the villagers would never stand for it and we would only be sowing traitors into our own ranks. Outsiders are our only option... I hear that the Steel Legion is rebuilding, they are young as of yet and I want to nurture them. Send word immediately to their commander. Arrange a meeting."
"Yes, my queen..."

Maxine Steelborne
“Grandmaster.” A masked woman with short, deep auburn hair walked into her office as she poured over various maps and documents.

Making sure contracts were completed and were and sending back up to those in trouble.

It was tiring.

She closed her eyes with a sigh as the woman entered.

She didn’t wear the standard legion uniform and instead had the simple uniform of a normal private but matte black from head to toe. Her mask was painted with white dyes to form the open maw of some sharp toothed beast.

For many in the black steel this was the only form of self expression any of them were allowed to experience and many latched to it and took it heights in detail.

“Yes Das. What is it.” She said a bit more harshly than she meant to.

She sighed.

It wasn’t this soilders fault the Legion was crumbling before it could even begin to properly rebuild. With Elbion in a state of rebuilding had been slow. Maxine was having to send her best soilders farther and farther away, and if she didn’t stop extending soon she would stepping on the other guilds toes to the east and south not to mention the north.

Then there would be real trouble. In the old days they had benefactors that had allowed them to take some of these lulls. Fortresses and payment in exchange for contracted loyalty that was legend for its binding and the Legions adherence to it.

It had led to many dark chapters, but many still remembered how well off and truely powerful the legion had become. A military that had drawn contracts with dragons, warlords, kings, nobles, to mob bosses and bandit chieftains.

Never the main front. Always the rock solid supporting force. This meant not many knew of their past..The only people that knew of them were those that were well enough connected.. She blinked away these thoughts as Das stopped short seemingly slightly hurt before pushing forward to her desk regardless.

“Sorry..It’s been a day..” She said with a deep sigh. Pulling out a pipe she loaded a good bit of deep brown tobacco of some kind and skillfully lit it with the candle burning next to her. She took a draw and exhaled a cloud of deep blue smoke.

Das nodded.

“There’s a person that is requesting a meeting with you. They want to arrange a contract. Her name is-“ “Tell them no..” Maxine said waving away the scroll offered to her.

“If they want a meeting they can come here. I can’t leave anymore than I already have..I’ve been neglectful as it is and I’m suffering for it.” She said with a grimace.

She promptly moved on.

Often whatever noble or king requested her often would not want to make the trek to Elbion and would opt to go with someone else. The legion was all the better for it in maxines opinion. It was a professional way of saying “fuck off.”

“Yes grandmaster.” Das said with a small salute before she took her leave. A message was sent in return quite promptly.

“Our grandmaster would be happy to meet with you at our headquarters in Elbion. If your own guard is to be brought please ensure they are kept in check. Our soldiers do not tolerate much, and you will be charged with the body removal and cleaning fee. Thank you for your kind consideration.”
An insult... In her initial message was the invitation to come to Castle Viacian and partake of their hospitality... It was as if the letter wasn't even read, how far the legion truly had fallen.
Alexandria held the response in her hands, coldly examining the words that basically told her to either chase after them and beg for help, or to just give up... needless to say that letter went up in flames.
She turned to her advisor and spy masters. "I want to know everything about the new commander of the Steel Legion, everything we have on them. I want to know if my father had any dealings with them in the past, I want to know every relative and every personal tie this person has, and I want to find dirt on her that I can use."

This was an offense that would normally be beneath nobility or royalty to notice, but Alexandria wouldn't take this laying down, she wouldn't accept the disrespect.
It took a few weeks but eventually her spies dug up everything she requested.
Her next message was similar to the first... But with a couple added details that Alexandria hoped would get the attention of this 'Maxine'.
Apparently, this girls parents once served as lowlife spies in Elbion, using their guile to gain information on the state of political affairs in Elbion... All Alexandria sent with her invitation was a simple condolences for the passing of her parents.

If this didn't bring the mercenary slut, Alexandria was prepared to send spies to kidnap her... See how much she'd like to refuse Alexandria's kind offer when her face is threatening to melt off!
“Another letter grandmaster.” Das knocked gently before entering with a salute and bringing the parchment to her.

“I thought my letter was clear. Maybe they actually are coming?” Maxine said with a bemused expression as she took the offered letter and read it.

Tossing it aside in a crumpled up ball. “It’s just inviting us to come to their? Does this person really..” She stopped as Das stepped forward once more.

“This arrived with it as well.” She said handing Maxine a second parchment. This one was much smaller than the other, and far more direct.

Maxine simply read it at first but her expression quickly shifted from confusion and shock to anger in the space of reading those few words written there. She remembered that last name now. So it seemed the brat had taken her daddy’s place.

“Ready our horses Das.” She said without even looking up.

“It seems she really feels the need to speak with us.” She said simply folding up the parchment and tucking it away on her person.

The black steel bodyguard said nothing and responded with only a nod and a salute before leaving.

Maxine rubbed her temples.

Why now of all times.

It seemed the legions status as separate guilds would allow them to stay under the radar in their shattered state of rebuilding.

Thinking them simply mercenary guilds most were too young to remember the legion in its prime. But this queen did. She would use the weakness of their current state to twist and bend the legion to her will.

To build it back?


But in an image Maxine wasn’t sure she would like to see.

However...She wasn’t sure she had a choice...She had been caught the moment the woman decided she was a target.
The legion had scattered like mice to their four separate holes and Alexandria was the cat that had decided to perch in front of hers. If this woman was anything like her father the old king..

Maxine blinked. The subtle threat in this woman’s response alone left any thought of “if.” Almost laughable.

This woman was not just like her father she was better than her father.
That sobering thought aside she knew she would end up in front of her one way or another. As she packed her things she decided to leave her plate armor opting instead to strap on a reinforced metal and cloth armored bustier under her officer attire and proceeded to approach a mirror and do her hair in a long officers braid.

An intricate braid that was pinned in the back with a silver pin.

Finally strapping her sword to her waist she would meet Das in front and mount her horse.

“We ride for the castle.” She said simply. “I know the way.” She said bitterly remembering those early years..Darker times..

She rode in silence. Her body guard knowing better than to make small talk when her grandmaster got like this. Something was happening and it was not good..This silence was unbroken until the castle came into view.

