A hopeful return

Wynter Willow

Good evening all,

I wanted to start this off by apologizing to all those I had stories going with before my unexpected leave about a year ago. I had a major health issue come up that left my mental state in shambles and I ended up isolating myself pretty bad. I won't go into too much detail but this issue is something I'm still dealing with and will for the rest of my life, just something I'll need to learn to "deal" with. With that being said, I know it doesn't excuse my sudden departure with no word to anyone and I'm sorry for that. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things, as writing had/has always been my way of letting everything else go for the time being and that is something that's dearly needed at the moment. Hope everyone else has been well and I look forward to speaking/writing with you all again.
Welcome back, Wynter! Don’t worry about having to drop rp to take care of yourself first. Life happens and what can you do other than deal with it? That being said, glad you’re back and am looking forward to seeing you getting back into some writing. (: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your previous rp buddies, but there are recent open, fate or fable threads for you to just jump right into a rp ASAP unless you want to make your own.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Wynter Willow
Thank you! Appreciate it, truly. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, just have to refresh my memory on some things and characters. Lol