Fable - Ask An Abomination's Vendetta

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
Sanctuary - Eretejva Tundra

"WHERE IS YALGORI, DEATH DEFILERS?! HIS DEMISE WILL BRING YOUR FREEDOM!" The walking nightmare called out while crushing the head of necromancer who dared stand in its path as it entered the home of the Eternum. Its blade had already left gashes across every building it passed. A wake of defeated undead and undeath casters behind it. It threw the body it was dragging forward into a crowd of more who planned on interrupting its path.

"EVERY SECOND HE BREATHES IS ANOTHER BODY OF YOURS I FLAY." The abomination brought its swords upward and cut horizontally, cutting several opponents in half and splintering a wall it connected with at the end of its swing. Nothing was preventing its progress into Sanctuary.

Where it came from, unknown. The name of the necromancer it called for, likely the same. Its destruction was almost definitely aimless, yet not in its own mind. if it could even be called a mind.

It had long awaited this moment.

If Yalgori was anywhere, it would be here. Harrier had told it that. The Thousand Eyed Angel would take any lead given to it. Many made the mistake of considering this beast to be undead itself. This was a common misconception.

All it wanted to be able to do was die.