
  1. Alistair Krixus

    Private Tales The Self-Destruction Squad

    Oswein the Dragon, they were calling him. A rogue Dreadlord that would certainly be considered a Dreadlord of the second or even first level, he did not have such a problem with authority...and propensity for murder. The Heavy hitter had wiped out three towns in a month. He was famous for being...
  2. R

    Open Chronicles The Yigian Chronicles: A Town of Rogues.

    The territories of Yigia and it's reputation as a lawless frontier inhabited by vagabonds, thieves, and all manner of cutthroats, had long been a point of contention for it's more civilized neighbors. Many times did various nations attempt acts of war and other aggressive actions on the lands...
  3. Rizzo Bouchard

    Rizzo "Sweetroll" Bouchard Biographical information Birthplace Born Died Age 23 Home Alliria Physical desc...
  4. Mahaki

    WORK IN PROGRESS This page is a work in progress. Therefore, it is not finished and may undergo critical changes while this message remains in place. As a courtesy, please avoid making minor edits to this page while this message is displayed...