Open Chronicles A Prayer in the Night

A roleplay open for anyone to join
The night bit with autumnal chill, as cold breeze blew the tall grass of the Allir Reaches westward. Every tall, individual blade, swaying with beautiful subtlety. Although this stunningly crisp night was not going to be enjoyed by Zastava.

His green eyes looked forward down the dirt road. His armor clanked with each step he took, far from a graceful walker. He was slow, methodical, each step he took was one with purpose.

As vile as that purpose may be.

At this point his boots were coated in dirt, but he didn't mind that. Zastava was never one to care about keeping himself all too clean.

He takes a moment, placing his hands on his hips. It was a beautiful night. Those eyes of his rest upon the reason why he was clad in full gear, and stalking the night. A small homestead, isolated in the plains. The dim flicker of candle light could be seen in its window.

Slowly, a grin spreads across the man's face. It felt like ages since his last raid. And even though he was one man, stealing from one house, he never saw it as burglary. Much more romantic to call it a raid.

Besides. Burglaries are a stealthy affair. And the steel clad Zastava, with shoulders broad as he is foul, was far from stealthy.

He'd head along the path a while longer, until he was at the homestead’s doorstep. To call the place a homestead was giving it too much credit. It was much more of a farming hut, with a grass roof, and crudely made wooden door with rope hinges and no lock.

Zastava swings the door open slowly. His eyes narrow a bit as he looked inside. There was no fire going in the small pot belly stove in the center. Only the aforementioned candle in the window sill as light. It cast a comfortable glow over the interior. Not much to look at. A small vanity, a pair of chairs, chamber pot in the corner. All very simple. It reminded him of his childhood home.

Zastava shakes his head, pushing past the nostalgia.

Finally his eyes rest on the denizens of the homestead. A young couple, sleeping peacefully on a wooden framed cot with no padding.

The floor was dirt, so it wasn't the creaking of floorboards that woke the husband from his slumber. It was the clinking of armor.

Zastava would cherish the look of fear that the young man gave. It wasn't every night that you are awoken by a hulking mass of metal at the foot of your bed.

The young man got to his feet, shaking slightly. Before he could say much of anything, Zastava was already taking action. With a heavy stride forward, Zastava would grab the man by the top of his head, and start to squeeze. The poor soul would hopelessly kick, scratch at the armored arm that held him in place, and yelp.

It takes 2,300 newtons of force to crack a human skull. Twice as much as any normal man should be able to do with their hands. But this was The Iron Bull Zastava. And he was no normal man.

The temple was the first to go, Zastava's thumb punching through. The top of his head was next, the hair beginning to mat with blood as his four fingers did their work like a vice grip.

His hand was coated in crimson by the time Zastava was finished. He'd turn to focus on the man's wife, only to find her gone. The cheap wooden door was swinging.

She ran as fast as she could down the dirt road. Screaming loud prayers to the Gods. Prayers for help.
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Allir was a quite frankly on of the best and beautiful places one could live, the large lush fields made no want of food to the locals, the bustling streets containing every race one knew about. The streets were a marvel, clean for the most part, well built up and well maintained. The areas were the path became dirt as it trailed out to the many farms were cut down finely, weeds for the most part were taken out leaving grass one could walk on without shoes.

One could ask what sorts of problems such a place could have with all this, but for Formrota such a list of problems was to numerable to list. No matter how well a city looked such a place always held issues, some common others not, some lighthearted others dark. Poorpers and those without homes were a constant problem even with the temples help, illness and injuries still plagued the populous, from minor to extreme. Corrupt merchants and nobles still existed here and there, profiting from ill means along with your shady businesses like robbers and crooks.

Still all of those paled compared to what had been plaguing the city recently, those of the creature that drink blood... vampires. I had been a night like this, all but raining and cloudy that the young priestess had been informed about such a problem while at an inn. The tavern keeper had assured them that the city guard would take care of it, but for the last month the cases of 'bites' had not wavered. She still found herself having to visit homes and cleanse victims before they turned and on days like this had to take matters into her own hands in slaying the beasts.

