Private Tales After the storm

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
He removed his arm from the girl’s shoulders, and stepped aside to let her go, his ice-gray gaze fixed on her as she disappeared in the midst of the wooden shacks and stilted passages.

- “Go back to the ship.” - He would whisper to Harry. - “Keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious movement. Me and Irwin will go and investigate this tavern.” -

With that, he and the quartermaster split ways. He followed Lachlan, further into the town, and then inside the tavern. He’d sit down facing his comrade, his back turned to the rest of the patrons.

A conspicuous position, it would appear, as before he even had the chance to reply to Irwin, a handful of thuggish-looking men stumbled towards them. One of them would place his calloused hand on his shoulder, the metal glint of his sword showing beyond his muscled forearm.

- “Y’know wha’ I can’t un’stand?” - The man drawled, as he regurgitated a ball of blackened spit much in the same fashion as Ivan had in the piers moments before. - “H’w Kross sai’d away and th’n this b’nch o’kids r’turns at t’helm o’ his ship.” - His grip hardened, as he squeezed Ivan’s shoulder. - “Care to expl'n, pretty boy?” - He growled at Lachlan.​
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Lachlan Irwin
Lachie frowned.

"We bested him and his crew." He hoped to Kress Kross was not a beloved friend out here, but Lachie didn't balk. "His ship was better than ours and we took it over."

He added a shrug, as if that was all there really was to it.

There really was not much else he could add, for anything else to be mentioned was not truly something he thought would help their case. "Kross underestimated us and our crew, you wouldn't want to make the same mistake."

Lachie gave the man a smug smile before nodding to Ivan. "Right, my friend?"
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Ivan Skender