Private Tales Answers The Old Way

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Many Faces
Character Biography
Cortos - Free City of Valeera

Cenric sat quietly upon the raised balcony on the upper levels of the Lilac Theater, and also in the pit, and behind the stage in one of the dressing rooms.

Three of his bodies were present in this city, though only the one sitting on the Balcony was of any true import. The others were castaways, expected to die, and only acquired for this very mission with the help of the woman sitting besides him.

It was his first time working with Adira, and so far he had found the whole experience to be remarkably...pleasant. Many of his mission nowadays were in the companionship of the newer generation. Mostly because of Erodin and Amelie's plan to steer them in a certain direction, but it made most of his missions seem like they were teaching experiences. A fact which became more and more frustrating as time went on.

Working with one who came up in the same age as him was remarkably refreshing. "There she is."

Cenric commented as the falsetto took to the stage.

She was an utterly gorgeous thing, Cenric had to admit. With the face of an angel and hair which would make the gods craven with jealousy. The dress she wore was the envy of Queens the world over, and it was no surprise given the magics she had long held. This singer, after all, was no ordinary woman. She was a Dreadlord, a runaway.

One of Gilram's, or formerly at least. From the information they had already gathered, Cirilla had abandoned the old Archon and taken to her own pursuits. Ending up here in Valeera and posing as part of the Opera, though why they did not yet know.

That was part of their mission too.

"Her voice is pleasant." Cenric said, leaning into Adira's side. "You have to admit."

He noted.
  • Frog Sus
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