Maxine rode to the gate. “I believe we are expected.” She said flatly. Not a trace of emotion in her steel grey eyes.

She was representing the legion after all. Emotion had no place in a dealing like this. “She’s with me.” She finished jerking her thumb behind her at Das.
Castle Viacian was situated in the Seret Mountains on a plateau against the cliffside. The village was on a lower elevation with a deep and defensible canyon path leading up to the castle, one needed to pass through the village to reach the keep, and only two horses could ride abreast of each other, forget about pulling siege equipment up within range of the castle without taking them apart and bringing them up piece by piece.
The castle stood as an imposing shadow over the village, even as the mountainside overshadowed the castle.

“I believe we are expected.”
The guards looked down from their vantage spot within the guardhouse above the gates. Mercenaries from a different company.
In the next few minutes the heavy iron portcullis was lifted and the sounds of chains could be heard within the walls, the heavy wooden gates were then opened for the leaders of the Steel Legion to enter.


Alexandria was in the throne room where she was being tutored in magic. One of the loyalists, a noble who had obtained many magical tomes, was giving her lessons and trying to help her learn to better exert her control over her magical heritage.
A green orb of energy hovered above the floor contained in a protective circle. Alexandria was focusing intently on that energy, altering it and trying to change its physical attributes.

First she converted the energy into a green gas, then into an emerald liquid blob, by increasing the temperature she could boil it and turn it into steam and back into a gas state. She grunted in frustration, it was a lot harder than it looked to produce fire from transmuted raw energy.

She was focusing on this project when a guard informed her that the mercenaries from the Steel Legion were at the gate.
"Finally. Our lesson is over for now, old man."
With that she left to change.

When she returned she was dressed in her simple black dress with its diving V-neck and a slit exposing her leg and pale flesh all the way up to the top of her thigh.
She was lounging on her throne when the mercenaries were shown in, her legs crossed and her posture loose and relaxed.
She smiled when they entered, an expression carefully tailored to be pleasant by was just shy of hiding the cruel edge to it.
"Welcome to the mighty Steel Legion! I trust the journey treated you well to get here?"
“Niceties are wasted on you. I’ve seen monsters drooling over corpses that hide their intentions better. There is no one to entertain here.” Maxine said plainly. Her own posture professional and rigid.

The good soilder.

The loyal soilder.

She slipped the smaller piece of parchment from her pocket and flicked it to the woman in an attempt for it to land in her lap. “What do you want from me and my legion witch.” She said with a slight bite in her tone.

“I must say whatever problem that has you resorting to threats like yours just to get me here had better be something apocalyptic.” She continued. “So give us our job so we can complete it and go our separate ways.” She finished with a slightly indignant sniff, but inwardly she felt unease.

She knew these other companies.

This woman’s security was a joke. She could tell just by looking at their posture. The state of their armor. This woman had funds to be sure, but the best equipment could only do so much for hired thugs like these. Her fears were confirmed. There was a time when this queen needed these mercenaries.

A time when they served their purpose effectively. But from the way her eyes held maxines cold gaze with zero fear. Never a blink..She had out grown them. What she needed now was a loyal and elite force to keep herself safe and keep the unwashed muscle far away and enforcing her laws elsewhere.

People like this got bored guarding things and would often turn on their masters just to shake things up. Her hopes of doing a job and leaving evaporated.

Once this woman got her claws into the legion there would be no prying her off. Maxine sighed.
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“Niceties are wasted on you. I’ve seen monsters drooling over corpses that hide their intentions better. There is no one to entertain here.”
Her smile faded... Impertinence, such cheek from a vagabond soldier... But if Alexandria failed to hide her intentions this mercenary failed to hide her contempt, though she probably wasn't trying very hard.
“What do you want from me and my legion witch.” She said with a slight bite in her tone.

“I must say whatever problem that has you resorting to threats like yours just to get me here had better be something apocalyptic.” She continued. “So give us our job so we can complete it and go our separate ways.”
There was a long pause in which one could hear a pin drop... Suddenly there was a small suppressed squeak from the queen seated on her throne, the flawless face trying mightily to hide the growing smile on her face... There was a snort and Alexandria couldn't help but laugh aloud for a long minute, a pure mirthful laugh, she even uncrossed her legs and held her sides as she laughed with tears in her eyes.
With great effort she regained control, taking deep breaths and wiping the tears from her eyes and straightening in her seat.
The guards around the room looked at each other uncomfortably, this was obviously a rare occurrence.
"Threats? Commander Steelborne, please, I'm offering you a contract that I think you simply cannot refuse!"
She stood up and sashayed down the steps to stand in front of the armored woman.
"I need mercenaries, commander, and you had the best. I don't intend to remain a single province for long. I also know that the Steel Legion is struggling to rebuild, bring them to live here, train your soldiers and rebuild your reputation here. I have the funds and means, I just need your protection."
She smiled again, but it was the same smile as before. All she sent was condolences for her questionable parents.
She hasn't threatened the commander... Yet.
Maxine wasn’t going to play that game. The woman knew of her parents.

The implication was plain.

If she had connected her to her parents then there was little chance she didn’t know more.

The Grandmaster wasn’t stupid, and the fact she was being spoken to as if she was was irking her. “Protection work at this scale is hardly the work for a guild with all due respect.” Maxine said bristling slightly as the woman stood and approached her. She was a good bit taller than her but she acted as if they stood eye to eye.

“Firstly that is grandmaster to you. I am no commander of yours.” She spat. “Secondly, I know other companies that could work. I don’t know what your father wrote about us, but we’re only a simple guild that needs enough work to be left alone. The legends about us can often be a bit exaggerated..” Maxine continued.

“Now if that’s your only offer I have the other companies I mentioned’s referrals. I will leave them with you before I take my leave.” She kept her temperament and tone level but after such a long locked gaze Maxine found she suddenly couldn’t meet the woman’s eyes.

She glanced away with a blink staring at the floor for a moment before resuming the gaze, but the slight weakness was there.

She cursed her self for losing focus as she began to turn to leave. But something was stopping her.
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“Protection work at this scale is hardly the work for a guild with all due respect.”
Alexandria gave Maxine a patronizing look with a skeptical smirk, She was quite used to talking down to people even though she was talking up. "... An ailing guild wishing for the renown of its glory days... 'with all due respect'."
Alexandria had the attitude and demeanor of one who held all the cards. She didn't think of the involvement of Maxine's parents with her parents as a bad thing or something to be ashamed of, but for some reason Maxine felt it imperative that this information not be made public... For some reason...

