LFG Big Trouble in Little Portshaw


Unliving Terror of the Seas
Character Biography
Howdy do, I'm looking for an interested band of heroes and/or ne'er-do-wells interested in saving a shanty town by the shore from an undead invasion, for a reward as little as a warm, fuzzy feeling in their heart.

Here's the story so far: Captain Méchanteau's suspicious luck with card games has earned him a new ship, it is a small and sleek vessel of elven making, very pretty indeed... Unfortunately, he couldn't spare enough undead from his other ships to man this one, and so he decided to make some of his own!

Little Portshaw is an unremarkable village at some distance of Elbion. Its main exports are fish, squid, and starry-eyed youths. It is so irrelevant to the rest of world that one would be hard-pressed to find a map that depicts it, no more than fifty able-bodied men live in it, without counting the women and children that would also serve well as deckhands. In short, it is the perfect place to lay siege to and slowly corrupt with necromantic magic.

For a week now Captain Méchanteau has terrorized the village. The dead rise from their graves and walk in oddly organized lines to enter the gilded oak caravel from which no-one leaves, the sick grow sicker and the unsound of mind start speaking in tongues, usually just before strange men with deep, gashing, festering wounds break into their houses and take them away to their Captain's employ.

The terror continues unchallenged, Méchanteau plans on taking everyone in the village and he is very close to achieving his goal. Few believe the rumors of the Dread Captain's exploit, the odds don't seem that great for the twenty-odd people boarded up in their houses, although their luck may change now that the last carrier pigeon they sent escaped the necromancer's crows and delivered its message to the fine people of the neighboring village, Big Portshaw. Help is most certainly on the way.

The danger is great and the reward a pittance, will anyone stand up and fend off Méchanteau's invasion?