Private Tales Ah Shit Here We Go Again

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Oh I think I'm just right when it comes to you," Willis smirked. "Right now I can't get enough of you Zafira." Well if there's one thing that Zafira shared with Willis was that she possessed a devil may care attitude. It was what was required to be a Monster Hunter, she'd fit right in if she was interested. The young woman casted a spell, her eyes turning bright amber and light illuminated from the palms of her hands. She guided Willis through the cave as he followed looking around for any creature that might attack.

Willis smiled a bit "It looks a bit roomy," he said. "You can fit a village in here and still have a lot of space left." The young man then looked up at the ceiling. "I'd say watch out for Ropers," he said. "Those are monsters who camouflage themselves as stalactites, Ropers use their stony vice grip to pick up unsuspecting foes and choke them to death."

It was then Willis grabbed Zafira by her slim waist lifting her up. "Like I'm doing right now!" he laughed. "But in seriousness, their stomach juices are coveted by alchemists since they are often involved in creating rare potions.
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Zafira sunk her teeth into her bottom lip, agreeing with Willis' statement of them being able to fit a village in the cave. Zafira would have preferred something smaller. Looking for any signs of danger and the like would have been a whole lot more easier had the cave been able to only fit a person or two. As Willis told her about the scary-sounding creatures call Ropers, she felt two hands grip at her waist and lift her. She let out a soft scream before feeling Willis chuckle. She let out a dramatic gasp and shoved at his shoulder, trying to hold back her chuckle. She playfully glared at him before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"So what I'm hearing is that you're the monster I should be watching out for?" Zafira teased. Hearing him make his comments about the disgusting sounding creature, Zafira grimaced. "I sincerely hope they are not residing here then," she said stiffly, pulling away to take an extra look around the cave. Finding a good spot on a rock, Zafira smiled and plopped down on it, looking up at Willis.
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Willis couldn't help but stifle a laugh the moment he saw Zafira's bewildered face. He had her on the ropes describing the Roper. At first, Willis expected Zafira to be at least be fascinated with its stomach juice but she looked a bit disgusted which was fine as well since Willis wanted her distracted. The young man found it hard to resist her teasing allure placing his foot on to the boulder.

"I'm the monster that you should be ecstatic about," he winked. "Not all monsters are dangerous some are just handsome and cuddly."

He looked up at the ceiling and frowned, Ropers were very good at camouflage even Madame Valkery's abilities had a hard time detecting the creature's life force. Ropers had a knack of hiding themselves from mages. Probably a defense mechanism acquired through years of natural selection. "Don't worry Zafira," Willis said sitting next to her. "You have the Monster whose job is take care of any creature that attacks someone as beautiful and precious like you."
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Zafira stifled a laugh at Willis' action, enjoying his teasing nature. She leaned back, and admired his form, watching him with a curious intent. Zafira was by no means an artist. The best thing she could draw was a stick figure, and even those were muddled with not silky lines. Nonetheless, she wanted to draw Willis and all the lines and hard planes of his face and chest. He was handsome, and he knew it.

"Handsome, sure," Zafira said with a shrug, yelping lightly when he poked her side. She grabbed his finger teasingly and stood up, poking at his chest. Zafira felt herself shudder, aware of the corded muscle underneath. She had no doubt it was from him being a sailor as he had said before. She understood the great strength it took to consistently lead its reign especially with the violent waters crashing roughly on one. "This monster is made of rocks though," she smirked, referring to the muscle underneath.
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A bright smile formed on Willis' lips, there was Zafira enthralled by his looks. That was how he managed to get many women to sleep with Willis, that and his irresistible charm. An ugly man will spend a fortune to have a woman just look at him. Willis on the other hand didn't have to use his coin to flirt with any women though sometimes they may request a drink or two.

The cave was dark with the only source of light being the cracks on the ceiling. The moonlight shone through revealing causing Zafira's pale skin to glisten in the night. She looked even more beautiful standing under the shining light. The young man heard stories about Vampires glitering when they make contact with light but that was just bullshit created by some sexed crazed person desperately looking for attention.

"Well it it's natural protection," Willis said gently grabbing her wrists and pulling her close to his chest. "But like a Knight's armor," he whispered in Zafira's ear. "It has gaps that you penetrate through."
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