
  1. Sigrith

    Noct Yaegir A Reflection of Oneself - Dungeon Raid

    OPEN BOUNTY Tulsom Gem Mine Cortosi Coast To the brave warrior, mage, or traveler seeking treasures from the deep: your assistance is needed! Our deepest mine shaft has opened up an ancient chamber and awakened something terrible. Many miners have perished by the hands of what we believe to be...
  2. Eamon Stroud

    Private Tales Steel and Sinew, A Delving

    William Dreixmond The sun beat down as it ever did upon the land. The rhythmic sounds of hooves and shifting armor filling the now silent air. The liver-chestnut nag following the gentle pull of the reins down the winding path that she and Eamon tread. It had given way of the typical...
  3. Alistair Krixus

    Completed The Race for the Rune

    Two Weeks Ago "The Seers are telling us to fall back Menaleen. They say magic works strangely in the area, and the ruins are the reason why." "Nonsense, Platani, they are just scared. All of our readings have only suggested minor fluctuations in the arcane field. I-" The conversation was cut...
  4. Thandren Kraise

    Open Chronicles A Problem Plummets

    Small towns typically have their share of issues. Local disputes, the bored children making trouble, and maybe the occasional monster run-in. In the south of the Aberresai, this small town of bar'ouge however recently came upon a new problem, a tremor occurred which would be nothing out of the...
  5. Fiammetta

    Completed Wormhole to Hell

    "Many stories talk of the nefarius evil wizard, the shining knight that will strike him down, the beautiful maiden princess waiting his return. If we look closer into the world, we see the details of each story and what took shape in the past, the present, the future. The world has seen this...
  6. Sirius

    Fable - Ask Dark Places

    Why couldn't people just learn to leave him alone. He'd be fine with working with those damned criminals if they were willing to give him a fair cut. But he was a tiefling, and they weren't exactly willing to cooperate, so more often than not he just incinerated them, or maybe just clobbered...
  7. Kara Orin

    Open Chronicles The Buried Temple [Elbion]

    The scars on Elbion are still fresh. The corpses of the grotesque beasts that appeared still remained. The dead and wounded are still being counted. The lake still seemed to be poisoned by some miasma emanating from the sunken body of the dragon. The earthquakes that occurred not only shattered...
  8. Heike Eisen

    Fable - Ask The Path of Purity

    "Are you sure you still want to do this?" asked Captain Bronmarch of the Allirian Guard. "I have to try," Heike said. "I owe it to my people. To Ferelith. To Maria. To King Rommel. To my father Albrecht and my mother Sieglinde. I owe it to all of them." And she said again, "I have to try." *...
  9. M

    Quest The Key and the Lock

    "I take it you heard of the contract from one of the barkeeps?" the man asked. "Yes." A lie. It tasted foul in Mischa's mouth. It was not the Orcish way. A saying from her tribe, the Dm'rohk, translated into Common: Speak plainly, speak the truth. And she had not spoken the truth. And, as it...
  10. M

    LFG - Quest The Key and the Lock

    That Which Makes Pure has directed Mischa Ven'rohk to Vel Anir for a reason. It is here she may find the Key. The Key to unlock the Vault. And what lies within. The premise: It seems a normal mercenary sort of job one might find in a tavern, if vague. The man isn't a noble, but works for one...