Private Tales A Siren's Calling

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
In the forests of the Allir Reach there remained a small trace of an altar that had once been dedicated to the goddess Astra. It had long since been forgotten by the countless of people that had once traversed these once worn paths but at the very least the altars remained with the undying candle at its heart still burning as bright as the day it had been lit. Sitting down on their knees by one of these Altars was a seemingly young woman. Blonde locks peeked out from behind a hood that covered her head, strands of hair swaying back and forth in the howling winds that seemed to mask the murmurs that parted her lips. A gold accented teal cloak with a star at its base rested upon her shoulders which covered the majority of her silhouette.

It was hard to miss the faint glow that radiated from what little skin one could see from underneath the cloak as it waved ever so gently in the wind. Rumors had passed through Arenthil about people like her, once upon a time. Some people called them sirens, creatures that led people into the forests and feasted upon the flesh. Some people called them saviors in an hour of need and beacons in the dark.

Skylar, the woman meditating by the altar, had never liked to consider herself a danger. At least not to anyone other than herself, and she was more than content to keep it that way.

“... and grant me the strength to guide those who seek my judgment with a clear mind…”

Not too long ago her congregation had received word that the time had come for a pilgrimage. The few people that had remained at the temple along the Sayve River had set off with a supposed task of the goddess for themselves. Her parents had set off in one direction, Brother Uio in another. Sisters Sarah and Isa were both headed for Elbion. That only left Skylar, and she of all people had no idea where to even begin.

“The time has come,” A vague voice had echoed that day. “Seek my temple. Prove your loyalty.”

With the chaos that ensued after Skylar had relayed these words to her people, the understanding of where to go had been all but lost to her. Though the words echoed through her head like a recent memory at this point, nobody had ever taken the time to point her towards where she needed to go. So focused were they on the upheaval of everything that they had known that at some point they never stopped to tell Skylar where she actually needed to go as if this was to be something she innately understood.

The bad news here was that for all her blessing of the goddess was worth, Skylar was still left with nothing. As such she had simply taken to wandering the forests of the Allir Reach trying to figure out what it all meant before she would take that step. Perhaps with time, it would show itself. Perhaps.
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Reactions: Baise
Valthar still had not learned to move quietly through the southern forests. Back at home on Faarin he had been a fisherman. For this reason he had been something of a disappointment to the community. Ardull had been the most fierce warrior to come out of Faarin in years and it had been assumed that his son would be the same. Instead he had been a softly spoken, unassuming young man. Diligent at manual work, uninspiring with sword and axe. It had started to seem as if he would never discover his Svalen.

The southerners didn't think of him as quiet and polite. After Valthar had stood in the shield wall beside his uncle to defend the town he had ended up being pulled into Pandemonium and then spat back out next to a portal stone in the south. Besides being so hot that he would still sweat in a sleeveless jerk in the next unpleasantness was the people. They liked to use long words down here to justify terrible deeds. He had seen things that would never be allowed on Eretejva.

Valthar was in a better state than when he had first arrived. He had clothes that fit, an axe, a spear, a bed roll and some netting. He had stopped at small towns and done some small tasks in exchange for their coin. Now he followed the river south, hunting and fishing as he went. If he made the coast then he could follow it west towards a port and find a vessel.

For the last few miles he had been taking more care. The think foliage had been covering stone remains. The base of a long fallen wall had nearly broken a toe.

When he saw a light through the trees he decided to follow it. His curiosity was piqued, but he also imagined that perhaps something shiny and valuable had been left here. He needed every coin he could gather to pay for passage on a ship.

"Oh," went Valthar when he saw the cloaked woman with her head bowed.
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Reactions: Skylar
“... and in your light, peace.” Skylar whispered and took a deep breath. The prayer came to an end. Her hands lifted from her knees as she rose from the ground. With a careful motion she lifted her hood off of her head and turned around to look at the man whose approach had hardly been left unnoticed by the young woman. A faint smile spread across her lips at his disappointment. With another deep breath a warmth would spread across the small clearing like that of holding your hands against a candle.

Under the teal cloak she was dressed in white. A leather chest piece covered her tunic, but as far as armor went that seemed to be all. Although she seemed well-kept it was hard to miss the occasional scratch and rip into her clothes. Her armor in particular seemed worn and just a little out of size.

“Hello,” She spoke with a soft voice. Skylar placed her hands before her to show that the stranger had her full attention. “If you came to seek your riches I’m afraid this wayshrine hasn’t seen a visitor for a long while.”

The smile on her lips grew wider, and with it the glow around her seemed to get slightly brighter before it dimmed out again along with the smile.

“We are both fortunate for having found it.”
Skylar said with her eyes almost staring right into the man. “Who are you?”
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Reactions: Baise
Valthar struggled to work out what he had stumbled across. Was this what an elf looked like? They were always described as having pale skin, but he didn't remember anyone saying that it glowed.

"Wayshrine?" he muttered, testing out the word. A shrine on a travelled road perhaps. The woman had been quietly praying when he arrived. It wasn't near any road that still seemed to be in use. It had clearly been abandoned for a very long time. It made him wonder how someone had found it just for a prayer.

The accusation of raiding and the blunt nature of her question demanded an answer.

"Valthar Ardullsson," he called out. He didn't take another step closer. "Wasn't looking for this place," he replied gruffly. "Just passing by. I am not from around here."
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Reactions: Skylar
“I am Skylar.” Skylar said and gave the man a bow of her head out of respect. “I wasn’t looking for this place either. It must have been the will of the goddess.”

A stray wind passed through the clearing before Skylar spoke again.