“Firstly that is grandmaster to you. I am no commander of yours.” She spat. “Secondly, I know other companies that could work. I don’t know what your father wrote about us, but we’re only a simple guild that needs enough work to be left alone. The legends about us can often be a bit exaggerated..” Maxine continued.
Alexandria ignored the correction of her title, but what she couldn't ignore was mention of her father... Perhaps Maxine knew more about her families loyalties after all. But her smile faded again.
"My father is dead... Consider that when you speak of legends."
She took a deep breath and instantly composed herself again with a forced smile.
"I know all too well your capabilities, my information isn't prone to exaggeration... But you only know the reputation of my father, that's all anybody ever knows."
She began walking around the Grandmaster, her heels tapping harshly against the stone floor.
"What I am offering you is a base to rebuild your guild and full citizenship and rights to anyone who comes with you, how can you refuse such an opportunity? Protect the village and protect me so that I can finally begin to properly rebuild what my own people so greedily destroyed. You will be compensated appropriately and all other logistics will be in order of course, but I suspect that's not your issue with serving me..."
She stopped in front of her and their eyes locked again.

“Now if that’s your only offer I have the other companies I mentioned’s referrals. I will leave them with you before I take my leave.” She kept her temperament and tone level but after such a long locked gaze Maxine found she suddenly couldn’t meet the woman’s eyes.

She glanced away with a blink staring at the floor for a moment before resuming the gaze, but the slight weakness was there.

She cursed her self for losing focus as she began to turn to leave. But something was stopping her.
Maxine faltered and couldn't meet her gaze, so instead she turned to walk away.
"Why are you so ashamed, Maxine Steelborne?"
If that caused the Grandmaster to stop in her tracks Alexandria would use the opportunity to move up behind her and lean in close, with her heels she was tall enough to whisper in her ear while she gently placed her hands on Maxine's armored shoulders.
"You're parents served my father well, for their years of dedicated service I simply MUST reward it by providing for their beloved daughter... All things considered we're two of a kind, you and I, we both lost our parents. Why not allow this to bind our paths together?"
"... An ailing guild wishing for the renown of its glory days... 'with all due respect'."
Maxine was already bristling from this insult when the woman continued.

"My father is dead... Consider that when you speak of legends."
Maxine smirked. Perhaps she had struck a nerve? But this smugness was short lived as Alexandria began to circle her. She shifted her posture on instinct mentally kicking herself as soon as she had done it.

Her mind winding back to her years with her mother. The mistress in the brothel she worked inspecting her in that same manner. Smacking her lower back with a short flick.

“Straighten your posture. No man wants a slouching whore.” She had spat.

“When she’s 18 she’ll be fine stock, but with one that wears expressions like this one I believe she will take more after her father.” She had commented dryly as of Maxine was not even there. Those stupid heels clicking as she judged her, analyzed her. It was as maddening then as it was now.

"I know all too well your capabilities, my information isn't prone to exaggeration... But you only know the reputation of my father, that's all anybody ever knows."

Maxine’s jaw tightened. Of course she knew. It was foolish to think she would have them come here on a bluff. Maybe her secrets were not as closely guarded as she thought.

"What I am offering you is a base to rebuild your guild and full citizenship and rights to anyone who comes with you, how can you refuse such an opportunity? Protect the village and protect me so that I can finally begin to properly rebuild what my own people so greedily destroyed. You will be compensated appropriately and all other logistics will be in order of course, but I suspect that's not your issue with serving me..."

“I’m well aware of what you want. I don’t think the legion has anything to offer what the likes of you seek from it.” She said over her shoulder. “So like I said if that’s-“

"Why are you so ashamed, Maxine Steelborne?"

Maxine stopped as the woman took the opportunity walk up behind her. Those damned heels allowing her to reach Maxines ear with a whisper.

"You're parents served my father well, for their years of dedicated service I simply MUST reward it by providing for their beloved daughter... All things considered we're two of a kind, you and I, we both lost our parents. Why not allow this to bind our paths together?"

Her voice licked her ear as hands rose to her shoulders. Her whisper made Maxines skin crawl in way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but her touch caused the woman to flinch. Once again she found herself mentally screaming at her own lack of self control. So many slip ups, maybe the long nights were dulling her edge.

There was strength in this woman’s hands however. Maxine could feel the weight they exerted, speaking of much more strength than what was being applied.

“I am n-nothing like y-you..”

She said but even she didn’t believe her own words. Something about this woman made Maxine feel safe, and as much as she hated to admit it, and if forced to speak it aloud would have death taken her before she confessed it, but Maxine enjoyed the feeling.

No more paperwork, no more long nights, no more bearing the weight of the legions future on her shoulders..alone..

Someone that could help her...

Lead her..

That last thought made a shiver run up her spine.

What was she thinking!?

She was the Grandmaster of the steel legion. She was not led anywhere she did the leading! She let out an indignant sigh before a sinking feeling reached her realizing she had not even tried to move the woman’s hands.

She was allowing her to keep them there the same as a dragon allowed a master to stroke them when another would be quickly devoured.

This realization struck her pride in its gut and brought it to its knees. How the thought of shrugging off her hands had not even occured to her. She had wanted them there and Maxine had accepted it.

Like a good soilder.
Like a good whore.

In all honesty Alexandria was right. They were the same.

They had both dragged themselves up to power from nothing, both had been used, both were strong willed...

But the difference between them was simple and in all regards very plain even if the consequences were far reaching and complex.

She had embraced her darkness while Maxine had used everything she could to flee it. Darkness had its ways of keeping its hooks in you, and fleeing was draining.

This left Alexandria the task of easily dragging her back to a side of herself she had truly tried to bury just by meeting with her. Even if she was kicking and screaming for the moment so to speak. Alexandria just needed to keep pulling.

