Fable - Ask Breaking The Chains

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
The saga continues.

The old spook nodded to itself, cloaked in shadow. The only illumination came from a cauldron, or rather the not-quite fire that burned beneath it. The surface of the vessel was blacker than the deepest cave, darker than the abyss at the bottom of the ocean. Occasionally a shadowy shape wrought in silvery light would surface and then disappear into the inky darkness.

The figure looked on.

"The break, it will come," said the leather-cased creature. The voice was that of a woman, high pitched and grating. It tittered a laugh to itself.

"Slow, she is," it said again. This time it was an entirely different voice, male and gravelly.

"Does it matter? Does it matter? Why would it matter? Why should it matter?" The high-pitched voice whined again, and the figure laughed again, gravelly and derisive.

"If not her, then another." The sultry voice of a temptress, low and throaty.

Each voice came from the single individual standing before the cauldron. They were of indifferent height, wearing a cowled robe. Their face lay hidden behind a leather mask such that only the mouth and eyes were visible. Or, at least, the holes where such things would lie. The darkness behind the mask allowed nothing but teeth to gleam and the indeterminate shine of eyes - devoid of color and character and soul - to glisten.

"No other. The time of waiting is done. We will find her."

The last voice was cold, ancient and distant as the stars in the sky. The otherworldly timbre reverberated through the undefined space where Traveler stood. There was a presence that rolled off of the strange being in waves. Soul-crushing and implacable as any force of nature, tinged with the poison of chaos.

"She escaped once."

"She will not escape again."

"All the time in the world will not be enough to elude us."

"We will finish what we started."

"What we started! We started! An ending!"

An ending. It was close. So close. The hooded figure reached out a gloved hand and, with great care, ran a finger across the black surface of the cauldron. The dragonette claw sewn into the leather stirred silvery light from within its depths, sending a coruscating wave outward.

Across the surface.

Beyond it.

Ever outward...

...the only thing holding you to them might be your own fear...

The shaman was in the grip of anger now, even if that anger was born of the fear that Alistair had accused her of. It was the truth that she would never, ever admit to herself that kindled that flame. And yet even so, she would not raise her hand against Traveler out of the very fear of reprisal.

It was not physical chains that bound the No'rei to them. Some existential dread seemed to cling to the idea of defying them.

The land had swiftly changed from the hilly, forested country of the Falwood into the ever more sparsely wooded rolling hills that preceded the great Sea of Grass. So close to the Aberessai the air and land became more sere. The town was not an expected feature of the mostly empty Sea even if it was beyond the range of her people and their endless war with anyone and everyone who stepped foot on their sacred soil.

She did not know the name of this place, and did not care. It was like so many other settlements on the fringe; a hub for trade along the margins of the wild and inhospitable grasslands. The major trade routes between Vel Anir and Alliria ran through this part of the world. It was considered safer by many than crossing the grasslands or going through the forest; one was the haunt of unfriendly tribals, the other the domain of thieves and bandits.

As such, it consisted of the expected main street, with its muddy rutted road running through the heart of the settlement and the usual collection of rough wooden structures thrown up on either side. A dozen wagons stood in the wide main avenue with their draft animals left in the traces. Local farmers, mostly. One 'van made up half of the people in town. The guard sat on barrels or leaned against the wooden beams that held up the awnings of the storefronts and eyed everyone else in town with the disinterested menace common to their kind.

She rode into town on a dusty paint. The mare was probably as tired as she was, riding night and day since the latest and last of the strange ordeals that Traveler had orchestrated. Her clothes - such as they were - were travel stained. They also marked her out quite clearly as one of the natives from out on the Sea; a loin cloth and chest wrap in dull brown and faded blue and grey, festooned with the same bone charms and feathers and bits of colored cloth as the braid down her back were as clear as a written sign.

Especially to those who lived on the border between civilization and the so-called savages beyond its grasp.

She guided her mount to the rail in front of a way house. It was the wrong time of year for it to be packed to the brim; aside from the merchants in the caravan hobbled in the street and the handful of guards, there were few others. Certainly few others that were of any means. The rail only had a few other horses tied to them. Slipping from the saddle and swaying on her feet as she landed, she tied the reins off as well and went inside.

It was early evening. The light pouring through the windows held that golden, honey-like quality that only came when the shadows were long. There were a surprising number of patrons at the tables in the large room inside. The low murmur of conversation continued on as if she had not entered even if a few of the patrons looked up and gave her a second glance.

