LFG Bring Me Work

Eamon Stroud

Silence is Preferable
Character Biography
Putting up a proper lfg as I'm seeking contract work for Eamon as a way to lore build and network across the world.

This can be things such as a traveling guard for a single person to a wagon, a temporary guard for anyone able to pay, a sword teacher, being used to quell a rowdy populace of peasants, helping overthrow the local lord of said peasant, etc. There isn't a job to gritty for Eamon, and morality is not a qualm for such jobs.

Contract work, and the fallout of those contracts are what I'm after.

Feel free to message me here or on the Discord, Hollic for ideas/interest.
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Reactions: Die Shize
perhaps we talk about plot first? Any situations you think might develop ur char?
That would be best. Jumped the gun on excitement. I'm game for any situation that requires his services, be it guard duty or standing beside Yoru on the field.

Given Eamon is just starting out in his progress for reputation, working out a deal for his services in character are welcome to establish how he handles himself. Aside from that, to all outward appearances Eamon seems lost/out of sorts with the current goings on with the world so possible for any big events to be news in character.

What annoyances/enemies does Yoru have? Is he alone/have a small band/a militia under his banner? Eamon is a singular soldier in that regard so it might be a test of his capabilities on top of contracting him for work.
Beliyal, Stygian Trickster is an immortal, almost godlike humanoid with a cruel and childlike persona, constantly in need of engagement and entertainment. Yoru is that entertainment. Really anything goes, because at this point the merc is just a murderous little toy for Beliyal. In a way Yoru is grateful, because at this point he has no other purpose.

Also here's the last bit of the bio links in this post for his lore (this one is for his weapon named Anathema that also gives context to his backstory.)
Can work on something for the bout then. Possibly in a little side place unless Beliyal has a place in mind. Might be a good point to make a trip to black bay.
Figured that would be the easiest place to gather things before making a short series of posts shipside before making landfall. Either that or it could be that they find a place to have the bout in Black Bay itself as a sort of purge of sorts for Belyiyal finding the port has become stagnant in its day to day operations.

Die Shize
I'd be down for that. Anything in mind in particular? I've got some here and there threads going with escorting a necromancer through a ruins, the Knights finding Eamon getting rid of a noble problem for peasants, and plenty more steam for threads with Eamon.
Eamon Stroud

I haven't much rped there, if it's a location in the Wiki, so could you start? I've read some of your stuff, and it's very impressive. Lots to work off of, methinks. However, if that possibility is a no I'll just take my best guess!
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