Open Chronicles And we all thought this was gonna be a normal day...hahaha

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Faelin K'Abveirin

Character Biography
Valdyna Weiroon

The little elf shrugged his head as he loitered about, his feet wandering only a few paces away from a deep round sinkhole. without a care of the word he didn't seem too much fazed by how deep the thing was, or just how dangerous going in might have been.

The sinkhole appeared almost unnatural, perfectly round with a diameter of 10 meters and what appeared as... charred logs sticking out from the walls like some kinda wicked teeth lining belonging to a hungry leech. They continued to spiral down into the pitch black abyss.
It was, it was called...the Great stinkhole, or so at least the locals called it, the hole had an uncanny smell to it. Supposedly it was a place where many a wizard would hide their artefacts, and for children to throw rocks in. One of the many things supposedly thrown in was a necklace belonging to the long deceased countess DuVett, it was enchanted and a highly prized item.

And thus Faelin stood there, the first of the band of explorers to be here, and in his boredoom, he peered into the hole once more. His dark elven instincts giving him a bad feeling about it.

(also i'm like lowkey DMing the environment huhe and will diligently respond to all smell-touch-look-stab environment detailseeking stuff)
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Faelin K'Abveirin

Stray rocks ground beneath her heel as Valdyna slowly stepped toward the chasm known as the Great Sinkhole. She was wearing well made gear in shades of blue, sturdy trousers, shirt, and doublet, completed with knee high leather boots and elbow length gloves. Her belt held many pouches full of various items she used in her spell casting, and a leather bound book sat attached to her left hip, with a dagger attached to her right.

She stopped at the edge of the chasm and looked down for a few moments before turning to the dark elf.

"This is a good find, I'd never been to this region before, but the lore sounds like this would be a jackpot..." her smile widened, and a gleam of excitement at the prospect of gaining lost knowledge sparkled in her eyes. "Do we have any information on traps we may come across?"
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»ahh, it's you. Yes...well...« The elf gazed one more time into the hole before slinging the rope off his shoulder. »It 'feels' noxious,« no way,!
Valdyna probably couldn't smell it just yet, the dark elf's senses were far better attuned to it, even though he couldn't pick up the smell, plus the hole tended to emit a very stinky, sour smell periodically, but not all the time.
»Probably some gasses really, they don't seem...too dangerous.« The elf nodded his head. »Other than that? A lost dog that fell down, with rabies.«
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Reactions: Valdyna Weiroon
Valdyna grinned and raised an eyebrow at the dark elf, nothing seemingly able to dampen her excitement for the prospect of discovery.

"'Tis I. You didn't think you could tell me about this and then keep the discovery to yourself, did you?" She chuckled, turning back to the hole. "Besides, you may need me down there."

She kicked a pebble over the edge and watched it fall down.
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The pebble fell and fell, no thump echoing from the pit, it likely fell on soft soil or something.
The dark elf only shrugged. »No, of course not. So..lets fasten this up,« he then hollered as he walked around looking for a suitable location to tie to rope to.
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Reactions: Valdyna Weiroon
Valdyna nods and follows after with her own coil of rope. Magic could get her down there, but it was always best to conserve energy, and you never knew when having a conventional means of egress would prove useful.

About a quarter of the way around the hole from where they had met, they found a rocky outcropping. The largest piece of rock angled back away from the hole, and several smaller points went in different directions.

"Here looks good..." Dyna knelt down and began to lash her coil to the rock. Her hands weren't quite as skilled as the sailors she'd traveled with, but the knotwork would look familiar to anyone who had done sailing and worked their voyage. Once done, she tugged on the rope, then cast the coil over the edge. She looked back towards the dark elf, pulling a small pin from a pouch on her belt and holding it out to him. "This has a one time use enchantment, it'll allow you to float down in the event you should fall. I could explain how it does it, if you'd like..."

She'd come a long way from just automatically explaining any magical phenomenon she came across to any who would listen, and many who would rather not. She didn't quite understand it, but knew some people didn't share her jubilation over all things magical. She pinned a near twin of the pin to her own jerkin, it was a piece of obsidian shaped like a feather.
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Faelin would end up tying the long coil just as quickly, but spending more time thereafter securing the knot.

When done and tossed across the edge he turned towards the redhead. The dry elf tilted his head a little as he stretched his head out and took the pin. He then slowly brought it up to his face for closer inspection, tilting it around in different directions.
»Put it in your hair? Prick your skin? Wrap it on a shirt?« The dark elf guessed a few times.
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Reactions: Valdyna Weiroon
"Just so long as it is on your person and the pin portion is locked. You can even keep it in your pocket if you'd like." She said, then she grabbed up her rope and began to move into the hole.

She walked herself down slowly, until the wall of the sinkhole was gone and she was just sliding down the rope itself. She kept her pace slow, so as to not lose control, and let herself rest as she went down.
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Reactions: Faelin K'Abveirin
»I'll keep that in mind,« he spoke while putting the pin through some layers of his patterned cloak.
While the sinkhole for the longest time appeared to be an uniform straight shaft, it began to meander and wriggle, curve, while still retaining it's vertical descent. One time however the cavern angled so that they could...briefly step onto the edge if they so desired...But Faelin preffered to keep going down.