Speaking of.. Maxine tried to leave once more, but this time found her self once again halted, but not by the woman’s words, but the hands on her shoulders. Keeping her there like a snake slowly tightening its coils on its captured prey.
She let out a soft noise of surprise. A noise so soft only her and Alexandria were close enough to each other to hear it.
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“I’m well aware of what you want. I don’t think the legion has anything to offer what the likes of you seek from it.” She said over her shoulder. “So like I said if that’s-“
She kept insisting that the Steel Legion was incapable of fulfilling her wishes, and Alexandria kept disbelieving her words. If the information her spies dug up were true then it didn't matter if the Steel Legion wasn't the force it used to be, Maxine really couldn't turn down this offer for the sake of her guild. They were being stretched thinner and thinner, slowly being crushed under the weight of their former reputation. Alexandria had the means and strength to bear a portion of that weight until they were both strong enough together... They would both bear the reputation and strength of the Steel Legion and none would dare challenge one or the other so long as they were together.

Maxine was becoming more timid by the second. Alexandria was playing her cards right... But she actually believed her own words to some degree, she really believed that they were alike, that they could do all of this and more together. Bringing the guild to live in Ravencrest Village and giving them full citizenship and status would only work if they were loyal, if they couldn't be swayed by the treacherous words of the rebellious insurrectionists.
“I am n-nothing like y-you..”
She was faltering, so timid and almost weak like putty in her hands... A mouse in a trap. It was truly endearing, such a tall and beautiful older woman with a strength in those arms that Alexandria wouldn't mind to have wrapped protectively around her as a mother, being made unsure of herself and her preconceptions of Alexandria. She would have enjoyed manipulating her mercilessly had she been a man, maybe even having her spy master brainwash her had she proven difficult... But she was destroying her preconceptions, it was time to rebuild the narrative and seduce Maxine to her side willingly.
"Of course you're not like me, we are different... Two sides of a coin, you and I... But still the same coin. I am a witch and queen of Castle Viacian and Ravencrest Village, you're a soldier and Grandmaster of the Steel Legion.
I am hated by my people for what my father did, and I hate them for what they did to me. I cannot punish them because I need them, I cannot reward them because justice must follow its course. You are leader of a failing idea and a starving reputation that cannot live on bread alone."

She moved her hands down, sliding her fingers over her shoulders and down her arms to her hands where she took hold of them and laced their fingers together.
"If you truly wish your past to be kept a secret I will honor that, but in return I want you close. Accept my offer, become my confidante and use my resources to rebuild the Steel Legion. Elbion wasn't built in a day, let's make something truly awe-inspiring together."

She let go of Maxine, removing the physical stimulus of her manipulative prowess and now utilizing the deprivation of that touch to her advantage. Alexandria was safety and security, sisterhood... Distance meant her secrets weren't safe.
"My sleep is fraught with nightmares and assassins, my people want me gone and their descendants are learning to want me dead. I need a people that won't betray me... Grandmaster Steelborne."
Maxine had not been prepared for this. She had dealt with so many upstart queens and kings. Weak people posturing with what money that had left to try and gain alliance with her.

They were always easily intimidated and the meetings were always brief. She had thought Alexandria would be like the rest. She had been very, very wrong.

She was both equal parts everything Maxine wanted and everything she feared. “What are..”

"Of course you're not like me, we are different... Two sides of a coin, you and I... But still the same coin. I am a witch and queen of Castle Viacian and Ravencrest Village, you're a soldier and Grandmaster of the Steel Legion.
I am hated by my people for what my father did, and I hate them for what they did to me. I cannot punish them because I need them, I cannot reward them because justice must follow its course. You are leader of a failing idea and a starving reputation that cannot live on bread alone."

She was right.

She began to pull away as the hands slide from her shoulders only for her hands to slide to hers. “D-don’t..” She halted once more as Alexandria took hold of them. Lacing their fingers together.

A slight blush played into the grandmasters cheeks but she would not bring herself to look into the woman’s eyes and betray her true emotion.

The younger woman was attractive, Maxine would admit, but far more attractive was the offer. Her resolve was eroding before this queen, and much to Maxines annoyance she knew it.

She wanted to turn and strike this little leach. This evil creature so entertained by her own games of manipulation, and yet their fingers were laced and Maxine liked it. Feeling a beautiful woman take control with such confidence..

Maxine had been a legion lieutenant when she had been forcibly promoted by means of everyone else being dead.

This facade of an iron willed leader was easily crumbling. Maxine had pretended to be a leader and was enough of a fighter to lend credence to it. This queen was the real deal.

A wolf meeting a dog pretending to be a wolf. Because deep down that’s what Maxine was. A war dog. Some would see this as an insult, but the analogy was actually pretty fitting. This woman would know no master and eat anything that fed her once it’s food was depleted. Maxine on the other hand was loyal, kind, obedient, and ruthlessly violent, but every dog needed a master.

"If you truly wish your past to be kept a secret I will honor that, but in return I want you close. Accept my offer, become my confidante and use my resources to rebuild the Steel Legion. Elbion wasn't built in a day, let's make something truly awe-inspiring together."

She released her hands and Maxine almost reached for the hands. She seemed slightly disappointed but she recovered quickly.

"My sleep is fraught with nightmares and assassins, my people want me gone and their descendants are learning to want me dead. I need a people that won't betray me... Grandmaster Steelborne."

She was silent for a moment. Her hands balled into fists as she slowly turned to face the queen. “Fine.” She said finally. Still unable to meet the queens gaze.

“Das.” She continued holding up three fingers. The black steel bodyguard seemed to almost melt into the shadows before appearing at Alexandria’s side. “Until my return. You will be protected..” Maxine said. “And you will have the full support of the legion..for now..” She spoke more firmly now. Her resolve starting to rebuild. Distance made her nervous but also gave her a chance to recover.

“But there will be those who will not stand for it. They won’t see the value. They have made a home from our guild, and would not see it so closely aligned with someone of your reputation. I will not fight my own brothers and sisters..” She said revealing the final cord keeping her soul tethered to her values without realizing her mistake.

Those people that had made her the leader of their home and family. They were holding her back from fully commuting to the greatness she could achieve.
She was silent for a moment. Her hands balled into fists as she slowly turned to face the queen. “Fine.” She said finally. Still unable to meet the queens gaze.

“Das.” She continued holding up three fingers. The black steel bodyguard seemed to almost melt into the shadows before appearing at Alexandria’s side. “Until my return. You will be protected..” Maxine said. “And you will have the full support of the legion... for now...” She spoke more firmly now. Her resolve starting to rebuild. Distance made her nervous but also gave her a chance to recover.
Still slightly reluctant, but she got a limited commitment of support yet something was holding her back, it felt like Alexandria only had to push just a little bit further to make a willing ally or a friend out of Maxine... But she had to know what it was that held her back and assure her that there would be no conflict.
When Das appeared beside Alexandria the guards around the room shifted forward but on a signal from their queen maintained there position.