An oddity. Uncommon among civilized lands but not unheard of. Maybe if she wasn't trying to elude some spook - and if she hadn't been so tired - she might have tried to attract more attention to herself.

Too tired to exaggerate the sway of hips. Too hungry to care about eyes. Her twisted, scarred left arm ached abominably after being jolted and bounced for many long hours. It did not make her mood especially good, either.

She stepped up to the counter. There was no bar here, merely a place to keep the strongbox and to keep records of who was staying and who not, and what they owed. There was no one manning it now; judging by the sound of crockery and metal coming from the door nearby, she judged it to be the kitchen and likely where the person she was looking for was.

There was nothing to do but wait, try to shake off the feeling of being watched.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: doonaday
She was never one to excel at reading a map and translating it to her actual surroundings. Roads were easy to process, but the idea of measuring time and distance never seemed to improve for the young Anirian. Fortunately, her friend had left her in the company of his corvus companion, and Repent never had lead her off course in these past weeks of their journey. To leave Vel Anir so quickly in the end, to choose exile and close that chapter behind her, Zephyrine was in an out of sorts. She regretted not securing a faster mode of travel, but she also knew a horse would only attract attention. She knew she shouldn't make so many stops to eat and sleep, but she had a small fortune left to her, the rest of it securely with Kor and Larkin who traveled ahead while she settled her affairs in Vel Anir.
A home left to her was donated to a charity, for she would no longer need of it since she never planned on living in a house she did not grow up in. She parted ways with a boy that ensnared her heart, and she his, but they both knew life and adventure were at their hands, and went their ways to pursue it. Love and let go.
That was what Zeph was telling herself to make leaving a set life back in Vel Anir. It was alright to acknowledge she made friends and met people that softened her, made her more aware, but she was strong and capable enough to let that go. Life... life was about to begin again for her.
Zeph carefully folded her map and shoved it in the thin space left in her pack. She was travelling light, only the essentials she could not part with since serving only three months as a Dreadlord, but furniture, weapons, and shelters she could create with her magic. But there was no need to hide, no need to sacrifice a good warm meal or a soft bed to reset before continuing on her journey north.

With patience — since that was all she could do right now — she waited for the meal she had ordered, nursing the small cup of tea she hadn't ordered. She had tried to purchase a room for the night, but was told to wait while someone made up the rooms and beds clean and fresh for new guests. It had been almost a week since she last stayed at any establishment, and had hoped to bathe and clean up before a meal and sleep, but now her order of things were switched around. She most likely will tire after this meal, and a bath would have to wait until morning.

But the kitchen doors kicked open, and the woman walking towards her and her small table was carrying a large bowl of soup, and placed it on the wooden surface in front of her. The table seemed to wobble under the weight, but with a quick thought, the table righted itself to a perfect level with the aide of her magic, and Zephyrine inhaled the herbs and spices lingering in the steam.

"I forgot your bread! Hang on, girl..." And the woman vanished behind the kitchen door again, completely forgetting about the being lingering by the desk. Zephyrine threw the female a sheepish look, unsure if she should say sorry for something she was not directly involved with.
The woman that bustled out of the kitchen swept past her without so much as a sidelong look. Aeyliea's eyes followed her as she hurried to a table with someone's meal. Not a word was spared for the white-haired tribal. Her eyes narrowed, her face darkening further at the perceived slight.

She clenched her good hand into a fist as the woman slipped past again, clearly ignoring her as she went. The patron at the table offered her an odd look; she returned the look with an acidic one of her own. She was exhausted, though, so there would be no words. Anger was tempered by fear, regardless. Anyway, her common was inadequate to a real good tongue-trashing.

She waited with bad grace, arm throbbing in time with her heart.

When the woman came back out and started toward the table, again bypassing her, she stepped into her path with both hands planted on her hips and a tired, dangerous light in her eyes. "Not ignore," she snapped.

The woman, for her part, blinked as though surfacing from some distraction or another. She looked at Aeyliea as though seeing her for the first time, then shook her head. "Apologies, miss," she said as she took in her guest. Her eyes might have tightened a bit at the scales visible on neck and shoulders. Understandable, given her kith and kin's predilection to violence. "I just need to-"

"Need food. Now. For...not here. To leave with me," she said in her thickly accented common. She gestured toward the door to emphasize her desire to eat and run, as it were.

