dragon hunt

  1. Samantha Black

    Private Tales Dragonhide

    Sagarus Sandrun Trade Route - 2 weeks Ride Northwest of Vel Anir Seemed like she'd only just returned from this direction not but a few weeks ago, out on mission with her fellow Initiate Henk to track down an unknown threat. Now she traveled the Sandrun once again, only this time in the...
  2. TTamark

    Open Chronicles The Heroes Arethil Needs!

    Leroy had seen the evils this world had to offer, He had seen the injustices done to those of differing races. Leroy may not have remembered who he was in life, but his friend Steve had shown, and taught him the world, but Leroy could not stay under Steves wing forever. Especially after all he...
  3. TTamark

    LFG The Hero Arethil Needs!

    So I have been thinking about while Steve is busy, going through character growth, it might be a good chance to have Leroy Jenkers: The best chicken in all of Arethil, follow his dream, and head off to slay a dragon. On account of him being a chicken however, it might be a good idea to have...
  4. Weylin Kyrel

    Quest Reliving the Tales

    =========================================================== The wind blew. The chill grew. Scales of metal and stone soared above the clouds. Hunger had awoken once more. Deeply it growled and it roared. It needed food. It needed treasure. It had found both. Far below a wagon pulled by giant...