She turned her attention to Das for a moment, looking the talented bodyguard over appraisingly... Those masks were cool, it's a theme that went well with Alexandria's kingdom and overall vibe.
She reached to her and put a finger under Das' chin to raise her face so that Alexandria could examine the mask better, as if she were already taking ownership of the guard Maxine placed over her.

“But there will be those who will not stand for it. They won’t see the value. They have made a home from our guild, and would not see it so closely aligned with someone of your reputation. I will not fight my own brothers and sisters..” She said revealing the final cord keeping her soul tethered to her values without realizing her mistake.

Those people that had made her the leader of their home and family. They were holding her back from fully commuting to the greatness she could achieve.
Ah... That was it... Her bond was to her guild members. It was sweet really, such loyalty to her guild and those she works with, that's what Alexandria counted on. For the sake of her guild she would do what needs to be done.
"Yes, I'm sure my father's reputation has rather sullied my own reputation, otherwise I wouldn't need the Steel Legion in the first place... But that's the beauty, Grandmaster. We need each other. I'm sure you can convince your guild of the necessity of my sponsorship but in regards to me you need not fight them, just set the story straight."
She released Das and turned back, she climbed the steps and sat back on her throne with her legs crossed once again.
"Tell them the truth and show them that I am not as wicked as my father. When my parents were executed before my eyes I was sold into slavery, raped and used as a slave concubine. It was my loyalists who found me and brought me back... Did my people feel regret? did they welcome me back with apologies or recompense for the suffering they put me through? No, they mobbed, they attacked, they hated. Had I not proactively summoned mercenaries immediately upon my return I would have been executed just like my parents. Tell your guild the truth, that I as a queen am in an impossible situation that only the Legion could save now."
Das tensed at the touch.

A look of rage flared in her eyes as her mask and hood hid everything else. “Hold sister.” Maxine barked taking a step forward and fixing the guard with a cold glare. Das looked hurt as her hand moved from her blades handle. A shock as her movement was so smooth none had realized her hand had moved to it.

“She is black steel a highly trained bodyguard from a pedigree bodyguards. She is honorable, dignified, and will keep you safe despite the personal cost.” She spoke clearly and with none of the previous faltering. Her gaze unwavering as it moved from Das to The Raven Queen.

“She is not some toy or accessory and is not to be handled as such. She is almost religiously obligated to return any contact not of her brothers and sisters with swift violence. Even a client. Should you touch her again in such a manner she will return to the legion and you will be on your own until our return.“ She said calmly as Das relaxed into a normal state when released.
It seemed Maxines weakness was also her strength. She was fiercely defensive of those she thought of as her own.

"Yes, I'm sure my father's reputation has rather sullied my own reputation, otherwise I wouldn't need the Steel Legion in the first place... But that's the beauty, Grandmaster. We need each other. I'm sure you can convince your guild of the necessity of my sponsorship but in regards to me you need not fight them, just set the story straight."
“I do not think that will matter to some. We are close knit and set in our way. But I will try to convince them and those that are not fully convinced will still obey me based on earned respect. That kind of loyalty runs out of its abused.” Maxine warned. “So make sure that if I’m to set this story by your word it will indeed be straight.”

"Tell them the truth and show them that I am not as wicked as my father. When my parents were executed before my eyes I was sold into slavery, raped and used as a slave concubine. It was my loyalists who found me and brought me back... Did my people feel regret? did they welcome me back with apologies or recompense for the suffering they put me through? No, they mobbed, they attacked, they hated. Had I not proactively summoned mercenaries immediately upon my return I would have been executed just like my parents. Tell your guild the truth, that I as a queen am in an impossible situation that only the Legion could save now."

“You mean tell them your truth.” Maxine responded. “For your sake I hope yours is the closest to the real truth.” She sighed in a slightly defeated way. “But your points are well taken. Which is why as I said. You have our loyalty for now.” Her eyes bore her gaze this time as she sat back on her throne.

“Do not test me so harshly so quickly. It’s unbecoming of some one that calls their self a Queen and yet on top of this I’m listening to them play the victim.” When said queen is propped up in the bones of her fathers immortal corpse of a castle by mercenary thugs that have been entertained by violence and wealth that aren’t quite bored enough to eat her...yet.”
Maxine eyed one of the guards with a critically raised eyebrow.

“So I think you should respect me until that is no longer the case. Think of it as a cost for your beauty rest and peace of mind.” She turned away. “After all. We had no problem getting here.” She said as she left. Holding up four fingers and giving a sharp whistle. Four shadows seemed to dart from various vantage points in the rafters of the high ceilings. Four masked figures appeared at Maxines side. They looked exactly like Das in uniform and behavior.

Their masks and hair color that was shown from under the hood were really the only factors that differentiated them from one another. Each painted with the same white dye, but each extensively different from one another.

One held a tapestry of a night sky skillfully painted by the hand of a clearly talented artist.

One was the web of a spider with a massive black widow on the left corner waiting eternally for prey. The third had theirs painted to look like the bottom jaw of a skull and the final and fouth arrows the maw of a dragon so realistic it look at first glance like it was actually her mouth.

“Zet, Mic, Reg, Som. Send word ahead.” She said simply as the shadows disappeared and the door shut. She rode back to Elbion. Her mind already working as she decided what to do next.
“She is black steel a highly trained bodyguard from a pedigree bodyguards. She is honorable, dignified, and will keep you safe despite the personal cost.” She spoke clearly and with none of the previous faltering. Her gaze unwavering as it moved from Das to The Raven Queen.

“She is not some toy or accessory and is not to be handled as such. She is almost religiously obligated to return any contact not of her brothers and sisters with swift violence. Even a client. Should you touch her again in such a manner she will return to the legion and you will be on your own until our return.“

“Do not test me so harshly so quickly. It’s unbecoming of some one that calls their self a Queen and yet on top of this I’m listening to them play the victim.”
Chastisement, and not unwarranted. But if she learned one thing from watching other nobles and even her own father at time... This bitter pill of humility? It was better off taken gracefully if she didn't want to appear weak or not in control of the situation. Making excuses or getting offended would only make her seem juvenile and powerless.
She looked from Das to Maxine and chuckled even as she cast her gaze to the floor, "To be so blatantly shown to be in the wrong... It's a difficult remedy to stomach... But I accept it. You have my apologies, Das and Grandmaster Steelborne."
She inclined her head and then looked back up at Maxine. Again a reaction from the guards, not something they had ever witnessed.

