There was an exciting trepidation when following a number of people and being undetected thus far.
Wynne didn't think her night off would bring her out this far from whatever town the troupe had traveled to. As soon as she had seen the three tall towers in the distance, she knew she would...
Diamonds Are A Gnome's Best Friend
The amber topaz gleamed as diligent digits placed the small gem neatly at the back of the silver mirror that was decorated with ornate inlay of oak leaves that wreathed around the edges of the mirror. Another touch was added to the mirror, a strip of thin...
Within the city of Fal'Addas the elven conversations that surrounded Bubkiss were beautiful to his gnomish ears; Bubkiss thought the elongated words were pronounced with all the considered motions of a painter's brush across a canvas as he walked slowly about the city to take in all of the...
Tag: Nennu
“Drat,” Bukiss muttered himself as he overstepped an arching root, his short stature not well suited towards traversing the forest with any degree of elegance. His boot sank into the greenery further than expected and sent him careening head first into the soil, his various satchels...
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