"...but..," the hostess began, but Aeyliea cut her off with a growl.

"Now! Not ... have time. Must go," she snapped. Anger was edged with distinct unease, and she kept glancing back at the door as if expecting some kind of trouble to walk in at any time.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Zephyrine
"Are you sure you wouldn't want to stay and eat? The soup is still hot, I can bring some to you now?"

Zephyrine looked around her surroundings again, seeing that no one paid any attention to what was happening. And that gnawing, gods awful urge, that glimmer of care she had begun to witness in her last year at the Academy had made Zephyrine pipe up.
"You can sit with me. Warm yourself by the fire and have a hot meal before you go."

In her dedicated years as an Initiate, she had learned several languages in case of deployment in those areas, but Zephyrine was not too familiar with the accent or manner in which the other young woman spoke with. But the invitation was said, the expectation of the other taking her up on her offer was not one she would wait around for. If she chose to listen, that was fine, and if not... well, Zephyrine would be glad not to try and muster up some small talk.

"Yes, please. Sit. Wait. I can get you fresh bread and soup." And the hostess smiled sheepishly, already making for the kitchen door again.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Aeyliea
The tribal made a frustrated sound at the back of her throat, already opening her mouth to protest. Unfortunately, the hostess had used the opening offered by the stranger to slip away. Aeyliea said something exceptionally unflattering in the flowing tongue of her people, stamping a foot and making a complex gesture at the swinging door.

Part of her mind screamed to just forget this and leave. She could go many days without food and water, certainly many more than she already had. Her kindred were hardy and well adapted to the dry interior and tough as nails beside. The twisted, scarred left arm was testament enough to that; the wound that had crippled the limb would have killed most. It would have been a source of pride for her if not for the fact that it greatly complicated her life.

She turned her steel-blue eyes to Zephyrine. There was an anxiety in them she would not admit to. They were also as hard as the steel they looked like.

Aeyliea looked back to the kitchen and then to Zephyrine again, clearly weighing some decision. After a moment she let out a breath and sat. She eyed the woman across from her warily, trying to understand why a stranger would even offer such a thing.

She wouldn't. She distrusted the other, even if the extreme xenophobia had been... curbed... in recent months.

"Why?" The single word was hard as her eyes. Her eyes drifted to the door without her being conscious of it. "Not know me. Many not like me and...mine?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine could not help the snort that left her. She picked up a still warm bread roll and pulled it apart, dipping one half into the soup. It was all vegetables, but Zeph welcomed the warmth of it all. Food was one thing her magic could not recreate, yet, but her own inexperience of hunting for her own food often left her hungry between trips.

At least Repent, Kor's raven keeping watch on her, had learned to stop hunting for small rodents for her.

"I invited you to sit, not talk. Besides, would you rather sit on the other tables that are taken up?" Zeph gave the option to the other female, not at all waiting on baited breath for whichever decision she made.
She nodded curtly to the young woman. "Rather take food, go. In hurry. Must make it to the Sea," she said distractedly. She strained senses other than physical, trying to sense the off-putting aura of Traveler coming from the distance. The breath of the land whispered nothing of their presence.

Didn't mean anything. She had never seen what the creature was capable of, but there was a certain sense of existential dread that the spook managed to cloak round their personage like an outer garment. She had little doubt that they were an accomplished sorcerer of some kind.

Magic was not her realm. Cold steel and grit were her bailiwick.

She absently rubbed at her left arm as she stared at the door, thoughts of food momentarily forgotten. The twisted, raw looking scar that seemed to have eaten away at her flesh throbbed dully as it always did.
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine had learned to read her classmates during her time being trained separately from them. She observed, took note, and assessed the fundamentals of her cohorts, aiding her very well once the Proctors decided it was best to usher her into the lessons along side them. To them, Zeph was new, foregin, a potential threat, but she knew all about them.

All except a few that went under her radar, but she learned to read them too.

And it was that skill that had Zephyrine watching the other, her brows furrowing as she began to calculate her stance.

Her feet were not grounded, her shifting weight to either foot alerted the Dreadlord, because at least she made it that far before choosing this exile, that something was not right.