"Maskat the day soon approaches, I beg for your protection in the waning hours and that no harm should befall me".
Finishing the small pray her patrol had lead the silver hair women of cloth to a homestead near the edge of town, but a few miles away from the temple. "Well this is the outer most point, I best not go much further least escape watch of the city guard or get ambushed by some ruffia-". He talk was interrupted as the sounds of a women screeching filled her ears, Formrota quickly turning around, mace draw to see what the commotion was about. "P-please h-help he, he killed- oh gods why".

The women had tears running down her eyes, her legs weak, her body crumpled before the young priestesses wearing what she could only assume was some sort of nightwear. "Please compose yourself, what happened? was it a vampire attack"? A quick shake of the head was all she got, a small chill running down Formorta's back, did Allir have some deranged killer on the lose now? That would be trouble some.

Ghoul boy bird
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Zastava scowls somewhat under his breath, before looking back around the hut. He wasn't just there to kill, after all. He takes a moment, sliding the man's wedding ring off and placing it in the small burlap satchel he wore. Poor soul.

Next he would have checked the vanity, throwing drawers open, and dumping their contents down on the floor. There wasn't much. A few shirts, some keys, and a small wooden box that had been filled with hand rolled cigarettes. Zastava smiles a bit as he slips the box in his satchel. It had been a long while since he enjoyed good tobacco. His eyes scan the surrounding once more, before he got a hunch. He walks over to the cot, tipping it on its side. Sure enough there was a small satchel of coins that were kept bound to the bed by small lengths of twine. He took those as well.

His job here was done.

Now to deal with the runner. Unknowing of the mace-wielding priestess.

Zastava starts down the road again. He wouldn't run. He never ran if he could help it. Makes too much noise and makes him look a fool. So yet again he just walks, a bit quicker than before, but still methodically. Each step had purpose. And that purpose was to give that runaway wife the honor of joining her late husband.
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Fomorta continued to comfort the women as she sobbed at the side of the road, though continued to urge her to come with back to the temple and attain help. If there was some murder on the lose being alone in the night was not a good idea, and that was without the small vampire problem, if blood had been spilled then the creatures would certainly have smelled it.

"Please miss, you must leave and seek safety back at the temple or with friends, if your life is in danger it is my duty to keep you safe". The women looked up but then back down the street, "but all our stuff, what happens if he steals it all, I don't want to become some begger or have to remarry just to survive". Formota just shook her head, always the material possession on mind people had, but it was a valid point, her losing to many valuables along with her husband could very well lead her to poverty.

"Okay I will investigate the house, just please run with flight to the temple tell them sister Vinzen sent you, now please go you have nothing to fear".
Stealing herself the young priestess moved down the road way, mace in hand, keeping her eyes open for anyone suspicious, a strange armored figure with green eyes being the only clues to go on.

Her search soon came to a rather short end, the wome gazing upon the silhouette of a armored figure, the nigh having yet to show much else. Still as far as she was concerned anyone coming from the direction of the homestead could be the culprit, Formrota raising her mace in a defensive manner, "you there, I would ask you to halt and make no sudden movements".

Ghoul boy bird
Zastava would stop suddenly, hearing the priestess’ voice. That certainly wasn't the woman he was looking for, but it would have to do for now. He'd eye her silhouette, noticing the vague outline of a raised weapon. Maybe there would be a bit of excitement tonight.

He raises his hands slowly, in a motion of calm compliance.

“I ain't carryin any weapon, darling. Jus going for a stroll is all.”

Zastava smiled to himself.

“Beautiful night ain't it? Jus out to enjoy it. Might I ask what ya need?”

His voice was rather deep, but carried the false lull of truthfulness. Although if she was a bit more apt at reading people, she'd be able to tell that he was lying. He takes a few steps forward. His hands still raised.

Zastava kept his eyes on her. The breeze picked up once more. The calm swaying grass of the plains a rather unfitting backdrop for the standoff.
Formorta remained tense, the man seemed to surrender but she could never be careful, 'the shrew one ponders each step' so taking chances was not viable."I-I said stop, I can't have you make another move, right now their is a killer on the lose (among other things), tell me what have you been up to tonight? the full night, why do you roam the roads at night"?

The breeze brushed her hair back, shining in the moon light and the lamp that hung from her belt to illuminate her immediate surroundings.

(Sorry for the wait your tag didn't get to me for some reason)

Ghoul boy bird