monster hunt

  1. Sigrith

    Noct Yaegir A Reflection of Oneself - Dungeon Raid

    OPEN BOUNTY Tulsom Gem Mine Cortosi Coast To the brave warrior, mage, or traveler seeking treasures from the deep: your assistance is needed! Our deepest mine shaft has opened up an ancient chamber and awakened something terrible. Many miners have perished by the hands of what we believe to be...
  2. Varys

    Fate - First Reply Might and Magic

    Ignore all this for a bit.
  3. Garrod Arlette

    Fable - Ask One Flew Over the Mandrake's Nest

    Yaegir Den: Tartorum East of the Wda Fork Old boards creaked under pack-laden weight. "Yaegir," came the greeting from behind the bar. Few were gathered about the Yaegir's Den. Haggard faces and tired eyes. They carried cold iron and wore worn leathers. They nursed drinks and swapped...
  4. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Completed Something Wicked This Way Comes

    It had been Leorla who’d first found their quarry hidden away in some icy cave at the foot of Mount Greenhorn. Now that the mercenary company had assembled near the cave’s entrance, Gallin knew he had done well in hiring the scout. They would have probably never found this spot otherwise, tucked...
  5. Roland Grayson

    Fate - First Reply Night of Fiery Rain

    Cheap ale and cheaper wine flowed free as the Bystra River not but a mile at most away. The scents of booze, cooking mushroom stew with boar, and musk from the sweat of a long days work mixed into a foul stench about the tavern. A passing bard strummed at their lute. The tune matched the mood of...
  6. Valerian

    Open Chronicles Forest of Teeth and Claws

    The quicksilver moonlight casted against the low-laying marsh, reflecting off of it’s pale blue-green body of still water. Lily pads and lake weed dotted along the edge as insectual organisms perched amongst the lush vegetation. Dragonflies with dew dotted wings envied the fireflies that...
  7. Dmitry

    Fable - Ask A Shadow Drawn to the Deep

    A tiny, lopsided hut of wattle and daub sat a midst a marshy terrain in the North of Iuk-'u, a foundation of irregular, reclaimed stones rising out of the waters around it. Nearby were several rows of freshly planted sprouts poking out of the shallow water. On the roof of the hut was a thin...
  8. He Who Chews The Flowers

    Fate - First Reply Belittle Me, And You Will See Agony Sewn.

    Eastern Entrance of the Falwood - Half Moon Flowers wasn’t sure what the creature was. And he thought for sure he’d seen someone else in these woods. Someone running from the beast. He felt empathy for the creature, then. It was something with greying skin. It had limbs like he did but was...
  9. Arnor Skuldsson

    Fate - First Reply Atonement

    The Spine. Faragen. It was like a scar on his soul, the events of Faragen and the mocking of Lord Naleze. He had failed so many times before to slay him, but no longer. This was Arnor's triumph, or his end. He loaded up his horse, Rhi just outside of the town. The town was alive- somewhat...
  10. Arnor Skuldsson

    Fate - First Reply Soured Milk

    Village of Jarendale, Falwood "Most peculiar thing, you see, Slayer. All the milk, all the crops, withering away! Milk soured, juice tart, berries rotten, all at once!" The man said, as Arnor looked down at the meal he had ordered inside the village. Indeed he was right, the beer tasted like...
  11. Faramund

    Private Tales Lost In The Dark

    The Spine Date: Unknown Time: Unknown It was summertime in the Vale, but up here, where the mountain peaks stretched tall and foreboding, it might as well have been winter. Between the wind and the snow, the clouds and the crisp line of dawn at it crested the distant teeth of stone, Faramund...
  12. Henk

    Fate - First Reply Into Thin Air

    Aberresai Savannah --- One hour after Midday Henk was used to sweating; it happened when you fought, when you traveled long distances, when you were extremely nervous or on edge. The Dreadlord Initiate was much less accustomed to sweating while sitting down and doing nothing but driving a...
  13. Henk

    Dreadlords Into Thin Air

    Aberresai Savannah --- One hour after Midday Henk was used to sweating; it happened when you fought, when you traveled long distances, when you were extremely nervous or on edge. The Dreadlord Initiate was much less accustomed to sweating while sitting down and doing nothing but driving a...
  14. Zulryn Oknu

    Open Chronicles Monster on the Loose!

    “Be careful, okay? If you need anything send us a letter. Don’t forget to eat. Also—” “Dad, I get it. Don’t worry, I will send you a message as soon as I arrive at an inn. Fal’Addas is a peaceful city, and I have been there before.” “I know sweetie, but I will always worry for you. Now, hurry...
  15. Roen

    Open Chronicles Strange Is the Night

    "No one cares what happens in these swamps. No mainlanders do anyway." Lowering the cracked mug in his hands after an overly critical examination, Franz Bedlam, owner of the Bedlam Tavern & Inn, sighed. He was an elderly man in his late fifties with a pockmarked face and the unhappy look of one...
  16. Tera Lynx

    Open Chronicles Spiders in the Hall

    On the road again. A small wagon loaded with a few supplies and pulled by a single horse rattled its way along the packed dirt road. Little clouds of dust rose from the earth in the dry summer day but a cool mountain breeze blew it gently away and out of the eyes of the travelers. The travelers...
  17. Maranae

    Open Chronicles Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

    Dead silence hung on the air. It should not have been so; the mountains to the east, climbing and piercing the heavens themselves, should have been a place where myriad animals lived and yet, for all that the forest actually encroached on the little village of Heath, nary a bird sang. No crows...
  18. Ermengarde

    Quest The Hunt for the Great White Dracopyr

    Through the ordeals of the return to Malakath and the subsequent shipwreck, Ermengarde was finally able to return to her colony established roughly one year ago in a prior expedition to this once undiscovered continent. Cittanovà it is called, and since its conception as a few tents, has now...
  19. Caliane Ruinë

    Open Chronicles The Shades of Gods

    Jorinn, Trading Village on the edge of the Eldyr Forest "I be tellin' yer -- it were no normal fuckin' moose!" The man's incredulous voice only brought more laughter from the townsfolk who had stopped to hear the ragged traders tales. When he had first rolled into town with his brightly...
  20. Otto von Stehlen

    Private Tales The After-Storm

    "The lessons from the peace process are clear; whatever life throws at us, our individual responses will be all the stronger for working together and sharing the load." -Queen Elizabeth II Monster and people are often threats to any sovereign nation. However, there are forces that go even beyond...