Zana Morid neé Vjollca

Zana isn't tall but the way she carries herself makes her seem a lot taller and despite her curves her muscles are firm from her training in the Dreadlords arts. She had a distinctive beauty mark under her right eye.
Skills and Abilities
Foreseer: Zana's most dangerous and tight lipped secret is her ability to see the future. These visions are not clear nor are they set in stone for little actions can change what she sees. In its basic form these visions come to her whether she wants them to or not and anything can set them off. It might be the touch of a person, an object out of the corner of her eye, it could even simply just fall upon her. After torturous training at the academy she has discovered examining something for a long period of time such as data, or an image, can bring on a vision, however it could take seconds or it could take days. Whilst her skills are improving and most visions are now like watching a disjointed play, they can at times just be snatches and blurry. Again through her training she had learnt to 'nudge' the vision to what she wants to focus on. For example nudging a vision of a meeting to specifically focus on the words on a document or the time on a clock. Whilst this is an incredibly useful gift that helps House Luana it comes at a physical cost to Zana. It is incredibly painful to bear a vision and as they get stronger, more detailed and reliable the pain increases. Sometimes it can get to the point they trigger a seizure. Current advice is to simply practise more in order to get used to the pain or overcome it.
When she is in the middle of a vision her eyes glaze, if it is only a small one, or go pure white if they are violent, strong and drawn out.
Telekinesis: Zana's public main ability is her Telekinesis gifts, enabling her to control objects in the physical plain. Her training in this is progressing nicely but there are limitations to the amount of things she can currently keep in the air or control at once. Whilst this is her second gift it seems to increase in power the more her foresight does. As she tries to keep a low profile she tends to underplay her skill in this area.
Energy manipulation: Hard won from a horrific soul mesh with another Dreadlord, Zana can control raw energy. At the present she is only able to use this in a defensive manner to conjure protective shields. The flip side is the echoes of the mans soul whom she consumed haunts her, and this becomes stronger when she draws on his gift.
Dreadlord training: Under pinning her two most active gifts is the further Dreadlord training she went through at the academy teaching her a wide range of basic magics and honed skills in the arts of weaponry. Zana's main weapons of choice are swords and a large two handed axe, though she has great skill with a bow and arrow and also loves to use her trident when showing off.
When she is in the middle of a vision her eyes glaze, if it is only a small one, or go pure white if they are violent, strong and drawn out.
Telekinesis: Zana's public main ability is her Telekinesis gifts, enabling her to control objects in the physical plain. Her training in this is progressing nicely but there are limitations to the amount of things she can currently keep in the air or control at once. Whilst this is her second gift it seems to increase in power the more her foresight does. As she tries to keep a low profile she tends to underplay her skill in this area.
Energy manipulation: Hard won from a horrific soul mesh with another Dreadlord, Zana can control raw energy. At the present she is only able to use this in a defensive manner to conjure protective shields. The flip side is the echoes of the mans soul whom she consumed haunts her, and this becomes stronger when she draws on his gift.
Dreadlord training: Under pinning her two most active gifts is the further Dreadlord training she went through at the academy teaching her a wide range of basic magics and honed skills in the arts of weaponry. Zana's main weapons of choice are swords and a large two handed axe, though she has great skill with a bow and arrow and also loves to use her trident when showing off.
Zana is a very quiet person who prefer to watch rather than speak, she also values her privacy immensely. She radiates a calm confidence and gives a certain air of disdain when people speak to her, especially if she doesn't know them. She has an incredibly quick mind that she uses to her advantage and favours spending time on tactics and quiet manoeuvres. She is fiercely loyal to the city of Vel Anir and sees her House as having the cities best interests at heart compared to the other houses, currently. Zana has a dark sense of humour and a wicked sense of sarcasm, but due to her quiet and blunt nature at times those with a less quick mind will take what she says as fact. She is very careful to keep her face blank in most circumstances. Due to her gifts and history she has an iron control on her emotions.
When she does loosen up it is usually with other Dreadlords in her own ranks or age. She had an incredibly high tolerance for alcohol and loves nothing more than a good drink. She also has a secret love of 'uncouth' or 'common' dancing and 'music - it's usually the only time she cracks a smile.
When she does loosen up it is usually with other Dreadlords in her own ranks or age. She had an incredibly high tolerance for alcohol and loves nothing more than a good drink. She also has a secret love of 'uncouth' or 'common' dancing and 'music - it's usually the only time she cracks a smile.