Open Chronicles Among the Solemn Grove of Honeyed Dreams

A roleplay open for anyone to join
The mage, taking the bard's knowing glance with a guilty shrug, beheld the man with a respectful bow. He would strike a eerie image, his blue eyes standing out from the hood over his head. But his tone held no cold, only polite manners.

"Greetings. I am Focraig'Diin. This young one led us here, from what appears to be the gardens. I hope we are not intruding."

Odessa White Swallow
Abu Halim chuckled, »The Sayyiduna, first under al-Khāliq, has the gardens open for all to behold their beauty.«

The peafowl beneath him pecked at the ground for seeds, some wandered around them aimlessly yet gracefuly.
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Reactions: Odessa (character)
The glance she gave him in return as he shrugged at her was a kind one, before her eyes would move toward the fellow before them. The concern in her eyes was obvious as he looked as if at any moment he would simply blow away.

The pink bottom lip of hers would meet her top teeth as she bit it in a slight pout. It was her way of thinking as she remained quiet, as the mage spoke, he was so interesting, there was high hopes she would be able to pick his mind later.

“Oh, how wise and generous, I am honored to be able to feast upon such beauty.” Her soft voice spoke up and she tilted her head to the side.

“Pardon me, I’m Odessa a humble bard, I do hope I am not troubling you, but do you happen to direct me toward a local inn?”
Abu Halim scratched his thin beard, »There are no taverns, alcohol is forbidden from us. If you need a place to stay, some kind people would welcome you warmly, definitely.«
His voice was warm and gentle, head nodded along as his eyes closed but briefly.

One of the peacocks called out into the distance and the old man put his hand into the bag of seeds.
He was one of the many gardeners and caretakers of this paradise.
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Reactions: Odessa (character)