Private Tales A Reason for Everything

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
She agreed that the strange item more than qualified. In fact, 'unusual' struck her as an understatement. At least his answer gave her a bit of reassurance after the recent chaos.

Yet as Aldrae looked around at the dark hallways with its forsaken offices, she couldn't help but feel a nervous tremor skitter across her shoulders. The fading magic around them made the whole world feel as though it was losing its color. It reminded her of a nightmare she'd often had as a little girl, that a terrible monster had stalked her through a gloomy, shifting maze.

One moment, Aldrae was following Erren up the hallway in tense silence. She had an inkling that something was about to happen when a couple of the runes in the band began to shift and glow, stirring a few loose motes of magic that stubbornly remained lodged in the universe. She paused to look at the markings. Then she fainted.

Though from her perspective, it was the world that had skipped a heartbeat.

"Erren?" she uttered uncertainly into the looming blackness all around, unaware that her body was uninjured but motionless on the floor.

A distorted image of the hall flickered across the surface of the disk Erren was holding. A demonic howl echoed faintly through the building.


On the far side of the library, Averen and Hagan paused their search to share an incredulous look.

"Did you hear that?" Averen whispered.

"I rather wish I hadn't," replied Hagan.

Erren Serris