“So I think you should respect me until that is no longer the case. Think of it as a cost for your beauty rest and peace of mind.” She turned away. “After all. We had no problem getting here.” She said as she left. Holding up four fingers and giving a sharp whistle. Four shadows seemed to dart from various vantage points in the rafters of the high ceilings. Four masked figures appeared at Maxine's side. They looked exactly like Das in uniform and behavior.

Their masks and hair color that was shown from under the hood were really the only factors that differentiated them from one another. Each painted with the same white dye, but each extensively different from one another.

One held a tapestry of a night sky skillfully painted by the hand of a clearly talented artist.

One was the web of a spider with a massive black widow on the left corner waiting eternally for prey. The third had theirs painted to look like the bottom jaw of a skull and the final and fouth arrows the maw of a dragon so realistic it look at first glance like it was actually her mouth.

“Zet, Mic, Reg, Som. Send word ahead.” She said simply as the shadows disappeared and the door shut. She rode back to Elbion. Her mind already working as she decided what to do next.
Alexandria let it slide. Pieces were falling into place and the Steel Legion would be a critical lynchpin, let Maxine have the last word and deliver her message however she may to the Legion. Maxine was in way deeper than a temporary protection detail, and she had more ways than blackmail to make this one do what she wanted.
In addition, she wanted Maxine for far more than just the Legion... Alexandria still held the deck and she kept it close.
Maxine returned with half of her soldiers. The others were staying behind to load the heavy weapons and armor and send word to those out on contracts that they would be meeting at a new location.

More detail than that was not given.

As she returned for once more to escort the heavy weapons and armor she decided to give her office one more pass over. As the door closed behind her she immediately felt watched. Whatever had goteen past her guard of black steel was clearly on another level. She readied for a fight as she entered.

“Hello Maxine.” The torches to her office were lit as three figures stood in front of her. The other grand masters of the guild regions.

The sisters of north and south seemingly having one of their rare truces as their glares were both stuck to Maxine rather than eachother, and off to a corner leaning against the back wall was Ronin. Grandmaster of the east and the only serving original black steel operatives now responsible for half of the training the of black steel guard they had now.

“Ronin.” She gave a small bow of respect. As grandmaster she did not owe him this respect, but he had trained her in how to best use and communicate with the black steel as well as how best to fight with them. In short.
She owed him that much at least.

“You two.” She said with the respect in her tone gone like a paper dragon to the flames of a furnace. “Lotta weapons your moving Maxine.”

“Lotta people too.”

“Makes one wonder.”

“It truly does.”

“What kind of contract warrants that much commitment.” “

A big one I’m guessing.”

“I as well.”

“Mayhaps Maxi is selling out to a noble?” “Oh sister your talking stupid. Maxi would never do that...for a noble. I think she-“ “I’m getting a head ache listening to you two.” Maxine barked causing them both to fall silent. “Who told you.” She said rubbing her temples.

Irvard after Das told him.” Said the sister of the north. “She told me.” Said south jerking her thumb to her sister.

“Maxi. That’s a lot of legion weaponry and knowledge under one persons thumb. We all know your struggling. North and south have our warlords that employ us and Ronin has his assassination contractors in the east...” The north continued.

“We know after as hit your contracting took a hit, but this is not the way. You know how things like this turn out. Your the one that served under-“ “ENOUGH!” Maxine shouted.

It was more akin to how someone would phrase a war cry. Even Ronin shifted slightly but remained impassive as always. He had no opinion. He never did. He almost acted as if he was simply there to protect them from would be assassins and each other..

“You know nothing of my guild, and frankly I find your pity and concern both offensive and unwelcome. So shut your mouths. Grand master Fredrix was controlling a legion in its prime he could support those ideals. He had the luxury.”

“Maxine..I didn’t mean-“ The north began but Maxine held up a hand silencing her.

“But look where following his ideals has led us! More shattered! More divided! Stretched thinner than ever! And not just last week you made me settle a dispute over your territory lines for 3 hours! Again!” Her hands fell to her sides. The twins both silent looking to the ground.

“I will do with my soldiers as I see fit. Now be off with you. I have work to do.” She spat waving them out. “Just be careful Maxine.” The north said as they left. “If what we know about this queen is true..Just watch your step..” said south before they left. “I know you don’t like this either Ronin..Know that..” Maxine let the sentence falter and die as she turned to see he was gone as well.

“I’ll be careful..” Maxine finished to no one as she finished her office sweep and left.

Soon the legion was beginning to set up at the castle. Heavy armor and weapons getting loaded into stalls and Mencha basically being a terror to everyone involved. “Don’t put that canister next to that you idiot!” The strange dragon hybrid would tell as she zipped around trying to make sure everything was being handled safely and put in its proper place.

Maxine made for the throne room.

“Mistress. The grand master approaches.” Came word from her guard. They had been getting antsy as the legion had begun moving in. They were a rival company after all and many didn’t like the secretes the legion kept...Das would appear by her side not a moment later. It was normal for the body guard to not be seen, Alexandria would have experienced a time of tranquility as the black steel bodyguard went unseen, and yet, not a single attacker had come to her. It would seem the guard to almost be slacking off and the attacks were simply on a break.

In reality the guard had been fighting for days. There was always someone new coming after this woman.

It was one of the hardest jobs she had ever been tasked with completing. Her uniform, weapons and robes were spotless, but underneath was a beaten and bloody tapestry of wounds and bruises. She had gotten her ribs cracked by a morning star that very morning in a pub taking care of an assassin before they could even get a room in town.

Let alone begin to enact their plan. She was that good. Or maybe she wasn’t. As she had accidentally jumped the gun and gotten mixed up with the employer as well. So three more bodies to clean up and a set of cracked ribs.

Her eyes were hard and alert her mask hiding the bags under her eyes, her hood the unkept was of her hair.

She looked as fresh as the day she came to the castle. She knealt by the queen close enough to be touched. It would seem almost respectful but she knealt to make herself a small target and be ready to spring in case of an ambush or having to take an arrow or bolt for her charge.