“I too am not from here.” She spoke with a sense of curiosity to her. As she looked over at the man, it was hard not to tell the glances she gave him as if she was trying to make sense of who he was. He spoke with an accent she had never heard before, but then again that hardly meant much given her upbringing.

“If you are not here for anything in particular, then what is it you seek?”
Skylar asked without moving from her spot. “If you are in need of food or water I have plenty of both.”
She did not seem like any traveller he had met before, but his experience was limited. Beyond a few visits to the capital, Valthar had been content to remain within his own town. Those he had seen on more travelled paths since he had come to the south had been hardened mercenaries rising together. She spoke in a rather formal tone, but that was everyone from the south as far as he was concerned.

"I head south to find the coast, then I follow it west for a port," he told her. "I am looking for a ship to travel closer to home, if possible. I don't need to take anything from you, there is a clean stream I am following. But..."

His nose twitched once in the air. Nordenfiir had a remarkable sense of smell.

"...I just have cooked fish and berries left. I could trade if you have something different. A bit of variety on the road."
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Reactions: Skylar
“There is no need for trade.” Skylar said and slowly began to approach the man. Her hands moved in a circle before her, one hand over the other circling in opposite directions. A warm glow bathed a small area around her with light that slowly began to take the shape of a wrapped bread.

A small, square loaf of bread cut into four separate buns appeared between her hands before it fell into one of them. It was wrapped in a rich golden-green leaf that she extended towards Valthar with a smile, should he decide to accept it.

“I would not feel right if I did not offer you something for the road.” She said and kept her hand extended with the offering. “It is yours if you want it.”
Valthar shifted uneasily when she turned to magic so easily. He did not easily trust magic that he didn't understand. He didn't really trust magic when it was carried out by other Nordenfiir. The exception was shifting into their Svalen forms. That was like breathing to them.

"Is that normal bread? Are you a witch?"

Even when he was uncertain of himself Valthar could be blunt. The woman waiting out here to find him just to poison him seemed farfetched, but so did coming across a stranger willing to summon food out of thin air.
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Reactions: Skylar
A soft chuckle tickled against Skylar’s throat. Part of her had already forgotten that not everyone was used to such an overt use of something that was meant to be kept under control. Perhaps she just had a skewed idea of what an appropriate usage of her blessing was. Then again, she was also sworn to help those who needed her assistance.

“A witch?” She said, her eyebrow poking against the bangs of her hair. “No, although I guess it depends on how you look at it. This is a form of bread that my people have practiced and conjured for years. Very good at what it does, but also goes stale fast.”

With care she unfolded the leaves around the piece of bread.

“I… Am not as good as my peers. Theirs have more flavor. We used to offer it to the people that came by our temple for rest.”
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Reactions: Baise
Valthar offered a look that showed he found any form of magical bread a little concerning. That it was not the same standard as other magical bread clearly didn't feature in his thought process.

He chewed on the inside of his cheek. Valthar had also grown a distrust of anyone speaking in friendly tones in the wordy, southern way. However, it was quite difficult to be too suspicious of a lone praying woman offering bread. There were easier ways to poison someone than through magic.

Valthar leaned his spear against a tree to show that he meant no harm in return. The small axe stayed at his belt.

"And this will actually feed me? Not like an illusion?" he asked as he approached.
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Reactions: Skylar
People at the temple were rarely this suspicious, though. However, given that they were the ones who had sought out the help of their clerics, it was understandable that Valthar might not have been one to trust a gift given so freely.

“Indeed,” Skylar said and nodded at the man’s question. “Although you would have to be eat it within the coming days before it goes stale.”

It was the downside. The food that she could conjure was an improvement over the average traveling ration, but it also didn’t last for very long. It had managed to sustain her for the last few months, though the cost of summoning the pieces was something that would tear at her every now and then as she tried to improve its effects to varying results.

After all, magic was hard to master. No matter who you were.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where are you heading?”
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Reactions: Baise
Valthar carefully took a sniff of the air. As a nordenfiir he would have picked up the scent of any more people if they were nearby. There wasn't enough of a breeze for anyone to hide upwind. Galvanising his decision, Valthar crossed the last few feet between them.

He reached out and took the leaf-wrapped bread. It smelled of bread and felt like bread. He imagined any magical trick could manage that. It was too late to keep worrying now. The decision had been made.

"A few days of bread would be welcome," he replied. "I'm head south until I find the shore. Then looking for a port."

It wasn't very specific, but it genuinely all that he had right now. Valthar was alone in these expansive lands and had to keep on walking until he found a landmark. It would be impossible to miss this large port as he travelled the coast.
South and then a port. Skylar looked at the man as he grabbed the bread and shared his travel plans, nodding her head as she listened. She herself didn’t even have that much of a plan. Ideally she was going to be heading towards a temple of Astra, but beyond that she really wouldn’t know which temple it was she was supposed to head for.

“They say every road leads home.” She said as her attention shifted around them. “Not quite sure what that makes of those of us who don’t have one anymore.” To that her shoulders rolled in a vague shrug. “I suppose it doesn’t matter.”

Her attention shifted back to the road Valthar had come from.

“I need to be heading somewhere too. I don’t really know where but I have faith that the goddess will show me.” She said and eventually set her attention on Valthar. “Have you heard of Astra’s Temple? I was granted a mission to find it, but I have no directions to go off of.”
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Reactions: Baise
Valthar wasn't used to sticking his nose into a stranger's business. His town had a strong sense of community and were typically suspicious of strangers. However, she had given him food freely. It seemed hard to remain too distrustful.

"I haven't," he replied simply. He gave the loaf of bread another deep sniff. It definitely smelled of bread.

"Are you...just going to walk around looking for it?" he asked. These lands seemed vast to him. Apparently there were several days before he would hear the ocean.