"Are you alright?" She asked, her expression turning serious. Without more thought, Zeph created a small satchel to place her bread into, in case her meal, would be interrupted. She was becoming alert now, casting a wary gaze about the room with her tawny eyes.
Lying was not a strong suit of hers. Really, it wasn't a trait many of her people had; honesty, especially brutal honesty, was a common thing among a people that considered falsehood to be dishonorable and a good reason to drub someone.

Or slit their throat.

"Not know," she said after thinking on whether she would answer or not. "Maybe trouble, maybe not." She eyed the door again, but whatever it was she was looking for did not appear. The appallingly oppressive feel of elder sorcery did not suddenly descend upon them.

People went about their business as though there was nothing wrong which, she supposed, was the truth.

A bowl of soup and a plate with bread on it appeared as if by magic; the proprietress had descended swiftly upon their table and deposited her load with only a murmured wish that she enjoy her meal before bustling off to take care of other guests.

Without any case for how it looked, she took the bread and opened the bag slung at her hip and secreted the crusty piece away for later after wrapping it in a cloth that she kept inside. She eyed the soup with deep suspicion, though. Not standard fare for her, and a thing that seemed uniquely and outsider thing to eat.

She stuck a finger in it and then to her mouth, expression odd as the flavor filled her mouth. She wasn't sure she liked it, but calories were calories. She picked the bowl up and began to drink it slowly.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine had no way to trust the female's worry of something yet to come, but even as she watched the foreigner attempt to eat her meal, she could not help her eyes from drifting to the front door, as if trouble would walk in any moment. Perhaps it was paranoia, fed from the other, but the exiled Dreadlord could... sense something in the air.

"Are you in trouble?" She found herself asking, turning to look at the other with furrowed brows. "What trouble?"

She need not have a weapon at her side to reach for. Her magic provided for her, within a moment's thought would a blade be created in her hand, but her hand still moved, itching towards the small pouch of metal pieces that gave the basis to any weapon should she need it.

  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Aeyliea
She let loose a bitter laugh, shaking her white-maned head so that the various things woven into it clicked and fluttered. If only she could give an answer to the question. It was even odds if she would have answered, anyway, but she certainly could not do it if she herself did not understand...

...well, anything. She could pry no pieces loose on this enigmatic journey. Her flight was born of instinct and premonition and little else.

"Not know," she said with an affected shrug, as though she were unbothered. Couldn't be further from the truth, though. Likely was ineffective in the misdirection, as well; misdirection was not a well-honed trait. Among her kindred, directness was prized. "Will not be chained, not more. Enough, have had. But...not want to let me go," she said.

She was certain, absolutely certain, that she would not be allowed to simply walk away. Unaware of its gradual strengthening, it was then that she noticed an unpleasant... Something. Something in the air, like a spectral smell as foul as the djini of the desert.

Her eyes swiveled to the door again, locked there.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine stopped eating.

Her eyes went back to the door, brows furrowing deeply. There was an inevitable about to come to pass, and slowly, her head turned so that she may look upon the other woman once more.
"Should we meet it?"

She surely did not want to remain here and put the other innocent patrons at risk. Not many of them looked capable to fight, merely traveling on their way. Zephyrine didn't also need to assist the foreigner, but her hands itched to be put to work, to weave and recreate weapons and combat.

Clearing her throat, she braced herself for any next move.
"Not understand," she said as she finished off the bowl. It was probably quite good, after the local fashion. To her tongue, it was bland and lacked sufficient spice. The important thing was that it was food, calories to be burned. She could go quite some time without eating or drinking. It wasn't a pleasant experience though. "Fight what you know, not what is not known. Traveler ... unknown. May be strong?"

Quite likely exceptionally strong. Either that leather-clad individual was terrifyingly powerful, else they were utterly mad. The savage was quite sure that there was no reason why it couldn't, and wasn't, both.

She stood suddenly, grabbing the bread with her bad hand. There was no point in staying here any longer than absolutely necessary.

And then the door to the common room opened. The being that stepped into the opening was...underwhelming. Aeyliea went still as those eyes roved over the patrons in the room and settled on her with the inevitability of death.

They were clad from head to toe in a leather case; leather leggings, vest, and boots and a leather mask that concealed their face such that only the eyes showed and those black, icy pits without a trace of humanity in them. The creature wore a leather hood, drawn up so that most of their face was in shadow.