So while close she seemed to ignore her. Concentrating on the room around them. Always vigilant. They had not spoken sense Maxine had tasked her to the queens protection. There had been no need. Her job was not to run errands or converse it was to eliminate threats to her security.

Yet as she sat knelt one of the stitches holding a recent gash sprang free causing a sudden wet splotch of blood to form and begin to grow running down her arm until it dripped to the floor. Das would give a soft grunt cursing her hastily applied stitches. She had been in a hurry to get here.

Clutching her arm on instinct her ribs would groan leaving her stance to falter slightly as she let out a soft whine of pain. She slowly slipped back into her stance ignoring her bleeding.

It could wait.

Her cheeks reddening under her mask at the idea of an outsider seeing her so bent out of shape. Black steel did not bend under pressure. It held or it broke.

It did not bend. This old proverb hardened her resolve.

“I will have the blood cleaned from the floor apologies.” She said shortly. Trying not to open the door to conversation, but she had. Most black steel would just clean it, but she had spoken to her..something about this woman was starting to grow on her in a way she didn’t like...maybe that was why she had said something..
Alexandria had no more attempts on her life since that bodyguard Das stayed behind while Maxine left to gather her forces.
Alexandria could easily have assumed that the rebels might have found out that the Legion was being hired and were being cautious, especially so soon after their last attack failed and the reminder of that failure was mounted over the castle gate.
Alexandria didn't see much of the bodyguard but she had faith that it was worth her while to keep her there.

No doubt Das was watching over her, and if she did then she would know the truth of Alexandria's claim to suffer nightmares... Every night without exception she awoke with either a start or a scream in a cold sweat, preceded by restless rolling about, hand waving and troubled murmuring as if she were warding off blows from an attacker, sleep walking and other such maladies that plagued her sleep.

“Mistress. The grand master approaches.”
Alexandria was in her throne room practicing magic once again. She knew that emotion could be an added catalyst for increasing the power or force of a spell, as well as for heating and cooling... But what she was currently trying to accomplish was creating the element of fire out of her raw magic.
She was a special kind of sorcerer, she had no elemental affinity but rather her affinity was purely arcane, based in the "element" of magic as pure energy.
Her mother was a green hag and so she inherited this magical gift from her.

The green glowing orb of energy was in the process of turning from a liquid into a gas when Das appeared at her side, making one of her rare and wordless appearances when her true master was due to arrive.
Alexandria let the magic fade and smiled at Das as she walked to her throne to take her regal seat, but she noticed the spot of red spreading from within her uniform, she had indeed been hard at work to keep Alexandria safe, so she was decidedly worth the pay... Provided this bodyguard lived to see it.

She sat down and crossed her legs. She didn't touch Das as agreed, but Alexandria caught the slight trembles in the bodyguard just like she would notice such weaknesses in one of her political rivals.
“I will have the blood cleaned from the floor apologies.”
Her first words! Progress!
"Let the maids see to it in a little bit, my dear Das. For now let it be a testament to myself and your Grandmaster of your diligence."
She appeared her normal self, she hid her own exhaustion well, but only make-up could hide the bags under her own eyes as she had done since her return home.

She didn't touch Das, but she absently put her hand out as if offering head pats to a dog while she focused on the door where Maxine was allowed entry.
Her Legion had been making their move in all day, the villagers either openly gawked or watched loathingly from the shadows while Alexandria awaited the woman of the hour.
"Welcome back, Grandmaster Steelborne! I trust that everything is in order?"
Das knew well of her nightmares. She had spent many a night walking her entranced charge back to her bed.

And holding her steady when she had thrashed about. It had been different then. For her safety and she was asleep. So no problem.

Now she wasn’t.

The hand offered to her.

Her eyes narrowed at the disrespectful gesture.

She was not a dog.

But rather than offer a retort she merely looked away. She regretted even speaking to this woman, but apart of her didn’t...a part of her wanted her touch. A very small part of her she was trying to crush under a mental weight. She almost brushed against it as Maxine entered and she pulled away quickly.

“Yes everything is in order..
She watched the conflict play out in the bodyguard's body language, entertaining but at the same time there was some degree of concern... It was good to have such disciplined allies, but it didn't do her any good if they got themselves killed in her service.

One should make no mistake, she was just as willing to use these people as meat shields as her people were willing to put her head on a spike, but she had bigger plans than simply maintaining the status quo. The Steel Legion represented change in Ravencrest Village.

“Yes everything is in order..
"Excellent! Now let's discuss details."
She leaned forward in her seat and rested her chin in her hand.
"I want a portion of your people to live in the village, set up a guild hall and conduct your business there. My steward will provide all necessary licenses and paperwork in that regard. And of course another portion will occupy this castle, they can make use of the barracks and will see to security here."
She leaned back in her chair thoughtfully and looked at Maxine.
"Aside from compensation for your services, do you have anything else to add? Any questions?"
“No..It would appear that you have answered most of them for me.” Maxine said.

“But as one point I’m not so sure the town will be to keen on the idea of having a guild hall of ours in their village. If there is an uprising I would not want my group in the guild hall separate from the main force. I would suggest we place it neutrally between the castle and village. Easy to access. Harder to cut off.” She suggested before seemingly noticing the blood for the first time she frowned at the growing pool of crimson before looking at Das.

The black steel bodyguard would start slightly and cover her wounded arm with her hand in an instinctual but ultimately useless endeavor to hide it.

“I see you’ve been.. busy..” She said dryly as Das found the ground to be most interesting at the moment. “If she has failed you in the slightest I have a few others that could take her place if you wish?” Maxine asked.

Two more black steel appearing at her side from the shadows.
“But as one point I’m not so sure the town will be to keen on the idea of having a guild hall of ours in their village. If there is an uprising I would not want my group in the guild hall separate from the main force. I would suggest we place it neutrally between the castle and village. Easy to access. Harder to cut off.”
Alexandria listened to the idea thoughtfully, "I can see the logic of that, but as you've noticed on your way up here, the path to the castle from the village is a narrow ravine only wide enough for two horses to walk abreast. The mesa's on either side at the top and overlooking the ravine are generally used for siege defense. Building a guild house there will be more difficult... Unless you built it as a sort of gatehouse to the entrance of the ravine..."


