Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Her steps staggered when her dance partner abruptly paused. the music settled into something milder. A reflection of the fae's mood, she mused. She took a moment to consider his words as she tried to get the timing of this new rhythm.

"What a strange thing... choice," she replied softly with a thin smile, letting her gaze drift across the party.

"Some, given absolute freedom, would choose to simply enjoy themselves to the fullest before their mortal coil expires. Some would seek to ensnare and destroy others, chasing the dragon of godhood. Some, like Mannan, will cling all the more tightly to their 'chains' because they are comfort as much as they are restriction."

They swooped around in a circle to a crescendo in the music, and Elinyra wondered which she was. The star-dotted sky framed by canopy blurred by overhead and she suddenly felt listlessness in the familiarity of it. Romanticized visions of distant tropical coastlines, unmapped stretches of wild road and deep mysterious forests floated through her mind's eye. She had a notion of packing a few things, making a papoose for Fielynn and just going travelling.

She looked back at Sedorohein as a question followed in the wake of this theoretical journey. "Are you planning on staying in Tir na Nog long, or is there some homeland calling you back?"

Ah, and there it was. The question that always came when Sedorohein graced mortals with his presence. He could not blame them, it was like showing a child a wonderful miracle and then walking away to take it away forever. Even if he was gone, that yearning would dig its way into their minds, never truly leaving them.

As they continued their dancing, Sedorohein's mood had brightened again, even if not to the level that it once was. However, the smile on his face dropped ever so slightly at the question.

"No, I must leave as I have other things to attend to, but do not fret. I can not leave my favorite Warlock on their own. All you need is to call and I will make my way as soon as possible...Although, maybe don't use my true name so freely. Only you and the child know it and I don't give it out easily for a reason."

Of course, Sedorohein would know if someone used his true name, and he had ways of making sure the words were not uttered so easily if it truly came to that.

Elinyra Derwinthir
She had expected that answer, although she couldn't have imagined that she'd ever hear the term 'warlock' outside of a book, much less have it directed at her. It felt both exhilirating and scary in a different way than she was used to.

"I understand. It is safe with us. And I will let you know if we find trouble, though I may not be here for much longer myself. There's a big world out there that my daughter should see and learn about through her own eyes. And I need to find out what I've missed in these years I've been... ill."

Had she known about Sedorohein's feelings towards her people, she might have found it unbearably arrogant, but as far as she could tell he was merely enjoying himself, and so she kept dancing and enjoying herself too.

The dancing and celebrations continued until the wee hours of the morning, when the last of the partiers collapsed in an exhausted, drunk, but very content pile of sleeping bodies. Elinyra made true on her statement the next day, packing her meager possessions.

Her and Fielynn's departure was neither particularly tearful nor joyful, but it was memorable in one way: without her knowledge, their new patron's presence, or Mannan and his druids (who had disappeared after his encounter with the fae), they would have to forge their own future.

Elinyra often wondered what became of Tir na Nog in her absence. Yet always her thoughts would turn back to Fielynn, and she'd smile a secret smile knowing that in that little girl, Tir na Nog was with her always.
