Private Tales Children of the Veiled Sanctum

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Whatever was happening, it was happening all too quickly. Nolmo was enveloped by robed figures, vanishing amongst them. Enderathil's chest heaved as fear consumed her. The look that Lómin gave her did nothing to calm the wide-eyed fear that made her tremble.

"Please Lómin, don't" Pleading eyes searched his for clarity, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She turned for the door, but before her feet could move, a hand grasped her arm. She turned back to Lómin, though she now realized this is what he had wanted. Her other arm was taken firmly, and now there was nothing she could do. She was trapped.

At his whispered words, she felt a tear run down her cheek. This wasn't what they did, this wasn't how they acted. These were not her people. She wondered then, if this was where her life would end. The pulled her further in, though she was reluctant, she saw no point in fighting.


  • Devil
Reactions: Mormacil and Lómin
On into the estate, they passed through great corridors, traveling far further into the structure than one might have first imagined. But as they ventured in, and descended down a wide and deep stairwell, it became apparent that they were moving into a different place. They passed through from within the walls of a typical Aerai construction, into something... else. Sharyrdaes was a city that had its own extensive underground network, but this was someplace different. Someplace hidden.

Down the vast stairwell, the descended into a great, empty hall. At the center, there was a great pillar of stone that stretched from the tall ceiling down to the stone floor, flared at top and bottom, and within it was ribbons of the Shorai crystal embedded throughout. But from within this crystal was not the usual blue luminescence. It appeared as a clouded, whirling storm within, with streaks of red lighting lacing throughout in bright, momentary flashes. And where in the presence of the Shorai one usually felt a comforting warmth, in this place there was only an empty cold.

Near the base of this great pillar is where Enderathil was led. There, coming from around the other side of the structure before her, did a frightful creature appear...
His foot fell heavily with each step. The chains and weapons that hung from his form clinked and jangled with his movements. His low, rumbling breath, growled over the quiet din of the many robed cultists that dwelt in this place.

Before her did he come, stepping closer, peering down at her.

He leaned even closer, and his four fanged mandibles parted to reveal viscous drool and sharpened teeth beneath a curled lip. He growled.

The cultists who had restrained her released their grip, and stepped away. There was hardly any use in her running now. As they did, he straightened up, and he began to circle her, coming around behind her before leaning into her ear.

"Do you know what I am?"

  • Scared
Reactions: Enderathil
Enderathil kept her head up, even if her chin trembled. She couldn't bring herself to even look at Lómin anymore. She felt betrayed, hurt. She thought he had brought her to her end. She kept her eyes trained ahead as the grip on her arms continued her down the path to her supposed demise.

Down the twisting staircase, they continued to guide her. They hadn't hurt her, but they would not grant her freedom either. The air had a different smell, and the environment shifted. Nothing here looked of home. She was brought before the pillar, and her gaze shifted to reveal curiosity behind the fear. The crystals embedded were familiar, but these seemed tainted. Whatever this was, it was unholy and yet she felt a source of relief. She hadn't felt at home since she had awoken, this was the closest she had been to feeling like she belonged.

Her breath caught in her throat as the hulking creature ambled from behind the pillar. There was danger in every step it took towards her. The firm grips on her arms fell away, and she knew now that there was nowhere for her to run. He stepped close to her, and she trembled beneath his gaze as his mandibles parted to reveal sharp teeth, and a growl that she felt deep in her bones.

It began to circle her slowly, each bootstep was a thud of her heart as it made it's way full circle. She could feel the heat of its breath on her neck as it leaned down behind her, the words pouring forth like ichor as it spoke. She swallowed hard, mustering her courage as she shifted slightly.

"You are a means to an end."

Lómin Mormacil
  • Love
Reactions: Lómin