(Not exact scale)
“I see you’ve been.. busy..” She said dryly as Das found the ground to be most interesting at the moment. “If she has failed you in the slightest I have a few others that could take her place if you wish?”
She looked down at Das, yes she was definitely wounded, but that did not mean she had failed. Then she regarded the new guards that appeared.
"Maybe a replacement would be prudent until our dear Das has recovered. It seems that she's served me very well and I would be loathed to not repay in kind for her services. There has been no attempt on my life since she's arrived, I can only assume it's because she has been busy as a bee. I appreciate such loyalty and initiative in my subjects."
Das perked slightly at her kind words, but quickly regained her composure.

“She is not your subject.” Maxine said with a raised eyebrow. “She is my soldier.” Giving her a slight nod Das seemed to vanish. And when glancing back at Maxine one would find her on her left still clutching her arm. A trail of crimson seemed to suggest she didn’t teleport there.

It seemed her implied speed might be more clever misdirection rather than the ability to run with superhuman speed. “Reg. Som.” She said as the two black steel guards seemed to disappear and reappear next to the queen. “As for the new guild hall. I think the gate design would be prudent and help us vet potential threats before they even reach the castle. My engineer corps. will handle the job.” Maxine said with a slight toss of her hair. “Now. I would discuss some matters with you privately.

Do you have a place we can?” She wouldn’t meet her gaze. Despite her confidently, sharp, tongue something was troubling her. “Leave us.” She would tell her unseen guard. Only the slightest sounds of movement announcing their departure. Once they had entered.
(Sorry for the delay. My muse is suffering.)
“She is not your subject.” Maxine said with a raised eyebrow. “She is my soldier.”
Alexandria dismissed the subject with a wave of her hand. Her comment was more of a reflection on her own subjects that ARE her subjects. But it wasn't anything to get derailed over.
She watched the assassin's move and trade places, their skills were serious, if only they were actually loyal to her...

“As for the new guild hall. I think the gate design would be prudent and help us vet potential threats before they even reach the castle. My engineer corps. will handle the job.” Maxine said with a slight toss of her hair. “Now. I would discuss some matters with you privately.

Do you have a place we can?”
Alexandria nodded.
"Of course. We can talk about anything you like."
She gracefully stood up from her throne, "Come with me."
She beckoned to her and led her out of the throne room.
She led Maxine through the castle to a room with a desk and a few comfortable amenities.

She seated by the fireplace and motioned for Maxine to do the same.
"Now, what can I do for you. You can tell me anything!"
She smiled that deadly smile and crossed her pale legs as she leaned against the arm of her chair.
"Tell me your darkest desires..."
Maxine followed silently. Taking in the hallway as they entered a more private part of the castle she removed her armor and helmet.

Placing it neatly by the door before a black steel guard picked it up silently taking their leave.

“Ha. Nothing so secretive.” Maxine said with a bark of a laugh. She sat across from the queen.

“The other grand masters seemed unsupportive..They may resist..I’m not sure how much more I will be able to support you. I’m beginning to think this was a mistake.” Maxine said standing. She walked over and placed her hands on either side of the arms of the chair.

She loomed over her enjoying her taller stature and intimidating position over the smaller woman.

The fact she had been so forgiving of Maxines insults had emboldened the woman. “So if I’m to prop up some brat like you I..” She paused.

“I can’t..I..” Maxine suddenly didn’t feel right. Her vision was swimming.

She stumbled slightly, clutching the armrest where the queen sat. Green gas like what Alexandria has been messing with before Maxine had entered. She sank to her knees clutching her throat.

Her eyes screwed shut.

“What did you..What are you doing to me..” She gasped out. Her mouth exhaled a plume acrid green cloud her eyes opening to show they were glowing the same color as well. She slid from the arm of the chair her head resting on the queens lap.

Her body slightly twitching with small convulsions. Her mind slowly bending to her will.
“The other grand masters seemed unsupportive..They may resist..I’m not sure how much more I will be able to support you. I’m beginning to think this was a mistake.
Alexandria gave her a fake pout, "Aww Maxine, you can't really mean that. Surely you can bring them around..."

“So if I’m to prop up some brat like you I..”
Maxine was standing over her and looking down on her. Alexandria's smile faded, and that's when she began to focus her magic.
Being shorter of stature meant nothing to Alexandria, she was used to people inclining their heads to meet her gaze and sexually she liked being on the bottom as much as on top... But she could not tolerate anyone purposely looking down on her, thinking they were superior to her.
The gas was a medium, a delivery mechanism for the effect she desired.

“I can’t..I..” Maxine suddenly didn’t feel right. Her vision was swimming.

She stumbled slightly, clutching the armrest where the queen sat. Green gas like what Alexandria has been messing with before Maxine had entered. She sank to her knees clutching her throat.

Her eyes screwed shut.

“What did you..What are you doing to me..”
Her smile reappeared when Maxine fell limp with her head on Alexandria's lap.
"Ohhhh Maxine, my little Grandmaster. You're so much prettier like this, I didn't know you cared so much about me!"
She placed her hands on Maxine's head, gently combing her fingers through her hair.
"You're just tired from the road, tired from the disappointment of the other grandmasters who were so cruel to not take your side, tired of putting on a mask of confidence, tired of being alone, tired of being the one to forge the path ahead... I'll help you, my little Grandmaster... I'll take the responsibility from your shoulders..."
The gas invaded Maxine's senses like a steel brush scrubbing away her resistance, made her mind soft and suggestible because magic wore off eventually and she needed a more permanent fix to this rebellious streak in Maxine.
This gas was a trick she learned and adapted from her spy master who spearheaded the brainwashing of the captured Ravencrest rebels.

She peeled away Maxine's resistance with every stroke of her fingers through her hair... But then those fingers closed on a handful of her hair near the roots and she pulled her head back in order to look at her with those mesmerized green eyes, Alexandria had a look of cold and cruel indifference, "You did indeed make a mistake, Maxine... You looked down on me, made yourself more important, bigger. You will never look down on me again."
She leaned in and kissed her full on the lips, forcing her mouth open and exhaling another green cloud into her lungs.
She came up from the kiss with a different look in her eyes.
"Ohhhh you're mine now, Maxine, you just don't know it yet... But I can't wait till you finally figure it out."


The next thing Maxine would see is one of the castle physicians leaning over her and tending to her. She was seated in Alexandria's chair and Alexandria was pacing in front of the fireplace.
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