The Thousand Eyed Angel

The Thousand Eyed Angel

Biographical information
Some Vile Mountain Anywhere between 1400 and 2000 years old Nowhere
Physical description
??? ??? 7'0 200+lbs ??? ??? ???
Political information
Does not have a mind to work.
Out-of-character information


None that know the face of The Thousand Eyed Angel are alive to tell anyone what they look like. Be it the passing of time or the weight of their blade, that story is long gone. They are known to wear an armor most horrific that is laden with spikes and even displays some that would be sticking through their skull.The armor is a rusted suit and tunic that is blood red and pale white, looking like some disgraced templar. The blood that has dried upon it looks a millennia old. Their back shows a pattern of horrifying looking eyes sprawling across the armor.

Skills and Abilities

This creature is an absolute tank. Physical attacks don't phase it, and do much less damage to it then magic attacks. Their strength is hysterical. The ability to lift up to an indeterminate amount of weight and crush through castle walls with the littlest effort. The swings of their sword, which seems to be just a jagged slab of metal, seem to have a gravitational force with how hard they are. They have been seen to conjure some sort of shadowy magic in the form of projectiles to damage or wings to gain mobility when the situation they are in becomes more dire. It is also completely immune to anything fire or heat related. It is extremely weak to cold/ice. In other horrors, it can certainly be defeated, but is not something that seems to ever die.


There is no conversation with The Thousand Eyed Angel unless you are able to immobilize them. If they can so much as lift a finger the creature will try to kill whatever it sees. It will attack at what seems like random. It talks to its opponents in riddles. Never making sense of what its speaking on. None in hundreds of years have been able to break the cold shell of whatever this thing is. An encounter with it means definite combat.

Biography & Lore

To anyone who knows of curses and of lives that should never have been conceived, The Thousand Eyed Angel would be a name they've heard more than once. Though the origins of its birth are vague, some details have been uncovered. It was born at the peak of a mountain about to erupt over a thousand years ago. As to the birth giver it is safe to say they are long dead. It is speculated that it was born with some sort of curse. Something that makes it unbridled with rage and hatred. The Thousand Eyed Angel has been known to kill wanderers and adventurers alike, and many meet the creature in dungeons or places barren. There was only a twenty five year gap where its rampage ceased. No one knows where it went or what it was doing. When it came back its rage was amplified ten fold for some unknown reason. It is also known that it hates the name 'Olivia' and that it constantly references 'sunshine'.


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