
  1. Afanas

    Private Tales Legacy of the Damned

    Akiza Sonshal Crowne Garisi Looking at it from afar, one wouldn't assume there to be much wrong with the city of Reikhurst, but the closer Afanas got to it, the more desolation he perceived unfurling before his eyes. Reikhurst wasn't as much of a city as it was a skeleton of one, a rough...
  2. Hruugen

    Fable - Ask An Empty Tomb

    "I'd like to thank you all for agreeing to come with me." Hruugen spoke with all the reverence for the other Guardians that the 36th Temple had given him. Bent low and eyes closed. The motion of perfect trust in them. He had sent word to Solomon for help when he had seen the site for himself...
  3. Hedron Dol Fitz

  4. Edric

    Dreadlords Blood Letting

    https://i.imgur.com/eJijpyY.pngThe Free City of Rostev - Former Vel Rostev Mae Heilig Rostev, whether free of Anirian, was a city perpetually cloaked within a constant mist. It's unique location within the depths of a natural harbor, the city had for centuries been a haven for smugglers and...
  5. Eena

    Open Chronicles Keep going and don't look down...

    Eena struggled moving through the dense forest as it seemed every branch, twig, and rock was out to get her. Until her foot collided with a very unfortunately placed large rock, her face contorted in agony. “A-MPRRhhh!” A guide that had been sent from the castle put his hand on her mouth...
  6. Violetta Amrita Primrose

    Open Chronicles Some Unholy Obscenity

    Violetta’s day had been a normal one. Several logs chopped into firewood. Deer, rabbit, and fish hunted. The children in her village had been checked on and sent to their studies. She let out a happy sigh and put her fists on her hips as a notice of a job well done. Gods she was good at the shit...
  7. H

    Private Tales Takes a Liching, Keeps on Ticking

    Bayou Garramarisma Ryan Ashford opened her eyes slowly. The stars that usually dotted the night sky in an area this dark were obscured by the cacophony of trees. Where was she? Why didn't she remember what happened to get her here? Where was Crishell? And why the fuck did she feel so weird...
  8. Darkensand

  9. Ashyr

    Private Tales Awake

    A breath burned into his lungs like molten fire. It seemed to sear into his very soul, scorching through him in an instant and running along every fiber of his being. Bright blue eyes snapped open, and he sucked in a breath, fingers scrunching in the dirt, head spinning, skin on fire. A pained...
  10. Cauldwin Talson Valfnyr

    Fable - Ask Home, Hearth, and Crypt

    Too easily forgotten are these places: sacred grounds of faith and eternal rest... what cacophony of catastrophes could lead to such sacred places being abandoned not only by worshipers, but seemingly the gods they are erected for in adoration? Was it war? Plague? Natural disaster? Monstrosities...
  11. Myconids

    The Capfolk of the Underground
  12. Kouri

    Open Chronicles A Lost Tree Spirit in The Autumn Court

    "Rest, young Kouri." "Kuuu...." While the world was rife with alarm as the Portal Stones came to life, Tenrof found himself more concerned with the tree spirit recovering in his hand. Barely as big, but it glowed with a light that pulsed in the dark woods around them. A youngling spirit...
  13. J

    Private Tales Guillotine, Part II

    (Poor's Neighbourhood by Lemonushka) WHAP. The crack of the cat o' nine tails whip against flesh. WHAP. And another fresh lashing across Jane's back. Joining all the others, the rivulets of blood running down her back and merging with separate rivulets and some going far enough to roll...
  14. Oscar Viotto

    Private Tales Welcome to the First Day of the Rest of Your...eh...

    "I'm glad Rosebury decided to spare you." The Detritor sighed. The priest of the Silent Court cut a rather splendid figure next to Oscar; a triangular headdress covered the majority of his head, and heavy robes draped around his features. The colors were bright, oranges, whites, greens and reds...
  15. Talus

    Quest The Tides of the Dead

    The Great Fortress city of Vel Anir had not known fear for three hundred years. It had been centuries since the alarm bells rang. Lifetimes since the thunderous sound of warning filled the air and the war banners were released. The echo of them had almost been forgotten, their sound a mystery...
  16. Crows Call

    Open Chronicles The War of the Kinniger Dutchy: Outriders

    As the battle for the Kinniger Dutchy rages on, some who fight the growing vampire menace have not seen it fit to stay on the defensive. The vampire clans and castles remain unhindered, it's about time someone did something about that... This is an extension of the battle for the Kiiniger...
  17. Medja

    Fable - Ask Deathless Discussions

    Managing the newly formed Cabal of Amenthes was no easy feat. Emperor Gerra had tasked his Vizier of Stars with both the formation and upkeep of the organization but had given little instruction on exactly what he wanted done with it. Medja had decided that the best means of accomplishing her...
  18. White Swallow

    Open Chronicles False Sanctuary

    Deep ultramarine sky shifted green towards the horizon that spanned across the sky. The last remnants of sunlight were long gone, now replaced by a thousand stars of many golden hues. The lights in Jaleyaana to the west and Seluca to the east twinkled just as brightly, while the extensive gulf...
  19. White Swallow

    LFG The ancient warriors.

    ----------------------- Looking for accomplices to uncover a mystery relating to a horde of ancient undead. The thread can go both ways. Combat or investigation oriented... or both!! Or maybe multiple threads with a separate focus... For now, the army is pretty localised in the Amol-Kalit...
  20. Kalia Oro Khastan

    Kalia Oro Khastan Biographical information Birthplace Djedi Akhmis Born Died Sometime before the fall of The Forbidden Age Home ...