"Time... to leave," she said, and turned to suit her words.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Zephyrine
Strangeness and oddness, intertwining until it was too tight and rendered the air of the room to something so thick, Zephyrine was sure it was thicker than the soup that was served to her.

She stood up, her spoon clattering on the table from the movement. Her eyes never drifted from the being, watching as it's attention found the foreign girl on the other side of the table from her. She spoke, and Zephyrine could not help but scoff at the words.
"We going to deal with... that?"

The exiled Dreadlord set around the bench seat, weapons made into her waiting hands at her side as her tawny eyes kept focus on the strange being at the door.

"I want no trouble in my business! You hear me, girl? And you! You! Get outside!"

The attendant chastised them, but Zephyrine did not drop her defense. Not until she knew what that being would do next. She was powerful, had plenty of magical reserves to fall back on... but Zephyrine was a forged weapon. She lacked the understanding of suffering under another's magic, especially that of a non human mages' energies.
"Leaving," was all the savage said in response. There was uncertainty in her voice born of the unknown; the creature in the door was a mystery and had been for over a year. Without waiting for reply, the No'rei rushed through the door into the back of the common room to the angry squawk of the proprietor who rushed to follow with little heed for the weapon on Aeyliea's back.

The creature stared after Aeyliea for a moment, then looked to Zephyrine with unfathomable eyes. There was a sudden sense of threat - a wild swell of something that was ill defined and unknowable. It carried with it the dusty, desert stink of centuries.


Aeyliea bustled through a room with four or five other people working their dreary day job - cooking, doing dishes, and chatting idly among one another. They looked up in surprise as Aeyliea entered their haven - a stranger who did not belong. Aeyliea did not pay them any heed; instead, she sifted through the ashes within looking for some thread of power.

The beast in her skull remained quiescent. For a change, she would have been happy at that eldritch presence.

She slipped out the back door and into what would have been an alley in any city, but which was more or less a smaller, grubbier street than the one facing the place. Free of the confines of the indoors, she felt as though she could breath again - even if the unwelcome feel of fear still crawled along her spine.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine moved a second after the other woman did, and only when she sensed the creature at the door be in pursuit did Zephyrine throw up a block made of a wooden wall she used with her magic in hopes to slow it down as she rushed quickly behind the foreigner.

She was quick, able to keep up with the other, and Zephyrine became glad for all those mornings she trained with Davi and keeping up with his fast pace.

The feel of the fresh air hit her with a cold snap, and the warmth of her breath swirled in a visible cloud as she ran to follow. Zephyrine didn't know what they were running from, or why she even volunteered to help, but she knew it was better to confront something than to run from it.

"Wait!" She called out, rounding a corner and almost throwing herself against a wall to make the turn. "I have a horse! It's faster!"
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Aeyliea
She looked surprised when the stranger appeared through the same door she had slipped out of. She was not accustomed to help from unknown quarters. After all, she was hardly a warm and friendly soul to begin with before even considering her roots.

Her breath pluming in front of her, she shook her head. "Have my own," she said in clipped, thickly accented words. "Not... not flee. Fight. Not here, in town." Without waiting for a response, she turned and started to run.

She moved quickly. Her long legs ate ground quickly and despite the crippling injury she had taken two years ago, she had maintained her readiness with the fanaticism of a borne warrior. She might have earned a few eyes running so hard - it was already impossible to avoid notice when she was dressed for a warmer day, even harder to avoid it when the scales her neck and arms marked her as one of the plainswomen.

She rounded the front of the building with a hard look on her face. Her mount was still tied up where she had left her; in a burst of speed she closed the distance. Unwrapping the reins, she vaulted onto the back of the mare in a single smooth motion-

-just as the shrouded figure opened the door and stepped onto the wooden walk out front.

"Do not flee, No'rei. You will show us the Path," the hooded figure said in a chilling woman's voice. Aeyliea ignored it, sawing at the reins and wheeling her beast in a tight turn before booting her in the ribs hard. The paint snorted in indignation and made to bolt in the direction Aeyliea had faced her-

-before a tearing sound like the world being ripped in half roared behind her. Traveller brought their hand round and down as if chopping with a knife, and a wave of power traveled the arc as well.

Horse screaming as she was taken by the blast of razor-sharp wind, Aeyliea was stripped from the saddle in a mist of blood and pain. She landed with a shriek only matched by the horse as it rolled back to its feet.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine stumbled and slipped, crashing to the ground from being startled by the loud and earsplitting sound. As she fell, her hands went to cover her ears, eyes closed so tight, she had not realised they had teared up due to the pain the sound caused her.

