dreadkids 3.0

  1. Meredith

    Private Tales The Past That Haunts Us

    It had been a long time, too long, that Meredith had been home. Even as she got closer to Vel Anir, her heart palpitated anxiously in her chest. The last time she had been here, she had been a wreck, the shell of her former self. She had abandoned Henk and Sable, fled from them, from the past...
  2. K

    Completed Drunk Kristen

    There was just something about Vel Yuna. Kristen remembered fondly what happened here last time she had visited. And by fondly, she didn't mean fondly. What an indecorous mess to which she had been a participating party, drinking until the boozy spirits wiped her memory clean and bid her to lie...
  3. Thraah

    Completed Hotbox

    "Yo stash, it's Thraah open up!" Thraah had missed Zaire's infamous mac-n-cheese last time and she wasn't going to miss it again. Stash had the goods and while she was usually happy to trade for the usual purple stygian leaf she stood in front of his room adamant at not being denied. Rumour has...
  4. Zephyrine

    Completed The Night Followed Fast

    It was a simple task veiled under the pretense of a mission, suitable for two to take care of. It did not matter which would accompany Zephyrine, as long as the Initiate accepted to undertake this detour. It was a test, a way to see to what extent her magic could go and the cost of using it...
  5. Livia Quinnick

    Private Tales To Calm and to Control

    After a few sessions training with the Taskforce, Zana had advised Liv after one of their one-on-one sessions to learn a calming take on control. It certainly would not do to simply use her will to make this magic that was not her birthright, especially after it showed just how willful it could...
  6. Thraah

    Fable - Ask The Gloomies

    During the day when they woke up several specific Initiates would find identical letters slipped under their Dorm room doors. The letters were sealed with black wax and pressed in with a thumb print. The letters all read thusly " Dear Friend You have been invited to the first meeting of "The...
  7. Salak

    Completed The meaning of power.

    Perhaps more than anyone a spy knows the meaning of honesty. The shadow serves to conceal, hide it's knowledge. This is why he elected to have his lessons on power conducted outside, in the woods beyond the Academy walls and in the clear light of an only slightly cloudy day. Here in this...
  8. Junius Alfort

    Character Profile for Junius
  9. Ivan Skender

    Completed Knife's Edge
    Threadmarks: DEAD

    Sovarre, Cortell Ivan pulled his sword from the corpse, causing a gush of blood to pour out before the body tumbled over the ledge, and onto the city below. With a sigh, he wiped the gore off of his own face. The last of the Kortesians had been slain, though glancing around, he could not help...
  10. Itachi

    Letters A Letter to Initiate Aelita

    To the Academy initiate called Aelita , I am writing this to inform you that the thief you brought in the other day has died. Currently we are investigating whether it was a suicide or homicide. As the investigation is still underway, I cannot give you further details until I am authorized to...
  11. Leander Urahil

    Fable - Ask Till the Cows Come Home

    “I can’t believe I’m back out in the boonies,” Proctor Palahniuk complained openly to the initiates riding on their horses beside him. Leander Urahil couldn’t believe that he had even been picked to go out here in the first place. Especially for a mission that seemed… well, for a mission that...
  12. Leander Urahil

    Completed And Then There Was Some More

    “S’mores,” the woman corrected Leander, raising a eyebrow at him continually saying “some mores.” The smile on her dry lips told him that she didn’t find it obnoxious as much as she probably found it endearing. She gestured to the chocolate on display, jerking her head to motion the two...
  13. Zinnia

    Fate - First Reply Quieter Nights at Home

    Cool, winter evenings, strong winds, and a bit of late night free time were exactly the right elements to produce one of Zinnia's favorite kind of nights. Missions were where some of the initiates always wanted to be, he that for adventure or excitement or experience. Others liked to spend their...
  14. Everleigh Ebersol

    Dreadlords Death Lotto

    “So, this is your first lesson to teach and it’s a game?” Proctor Goetsch asked Everleigh, raising a blonde brow. She had just finished reading the papers of the game that the poison eater had put together last night. Although, “game” was far too kind of a word to describe what Everleigh had...
  15. Zaire

    Fable - Ask Sinister Tricks Group

    Zaire frowned, looking over at Houri like a puppy tied to a post that couldn’t go off and play with it’s favorite toy. Regardless, she was right. While Delilah and Vasha seemed intent on helping the orc, Zaire wondered if maybe this could be a good way to learn more about the doll maker and all...
  16. Evangeline

    Dreadlords Applied Martial Spellcraft 301

    "Alright, class!" Proctor D'Amour called out across the courtyard, a brimming, confident smile on her mien. "Fall in and listen well!" Midmorning in Vel Anir had never felt so energetic. The sky above was only partly cloudy and the temperature actually bordered somewhere close to warm, a...
  17. Lumen

    Completed Friendsgiving 3.0

    Official Invite: Let’s Get Basted! You are invited to Friendsgiving. Midterms sucked so let’s share a meal together. Plus, Proctor Gamble said this counts toward the Socialization credits. Where: Southeast Training Fields When: Sunset What to Bring: Yourself (a side dish to share but not...
  18. Raena Mirrsyn

    Dreadlords A Bid for Power

    The Latest Scene - Small Village near Falwood Raena Mirrsyn stood outside the huge circle with her arms crossed and a pensive look on her face. This was the fourth circle and the fourth body. She had not been to any of the other scenes yet since they had just received the request for help...
  19. Zaire

    Fable - Ask Sinister Tricks and Scary Treats

    “I didn’t know this area was called Eagle Head,” Zaire said plainly to whoever would listen out of the six initiates chosen to go on this “harrowing” expedition. “Or Eagle Eye. But, I really don’t like geography. Can’t wait for the day when someone makes a map that tells you where to go. They’ll...