»Seems a bit stuffy, and warm,« Faelin commented as they neared the bottom, which was not flat but simply the tunnel making a sharp horizontal turn.
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Reactions: Valdyna Weiroon
»Seems a bit stuffy, and warm,«

Valdyna took a breath and nodded.

"Yeah, I was noticing that as well. That may not bode well..." she'd spent some time with Dwarves, and learned a bit about moving around beneath the ground. Caves were supposed to be nearly uniformly cool, except where the fires within the ground came near. She hadn't thought of that, and didn't have any ready trinkets to deal with it.

Dyna paused after the last undulation of the tunnel, whispering a small incantation and sending a bead of arcane light down. It illuminated their ropes hanging about three feet off of the bottom of the sinkhole. Not the most disasterous distance to drop, but annoying in that it meant no quick get aways.

'Quick get away...right, that climb wasn't easy going down, it'll be a bear going up...'

"How familiar are you with caves?" While she knew a little about elves and dark elves, she didn't know enough to make assumptions on skills. "I can leave arcane breadcrumbs as we go..."
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Well that was a positive sight, a little bit of a fill won't be much an issue...good they had extra long ropes.
Oddly enough the cave spewed out a warm gush of wind every few moments, bearing an acidic smell that Faelin spoke of up above..

»Better than a dwarf for sure,«
the dark elf nodded. »Us dark elves, not the Sharathi, nor the Antikathri, but us Nocturnals built giant cities of live caves spanning over the whole of Epressa, in a way, caves are an extension of us, but well, the cities, they're all gone.«

»The breadcrumbs, you know, palce them in case I die. In case you die...oh well, woe is me.«
He simply shrugged, bearing a light, barely noticable grin.
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Reactions: Valdyna Weiroon
Valdyna snorted in a non-delicate way, though that caused her to take a deep breath of the noxious fumes. It caused her to cough slightly.

"Ougg.." quite unladylike, she spat on the ground. "That was a delicious scent."

She turned back to the dark elf and shrugged.

"I do hope the loss of life is kept to a bare in zero. You and I can both come out of this rich and with knowledge no one else has seen in centuries." She reached behind her, into a pouch on the back of her belt, and pulled out a piece of cloth, which she tied around her mouth and nose, securing it behind her head.

"Well, I will defer to your expertise, my friend." she finished. "Lead the way."
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"That was a delicious scent."
»Isn't it so,« Faelin nodded.
»No wonder the name...« Faelin gazed back at her, figuring that he should pull his shirt over the nose likewise, he didn't mind, not smelling the preiodic stench burps. »And how often do you go spelunking?«

Still the cave apared very mundane the further along they went, it still appeared as a completely circular cavern, though now one could actually see various other features... like pebbles children threw in...and some animal bones that were washed down here. Trinkets, jewelry thrown in by vengeful lasses, whatever one might loose....
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Reactions: Valdyna Weiroon
"To be entirely honest, only as many times as ancient knowledge is shown to be in caves." She grinned behind her makeshift mask. "So this will be my third time in natural caves, I doubt Dwarven cities would truly count as spelunking."

She scooped up a pebble from beneath them and pressed her signet ring into it. The enchantment on the ring left an arcane mark with her sigil upon it. She dropped it on the ground, the beginning of her bread crumb trail.

Her eyes roamed over the walls, natural stone that was untouched by hand or tool thus far. It didn't look like where an ancient civilization would hide things, but that didn't mean they didn't. Not everyone was a Vel Anirian, needing grand edificies to maintain their dignity.
The elf was abbout to respond when something caught his eye... »Hey, you see that? I'm not entirely sure this is a natural cavern...the stone is almost completely flat and...« Faelin pointed at the cieling down ahead at the edge of the visible tunnel.
The stone transitioned in some dark muck, and not far behind that much white pointy stakes lined the walls round and round in a spiral fashion, with the largest spikes being located closest to them.
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Valdyna paused a few steps before the muck, looking at it with an inquisitive eye. She spent a few moments trying to see anything she could about the muck, then moved her gaze past the muck and to the white spikes. She took in their spiral formation up and down the walls.

After a few moments, she turned back to her dark elf companion.

"You may be right..." she let her sentence fade to silence and remembered her previous words. "I'll trust your expertise, especially in light of the current situation. What do you think this muck and that spiral area are about?"

While waiting for a response, she mentally tallied what was in her pouches and tried to think of what spells she could cast to help identify the muck and the white spirals.
Faelin stepped over on the soil blackned, appearing to be deep in thought.
»Liadain is plain weird,« was his simple explenation. Probably being the most likely proof that this cavern was some kind of anomaly. »Some kind of detritus really...«
He tapped the spiky structure..., putting his ear near and tpping again. »humm... There is something soft on the inside, it's multilayered ...Plus the surface is glossy, slightly moist, I can't recall what kind of rock this is...«

He turned his head towards her. »Very odd, do you think it's some kind of magic in this place?« further down the tunnel the dark soil dispersed into a ruddy soft mush.