She had been deaf and blind, and only when it stopped ringing in her head, Zephyrine gingerly regained her senses.

The young woman had fallen from her horse, blood staining her as she writhed on the ground. She wanted to call out, to ask if she was alright, but the presence of the Other kept the young Dreadlord at bay. Zephyrine was frozen, useless with fear of the strangeness she was witnessing.

She should do something.
  • Yay
Reactions: Aeyliea
She rolled back to her feet only slightly less adroitly than she might have before her crippling. The pain was mostly from landing on that twisted arm; the wrap around her chest was shredded across the back, and it was from there that the blood had flowed. It already had ceased, scaled along her spine unmarred but the flesh around it ravaged and torn.

Aeyliea had scooped up one of her spears that had fallen from the scabbard hanging from the saddle of the horse when it was bowled over. The beast had trotted several dozen yards before stopping - well trained for battle.

"{I do not know what you seek, but you will not get it from me,}" she said to the spook in the flowing tongue of her people. She raised a spear in her good hand and took a step forward, grimacing in pain.

"You will either serve alive or else die and serve us in death," Traveler replied, deep male voice replacing the feminine that had preceded it. Menace radiated from the sorcerer, unfathomable power rolling from the apparition in waves. Surely every mage and seer in the settlement could feel it. Surely every person could, and was now fleeing in the other direction.

The street was empty save for the three of them.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Zephyrine
A language foreign to her ears, Zephyrine waited to the side as she concentrated on the scene before her. This gave her time to assess the pursuer of the foreign female, but as they spoke, a dreadful amount of power rolled through the area. It was enough to make Zephyrine step back, and the girl gritted her teeth as she set her jaw.

She was sure they were alone now, but she did not breathe a word. Perhaps if she could create an obstacle so that they had time to run? The idea died as soon as she felt the power still emanating from the Unknown. A reminder it was unlike anything the Anirian had ever felt before.

"What do you want from her?" She had to do something, not stand on the sidelines and watch. Zephyrine did not grow up to train as a Dreadlord only to stand aside and be a witness.

The creature turned a head to look upon Zephyrine. While the eyes could not be seen, something of the utter contempt for the Anirian managed to seep through. "Something you people never learned," the creature intoned in a gravelly voice. "Prostration and respect due your betters."

Power rolled off of Traveler then. Here and there in the street, the ground shifted uneasily. At first it appeared nothing was going to happen...and then skeletal hands burst from the ground like calcified flowers which themselves bloomed into figures of undeath. The power Traveler wielded saturated each and every one of the minions called from beyond.

Two. A dozen. Four dozen. As soon as each had managed to free itself from the muddy, half-frozen ground they turned and began to advance on Aeyliea and Zephyrine, dirt and stone clinging to ivory-colored frames. "Subdue the No'rei. Kill the other one," the creature said in a woman's voice, cold as the wind and as remorseless.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Zephyrine
She had been ready for a fight, at least a fighting chance of one, but for a horde to be summoned from the earth and then turned against her was something she had not prepared for, even at the Academy.

Zephyrine had been a hunter, executioner, and soldier, but never had she been a spare thought.

Weapons would do her no good, not when she could spy more numbers being made. She had to use what she had, to fight against multitudes at once.

The rock and stones left undisturbed in the earth came together in an attempt to become prisons for their movements, stalling them in time for Zephyrine to grab a small fistful of steel scraps from her pouch, tossing them into the air and recreating them into sharpened points like arrows, aiming for the places between dirt and stone.
The horde rose from the grave in tattered armor and the clothing of a dozen different peoples. Aeyliea did not have time to properly think on what it meant - whether Traveler was conjuring them from nothing or pulling their lifeless frames from the ground.

She danced forward.

A foot and then some of steel proved a formidable weapon against bone and rotten leather and fabric. The undead were hardly dexterous or agile; they grasped with bony hands and half-rotten ones but with only a fraction of the speed that the tribal managed. It was just that there were so many of them. Zephyrine imprisoned two dozen of them in soil and stone, and their scrabbling against their earthen walls could be heard even as metal gleamed in the air and then flashed in the sunlight. Bone shattered, cloth crumbled into dust and a dozen figures fell.

