Letters Completely ignore this

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.
May 12th, 336

I set sail today, Captain Murgan has allowed me too join his vessel "The Dancing Lady" as a favour too my father. He said that if I turned out to be half the sailor he was, I'd be worth my young age. The ship is massive, I went and saw her yesterday, she is a large galleon with a few mages too defend her with magic. She has around 50 men, hopefully I become friends with a few of them at least. Captain Murgan is sailing her too Elbion, where we will be selling food and buying books. Father says I should be glad we're selling food, because we will never run out of food on the voyage. Isla said that she'd miss me, and gave me a silver locket, so that'd I would remember her, I said I would never forget her and that I'd only be gone for a few months. Mother and Mary cried at my send off, and father seemed close to tears. I am currently writing this in my room, before father walks me down to the harbour. Father gave me this journal as a present, saying every good sailor should keep a record of his life. Well father, your advice has never failed before, so keep a record I shall.
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May 15th, 336

I have begun too get familiar with the crew, there are a few men I eat with and sleep near. Hubert, an older man of about 40, his 19 year old son Kefnin, a 30 year old named Bastian and a 20 something year old named Marius. Kefnin is the one I am closest with, as this is the first voyage for both of us. We spend our days cleaning the deck and in the crows nest together, he's a good friend and his father is making sure I'm happy. The journey so far has actually been pleasant, with the sea being calm but windy, I hope it stays this way.
May 21st, 336

We were attacked by pirates today, they tried to sneak up using rowboats, while we were docked and sleeping. Our lookout spotted them around 40 yards away and raised the alarm. One of the pirates rowboats turned too flee and the other two kept coming. One of our mages shot a fire bolt and sunk one, the other one managed too board, but the twenty or so men were no match for our fifty men, regardless of the lack of preparation from us. Afterwards, the captain thanked the lookout and the mage, giving them both a small bonus. I never ended up fighting anyone, as I was one of the last men on deck for the fight.
June 3rd, 336

Bastian was whipped by the first mate today, he was caught stealing food. He was whipped 30 times and was fired, he was told this would be the last voyage on "The Dancing Lady" for him, he had served with the ship for five years. I was going to go help him after the whipping but Hubert stopped me, he told me that stealing was the one thing a fellow sailor couldn't be forgiven for and he was now a social outcast and I'd be wise too treat him as such.
June 29th, 336

We arrived at Elbion today, I helped unload the cargo and my arms are so sore I can barely write. Not much has happened lately, Kefnin is becoming my closest friend, and I would do anything for him. Well, we did actually become blood brothers, we did it late at night on the deck, we both cut our palms and then shook hands. It is a good feeling and I believe his father is happy for us.
July 17th, 336

I was whipped today, 15 lashes, after Kefnin started a fight and I joined in, I broke a mans nose and then was whipped for it. It was worth it, anything for my blood brother.
July 27th, 336

We arrived home today, I was so happy too see mother, father and Mary. The girls cried when I walked onto the harbour and father shook my hand. He beamed with pride and happiness as I introduced them all to Kefnin and his father. I went and saw Isla, she didn't seem that happy too see me, I asked around and found out she had been hanging around with a boy my age, so I gave her the locket back and stormed off.
August 4th, 336

I went and visited Kefnin today, our families all had dinner at his house. I met his sister, she is two years younger at 15, her name is Lillian and I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, I told Kefnin I was going to marry her and he punched me in the shoulder and told me to stay away from her. I won't be.
August 15th, 336

Lillian and I have been spending time together lately, she is funny, smart and so pretty, I don't care what Kefnin says, I will marry her.
September 3rd, 336

Kefnin and I got into a large argument, after Lillian and I ran into him at the market, he stormed off, calling me the worst blood brother ever. Later he came over too my place and apologized, he said if anyone was going to marry his sister, he was glad it'd be me.
January 10th, 337

I sort of forgot about this journal, not much has happened, me and Lillian are becoming closer and closer, I will propose too her after she turns 16. Kefnin and I are inseparable, he is constantly starting fights and I'm positive he'd be dead if not for me. Mother and father are well, and Mary is growing up too be a lovely girl, she turned 13 a few days ago.
March 1st, 337

I turn 18 in five days, and a few days ago Kefnin got into a massive brawl at an inn, and now has a broken finger, Lillian and I have been laughing at him.
April 1st, 337

Mother is pregnant! It is exciting, I hope for a younger brother. Kefnins father is still at sea, we obviously haven't heard from him.