
  1. Kristen Pirian

    Completed Yours to Keep

    CORTOSI BORDER WAR CAMP AT FORT ETRICH The timing was tight, but possible. And here close to the eve of war marked the most urgent of occasions. Indeed, as the fortunes of war could be the cruelest of all, keen in this instance was the old saying "now or never". Kristen Pirian had upon her...
  2. Kristen Pirian

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    Kristen Pirian passed through the gates of Vel Stratholm and felt deeply the ache of excitement in her breast. For she waited now just beyond those gates, and she waited to see a familiar face likewise pass through them. A good friend—nay, the best of friends. Zinnia St. Kolbe. It had been...
  3. Alistair Krixus

    Private Tales The Self-Destruction Squad

    Oswein the Dragon, they were calling him. A rogue Dreadlord that would certainly be considered a Dreadlord of the second or even first level, he did not have such a problem with authority...and propensity for murder. The Heavy hitter had wiped out three towns in a month. He was famous for being...
  4. Mab

    Private Tales For The First Time In Forever

    Today was a very special day in the Scarlet Hall. The house had been prepared for their special guest in the most mundane ways, but everyone was buzzing with excitement. Flowers had been brought from greenhouses in the Ixchel Wilds. Incense had been burned and the sliding walls opened to air out...