But dozens more took their place. Bones and half-rotted figures clawed their way free of half-frozen mud in this street, and in other streets as the power swelled and spread. Traveler laughed as they plied their power, a sickening alien laugh that seemed just slightly out of phase with this world.

Aeyliea made for them. Bone puffed into dust and shattered and fell like rain as she charged straight for the spook. Sharp bones grasped and scratched her flesh but were ineffectual at holding her. In a few moments she had covered the distance between them, pale dust gleaming in the air behind her as broken fragments of the dead clawed their way towards her in pieces.

She reached Traveler, who had been staring with mirth at Zephyrine, and drove her spear straight through its chest. The point punched through cleanly, but instead of blood it was dust that sprayed from the other side.

Traveler's head whipped round, dark eyes gleaming in beneath its mask. "Futility," they said as they grabbed her by her throat and lifted her from the ground with the casual ease of undead strength. "Submit." She choked and struggled without much effect, kicks landing and raising dust and not much else, good hand clutching at the gloved one closed about her throat.

The undead continued to rise. They were in their hundreds now, shambling from every street and alley, shifting and shuffling to overwhelm the Dreadlord by sheer numbers alone. Speed and intelligence was not necessary, after all, when the odds were ever in their favor.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Zephyrine
There was no time to assess what she had seen in the peripherals, that the spear of the stranger pierced through and the lack of blood or pained breath from the wound made Zephyrine's heart sink. Dust, caught on the wind and blowing away. A foe that could not be killed.

That thought alone did not make her give up. Zephyrine roared her anger, her fierceness at the overwhelming numbers coming for her.

She could not survive this, but she was a Dreadlord, however lost at the moment, there were some things one did not shed so easily.

Zephyrine did not take from her pouch again, instead, feeding her magic to the natural resources around her. Already the undead wore armour made from the earth and stone, but to shed those layers did not kill them when the opposing magic still gave them physical form. It was as if she were about to fight off phantoms, but pulling all she could from the near fathomless well of her own power, she screamed at the amount of magic that answered her call. It burned every vein in her to hold such weight, but she was the conductor to her own orchestra. Instinct knew how to go forth, and the Anirian allowed it all to flow.

Earth, dirt, stone, and the fallen pieces from nearby trees, it all came to her. Whirlwind and chaotic, they came together to create a dome above her, arcing over to reach even the stranger and the foe.

Before darkness could shroud them, Zephyrine felt something pierce through the back of her shoulder blade, so close to her heart but the point hit bone. Her magic still went on, but the Dreadlord fell to her knees and turned to see one undead underling had slipped beneath the dome.

"Fight!" She found herself calling out, drowning out the Traveler's words to the stranger.

Zephyrine was a lousy healer. She had spent an hour each day for a few months learning to stitch with magic and repair wounds on a boy she grew to think of tenderly. There was one more letter she had meant to send, but perhaps... he may never read it.

"Fight him!"
Air would not pass her lips, not so long as that vice-like grip crushed her throat. She was sure that the beast did not wish to see her die here and now even if she did not understand why. The world was beginning to grey out on the edges, the sound of stone and bone becoming first sharper, then more fuzzy at the edges.

She would not submit. She battered the arm that held her off the ground, pummeled the bastard with her feet. Even with every ounce of her strength and stubborn will, though, she could not shift the strange spook. She wasn't going to die, but she was going to be subdued and subjected to...what?

Something woke in her then. She could feel it even as her consciousness wavered on the edge of the void. And so could Traveler, who grinned gleefully. "We knew you were ther-," they began.

The world flashed blue and white. Searing heat and a colossal roar slammed through Aeyliea even as she found the grip round her throat loosen and vanish. She found herself on the ground a dozen feet from where she had started and blinking dancing silver lights and ghostly after images; the dome of stone that Zephyrine had erected was no longer whole, a hole shattered through it.

Traveler knelt on the ground, an arm and part of its shoulder simply gone, the ground scorched around it. Aeyliea choked and coughed, getting to her knees. She felt power thrum through her, but it wasn't hers to use. She felt a puppet without strings. Whether they had been cut or it was some other sensation was difficult to say.

She got to her feet unsteadily, and looked to Zephyrine. "Must flee," she said hoarsely. Their foe was stunned - but how long would that last?
  • Dwarf
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