Aeraesar Who Says Aerai Eyes are Blue

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Indeed, she had believed many impossible things were possible once she'd been allowed to broaden the horizons of her thoughts beyond that of the commune. There was never such a strong force of doubt as that of centuries of history and the stubborn beliefs of their aged superiors. Not that she begrudged long-learned wisdom, but it often got in the way of newer knowledge.

"Thirty-seven," Hilte replied after a beat of thought, then looked to the pearl in his palm, "thirty-eight."
  • Bless
Reactions: Erën
His eyes lingered on the pearl for a time, and then he offered it back to her.

"Then you've staved off no small number of the beasts."

Erën was not as privy to the inner workings of the gwathui as Hilte seemed to be, but he could identify their outward distinctions well enough. There were many different broods it seemed, some quite unique, but among each of them their stature could be seen well enough.

It was just as she had said - most of them died young. For each of these pearls he could only guess at how many others had been slain.

He studied her for a moment.

"You likely have many questions,"

"Why are you here?"

There was a quietness in his voice. Obviously, he knew of her pledge, her commitment to this place - that was not his question, nor would he argue against it. The question was far deeper than that.