A Weary Wanderer Returns

Last Origin

Character Biography
I'm not sure how this message will be received, nor do I know what will happen as a result of visiting this familiar haunt, but I am, tentatively, dipping my toes back into the world of Chronicles. It's been almost two years since my departure, and, for those interested I have stories to share of my time spent away from the site.

When I left, I had done so in anger and frustration for a few reasons. In the time since then, I've long-contemplated the plots I'd written here as well as the people I'd met, thought probably far too long and hard about things that were said and done, and in the end, sometimes when you're upset the last person you think to look at is yourself. While there were certain circumstances that were both unfortunate and out of my control that affected my experience here, having visited other sites I have learned much and become far more aware of certain things to expect when writing RP, and suffice it to say that there were things in the past I overreacted to, and behaved in ways that were frankly quite shameful on my part. In particular, ghostings were something I struggled with given the nature of RP, and having since become more familiar with other sites, I've now learned that there are just certain things to expect when writing RP, and ghostings are just one of those things, unfortunately.

More importantly, however, I learned that ghostings and other behaviors aren't things to get upset about (too much, anyway) and that in the end, while these stories are fun, the people behind them are, and always were the real secret sauce behind why RP is so fun, and I've learned to take each day at a time with these stories, enjoying them for what they are while they last, instead of looking too far ahead at the horizon of what could be. I know that when I left, I disappointed a fair few number of writers here, and for that I have nothing to say except that I'm sorry, and hope that on some level some broken bridges might be rebuilt, and if not I'm prepared to accept that reality.

I make it sound a lot more serious than it actually is, of course. In reality I'm back because there's no other site that can offer fantasy adventures quite like this one can, and I'm eager to sink my teeth into the next quest, and see what sorts of characters I can write opposite of this time around. I think my writing has only sharpened since my departure, and I'm looking forward to putting those skills to good use. Anyway, here's to hoping the second time around will go at least a bit better than the first, and to anyone interested, yes, I am currently looking for new plots, at least two.

I'll see you all around the site. :)
Hey, welcome back! We've never met, I actually just joined less than a week ago, but it takes guts to apologize. I hope both you and anyone you write with enjoy your shared stories!

I looked over Llewen Merrick's character page and there's some great stuff there, so I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your characters. It's also cool that you used a Battle for Wesnoth avatar, that game does not get enough attention!
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Last Origin
Thank you so much, and yes, Wesnoth is a real gem hehe I'm still deciding if I want to revive any of my old characters or if I'll be starting something fresh, but thanks for the warm welcome!