Private Tales Two Out Of Three

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography

It was the word that had tied three young souls together, binding them beyond loyalty to city, blood, or destiny. Three people, disillusioned with the system that raised them, and unaccepting of the future presented to them, instead deciding to forcibly break the chains of fate to forge their own paths. To be quite honest, for how serious a choice it was, the act of leaving actually felt quite... casual.

There wouldn't be much that Kor missed about Vel Anir, or its territories. In fact, the blind, hooded boy who rode in the back of a two-horse wagon could think of only three things that he would be loathe to leave behind. One of them was driving the cart, one would be meeting them in hopefully only a few weeks time, and the third had been dead for some time. The now-exiled Dreadlord Initiate didn't like to cling to regrets, but he did wish he'd have been able to bring her too.

Oh well. He'd remember her, in his own way.

First, he and Larkin needed to worry about actually making it out of the territories without incident. Not a particularly simple feat when forced to travel in a manner so... conspicuous. Not the two-horse wagon, mind you, but the oversized covering over the back, containing no less than a dozen caged birds surrounding the cross-legged Kor on all sides. He couldn't simply leave the flock behind, and many of his younger companions were not adept enough to find him over such substantial distances.

This would have to do, at least until they were out of the thickest of Anir's land. Then he could release them without worry of too much notice. For now, the cramped quarters were his home, and not a cozy one at that.

"Any sign of pursuit?" He called forward to his friend, opening his eyes despite their nonfunction. He'd learned it to be a polite gesture, if nothing more. "We might be far enough now that we can stop and release the flock. Dumping these cages will speed us up quite a bit." Zephyrine intended to help him build a structure for his birds when they reunited. Their would be no use for the old, rusting cages he'd crafted as an Initiate with a distaste for socializing.

A town did loom in the distance, one they could reach in less than an hour. Though it held inherent risk, Larkin had certainly earned a rest. Releasing the birds and hiding away at an inn for a spell didn't seem the worst idea, though not entirely safe.

Larkin had zero worries about leaving everything behind, he had a wanderer's heart. He had very few happy memories of the academy, and was not sad for an instant upon leaving. When it came to Zephyrine though, he had been quite fretful upon leaving her. He tried to be cool, calm, and unaffected to her face. He knew she would see right through him, but she was so important to him. How could he not be upset upon their splitting?

He had entertained himself as they rode along in the wagon. He hummed songs, spoke to the birds, took in nature. It wasn't that he wasn't socializing with Kor, it's just that Kor was not a big talker, and Larkin knew how to fill the space. He often spoke about their surroundings, and his small musings. He was often talking at Kor just to talk, but that was just fine. It worked for them both.

Larkin tilted his head back as Kor's muffled voice reached his ears after a quiet lull between the two. "I have not noticed anything out of the ordinary, seems we are safe enough." He pondered what Kor said for only a moment before nodding to himself. "I think it would be fine to release the birds. Let me get us off the road somewhere so we can release them without eyes on us."

Kor hadn't made any comment towards Larkin's idle musings, but while he'd never admit it outright, he rather appreciated the effort. Blind as he was, and with his eyes in cages surrounding him, Kor had no way of knowing where they were, or what surrounded him. Larkin's descriptions, while not explicit, offered a bit of flavor, and allowed him to paint his own picture.

"Once they're free, I'll use them to scout ahead." Kor looked forward to getting out of the back and sitting in the fresh air. As much as he enjoyed being around his flock, the back of the wagon was beginning to strike a bit claustrophobic. "We need to find a place to stop and rest. The next stretch out of Anir is going to be a long one, and we won't be able to stop again for several days." Nobody said exiling would be easy, and they couldn't expect to find much help along the way.

He only hoped Zephyrine was having an easier time of things.

Larkin found a small, safe enough spot to pull off, hidden by a patch of trees thick enough to shield them from the main road. Kor rose to his knees, reaching up to unlock the metal cages one by one, a steady stream of avian life springing forth from the covered back of the cart. The birds, of all shapes and sizes, circled overhead and awaited orders from their master, as he noisily tossed the old cages from the bed of the wagon and climbed out himself.

"Larkin, come help me for a moment, yeah?" The excitement surrounding his flock was too thick for him to single out one to connect, and he couldn't navigate to the front seat on his own. "I'm worried I'm going to trip over all this metal."

Larkin was remarkably unbothered about the journey that stretched before them, he welcomed it. He wouldn't even mind encountering trouble. All of it was a distraction, and that was what the broken bard needed right now. He was still hurting from his romantic troubles, and his worry for Zephyrine was a beast on its own. Kor's reply was greeted with an acknowledging hum, and the search for a hidden rest stop was pursued.

Once he pulled off to safety, Kor made short work of the bird cages. The cacophony of birds, mixed the cages was an awful din. It was lucky they were not close to a town as of yet. Even at a distance, the ruckus could hardly be missed. Though they were pretty to look at, and fun to spoil, they were not a convenient luggage to bring along. Still, Larkin was glad that Kor had them, it was a way for the other boy to experience the world through borrowed eyes.

He was already rounding the corner of the wagon when Kor called for his aid. He had become accustomed to being ready to assist Kor, the birds not being the most helpful caged up and all. He gripped Kor's arm firmly as he helped him through the gilded graveyard. Oh, to be free like those birds. They were in a way though, weren't they? "Let's get out of this mess, huh?" He guided Kor carefully, until they were free of obstruction, stopping him as they reached a fallen tree residing close to their wagon. "If you'd like to sit a minute, there is a log behind you. I can get a small fire going and eat something before we carry on? Or if you want, we can keep going immediately. The choice is yours, for it matters little to me."

There was no small part of him that loathed this, being doted on as though he were some hapless child. Kor didn't bemoan Larkin for it, of course. It was only in his nature to help, and Kor had requested such aid himself. Still, that he was as powerful and as fearsome as he was, and needed to be guided by the hand whenever a flight of stairs came along... It made him seethe.

With freedom, he would expand. He would grow stronger. Never would he be the weak link of a chain again, and never would he find himself unable without the hand of another. It was these goals that pushed him forward, drove the desicions he made, and the actions he took.


But today, he allowed Larkin to lead him to a seat. He exhaled his frustration as he listened closely to the distant calls of his flock, identifying each and every one of them in his head, taking count, ensuring they were all present and accounted for. There was only one absentee, one bird he was so used to hearing, but did not.

A Raven.

He hoped that wherever Repent was, he guided Zephyrine well. The Raven was the closest he had to an extension of himself. So often had the two linked that Repent had taken on some of Kor's personality traits, or so Larkin and Zephyrine liked to claim. Mustering up a smile, Kor tilted his head towards his friend's voice and shrugged. "Perhaps... A brief respite. We've a headstart, after all..."
