Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Saffia’s fingers intertwined with her stranger's as they wandered through the crowds and stalls, her dark eyes, filled with excitement and curiosity, roaming the bustling night market. "Lets share." she looked up at him with a bright smile, her admiration for him growing with each passing moment.

"You know." she mused, "I don't think I've ever had someone care enough to ask my favourite flower, let alone offer to buy me such treats. Are you as charming and generous with all the girls, ser?" she asked with a soft laugh as she skipped up to a stall, breathing in the scent of cooked meats and spices.
  • Smug
Reactions: Aerium
"No, I ask the other girls why they end up with my friend by the end of the night." There was a perfectly valid reason why they do, but Aerium wasn't always so smitten with other girls as he was with her. Purchasing the marinated meat on wooden skewers, he inhaled the spices and the tang of the special sauce they slathered on the spiced meat. He was hungry, but promised more food.

"Truthfully, I don't keep their interests long... like I said, you make me feel alive, whereas with the other girls and even working with my division, I have been merely existing." He made a beeline for a vacant table, placing the wrapped hot and fragrant meats onto the table and inviting Daylily to sit. A quick kiss to her cheek, a promise he will return with more food.

Soon, their small table was filled with chilli spiced porkbelly, a lemon crumbed chicken, two cups of steaming coconut rice, and pear cider for them each. Two napkins were resting on their laps, and as Aerium sat opposite her, he grinned wide at her. "A good variety we have here."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Saffia
"Other girls are clearly idiots." she whispered conspiratorially as she leaned in.

She made him feel alive. Gods, what was this boy doing to her poor, hopeless heart?

Saffia smiled at the kiss he left her with, the skin there flushing with warmth as she watched him go, and she waited, avoiding the looks of people that said she wasn't supposed to be here.

She sighed in relief when he returned, her eyes widening over the array of foods he'd brought for them. "Indeed." she agreed, inhaling the aromas with a growl from her stomach. "You gadges know how to cook." she observed, her brows rising.

She waited for him to start, and took little bites of everything, each mouthful better than the last.

"So." she said as she ate, her arms folding atop the table as she looked at him. "The General is your mother." she nodded. "That's got to be tough, no? I hear she's a formidable woman."
  • Derp
Reactions: Aerium
There, finally she gathered enough courage to even mention the General.

"Yep. You heard right." He grimaced, stabbing a piece of the hot pork and chewing on it slowly. "She made me become a recruit to the Inquisition. My brother used to be part of the Inquisition. Perfectly following my mother's footsteps and I wanted to become a cook. Dreamt of running a restaurant one day..."

And then his brother died. There was a hole in their family and he was guilted into staying to fill that void.

"I don't want to be one... I... I don't believe someone to be that evil because of what they were born into." That way of thinking had always been drilled into the young, when they didn't know any better, but Aerium had been spared of being the golden child when Russ was alive.
Saffia stopped chewing and stared at him, her eyes widening slightly as the words registered. He wasn't just the General's son. He was an Inquisitor. It was a family affair then. Despite his gentle demeanor and the connection they had shared, this revelation cast a shadow over everything. She dropped the next piece of food she had been about to eat, the taste turning sour in her mouth. A soft sigh escaped her lips. "Oh..."

One syllable, laden with so much disappointment, hung in the air between them. She looked into his eyes, searching for some reassurance, some sign that he truly wasn't like the others.

"I don't believe that either," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I believe people to be evil on account of the choices that they make." She offered a sad smile, her eyes reflecting a deep sorrow. This, had only been for tonight, but still, she had hoped that he was different, that he could be some exception. But the Inquisition was not something she could overlook so easily.

Her gaze shifted around the market, the lively atmosphere now feeling distant and surreal. "I'm sorry... I, this was a really terrible idea." She stood, her heart heavy with the realization that their night together was tainted by this revelation. "Thank you for a lovely night," she added, her voice barely above a whisper.

She turned to leave, every step away from him feeling like a step away from a fleeting dream. Her heart ached, but she knew she had to protect herself and her people. The line between them, drawn by the harsh realities of their world, was too bold to ignore.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Aerium
Aerium wiped his hands clean before jumping from his seat and running after her. He had seen a hint of something on her face before she had moved, and as his hand gripped her arm and pulled her to him, he found himself sighing. "Daylily..." he turned her to face him, and both his hands circled around her. His face buried into her neck and Aerium let out another heavy breath. "It was not my choice to make. My choice was to study and work for the best chef in Rhagos until my brother died last winter."

He was scared, he realised. Scared that he almost lost this girl so easily, and that she had been the one to run from him.

"I am not like my mother, Daylily. I never have been." And the General threw it in his face even after he became part of the Inquisition. Aerium would never amount to the greatness that Russet was when he was alive. "I almost went home until I saw you... and I knew that I would find something much better than to return to a cold home."

He adjusted his arms around her, softening his embrace.

"I... never felt like this with anyone. You made me feel new, whole, and even I know that I cannot pick a flower and expect them to remain blooming..."

Aerium, with aching heart, stepped back from the beauty. His face, young and boyish, was riddled with forced strength and obvious fear. Two hours of knowing her had changed him, and even if she chose to leave now, she would still change him still.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Saffia