Rizzo "Sweetroll" Bouchard
Appearance and Equipment
* Long white hair to shoulderblades, purple eyes, grayish violet skin, 5'2", pointed elven ears and lithe frame. Tiny, horizontal scar above the tip of her nose. Very young (and short) by elven standards.
* Usually wears a dark purple segmented boiled-leather cuirass, pauldrons, belt with attached tassets, and bracers, all with ornate black and white designs about the edges. White silk shirt and skirt, black lace choker. Fingerless black glove on her left hand, full glove with hardened knuckles on her right. Purple and black cape, purple and black thigh high boots. A very expensive assortment of attire.
* Usually armed with several trick weapons:
Bowstring Sword: Elven made, made of mithril, incredibly light. Bladed on one edge, musical bowstring on the other. A small rune on the hilt activates the sword's enchantment, transforming the bowstring into a tether of stunning lightning and back.
Underwrist Blade: Human make, steel. A short blade hidden in her right bracer, deployed with a specific motion of her thumb.
Underwrist Grappling Hook: Elven make, light mithril hook and silk rope. Hidden in her left bracer, fired with a specific motion of her thumb. The claws of the hook are retractable, and deploy when the hook is fired. Not explicitly lethal if used as a weapon, but the firing of the hook can hurt a foe badly if it strikes them in the head.
Anomalous Violin: An enchanted gift from the Masked Man. Appears an ordinary violin/fiddle, but there is an extra tuning peg that is a fake and acts as a switch for the enchantment. When activated, the violin ravels up like a parchment all the way to the peg box at the top of the instrument's neck, yet the tiny block of "raveled" wood clearly does not match the mass the instrument once had. Activating the enchantment again will allow for the swift unraveling of the violin.
Can be used (poorly) as a weapon. Curiously, there is also a second fake tuning peg, but to date Rizzo has not discovered what it purpose is. Mere symmetry, perhaps?
Underwrist Blade: Human make, steel. A short blade hidden in her right bracer, deployed with a specific motion of her thumb.
Underwrist Grappling Hook: Elven make, light mithril hook and silk rope. Hidden in her left bracer, fired with a specific motion of her thumb. The claws of the hook are retractable, and deploy when the hook is fired. Not explicitly lethal if used as a weapon, but the firing of the hook can hurt a foe badly if it strikes them in the head.
Anomalous Violin: An enchanted gift from the Masked Man. Appears an ordinary violin/fiddle, but there is an extra tuning peg that is a fake and acts as a switch for the enchantment. When activated, the violin ravels up like a parchment all the way to the peg box at the top of the instrument's neck, yet the tiny block of "raveled" wood clearly does not match the mass the instrument once had. Activating the enchantment again will allow for the swift unraveling of the violin.
Can be used (poorly) as a weapon. Curiously, there is also a second fake tuning peg, but to date Rizzo has not discovered what it purpose is. Mere symmetry, perhaps?
Skills and Abilities
Agility and Maneuvers: A light thrum of magic pulses in her body on account of her Dark Elven blood, this gift teased out by training with the Masked Man in her childhood. Rizzo is able to enhance her agility at will to achieve impressive and even impossible feats. She can slide on all manner of ground as if it were ice, dive and roll abnormal distances, fall from great heights without injury, latch onto walls with the mere touch of her palm or feet, wallrun for short distances, springboard jump from the ground or walls, double jump while in the air, and shift midair momentum.
*** Each feat accrues a certain amount of arcane fatigue. Too much arcane fatigue manifesting in her body results in symptoms akin to dehydration: dry skin, feeling dizzy, rapid heartbeat and/or breathing, sunken eyes, confusion, and eventually a severe fainting spell.
Shadowmeld: Another gift of her blood, but on account of family line and discovered on her own. If her body is completely covered in shadow, she (and that which she wears and wields) can fade from sight after a few seconds. Any motion, or if the shadows no longer touch her whole body, however, and she will instantly be revealed. Shadowmelding costs a small amount of arcane fatigue to perform.
Traits: Physically weaker than a human of the same size and stature. Adopted at a young age by an elderly human couple in Alliria (the Bouchards) and spending her formative years above ground, she never developed the nightvision commonly associated with her kind, though sees in bright daylight fine. Weighs half of much as a female human of similar size and stature. She's good for bursts of energy, sprinting, but she lacks endurance and tires quickly.
Personality and Characteristics
* Relentlessly optimistic, with an uncrushable spirit.
* Facetious, playful, sly, coy, and mischievous. Chaotic neutral, and unapologetic of it.
* At times her carefree worldview can lead to carelessness, recklessness, and little accidents. Also big accidents.
* Cheerfully pragmatic. Carries herself with a "Take what the world never gave you" mentality. Displays an unrepentant "Better him/her than me" attitude toward misfortunes of others.
* Loyal to a point, with some honor and respect among thieves, but self will always come first.
* Lies. A lot. Not all the time, but a lot. Seriously. No, not kidding. Honestly loves doing it.
+ Fancies a lovely tune.
+ Adores beards. Strange and curious things, all that bristly hair on the face.
+ Doesn't harbor hate or resentment, even if betrayed. Understands and respects many dastardly actions.
+ Admires dedication. By extension, secretly admires paladins, knights, people of that sort with tons of it.
+ Gets off on cheating at games/gambling.
+ Endlessly fascinated by trick weapons, dwarven innovations, sneaky inventions.
+ Easily hypnotized, despite protests to the contrary. Liking shiny things probably helps.
+ Experiences intense ASMR from certain triggers.
+ Loves sweetrolls. Nicknamed the very same by some joker in the Adventurer's Guild. And it stuck.
Biography & Lore
♫ Sun • shine • and star • light
Gonna • make • the world • bright
Now lift • your head • and say • it with • a smile~~
Out • comes the • new • day
Better • take • what you • may
Don't'cha • know • the cost • to stay • in style~~
Hello • to the • blue • sky
Fancy • if I • could • fly
Soaring • fast • and light • and high • and free~~
Today • I'll make • the world • mine
Wouldn't • that just • be • fine
If fortune • waited • only • on • me~~
Up • comes • my chance
To take • the day! • by! • storm!
Sun • shine • and star • light
Gonna • make • the world • bright
Take • what's yours • and vanish • in the • night~~ ♫
Gonna • make • the world • bright
Now lift • your head • and say • it with • a smile~~
Out • comes the • new • day
Better • take • what you • may
Don't'cha • know • the cost • to stay • in style~~
Hello • to the • blue • sky
Fancy • if I • could • fly
Soaring • fast • and light • and high • and free~~
Today • I'll make • the world • mine
Wouldn't • that just • be • fine
If fortune • waited • only • on • me~~
Up • comes • my chance
To take • the day! • by! • storm!
Sun • shine • and star • light
Gonna • make • the world • bright
Take • what's yours • and vanish • in the • night~~ ♫
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