LFG Bhathairk Emergency: The Amalgamation Comes


Monster Slayer
Character Biography
A messenger, fatally wounded and utterly terrified, arrives in Bhathairk. He pleads desperately to speak with the Council of Elders. And to them he delivers this succinct message:

The city...

Must be evacuated...

It's coming.



Come help fight a legendary monster!

Do your part! Defend Bhathairk!

Plenty of room for stuff not even directly related to combat. Help the evacuation at the Gates or across the rivers, tend to the wounded (there will be many), search for something in the city. Maybe your character isn't out there with the vanguard of adventurers, but taking advantage of the chaos for their own gain ("The Burning of Elbion" had plenty of that :cool:).

Whatever creativity this scenario might inspire, go with it!