Recent content by Vordrakel Deaz'renith

  1. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Aeraesar Attack On Qárele! | The War Board

    The shield-bearers in Vordrakel's unit moved forward to fill any gaps in the lines left by the enemy's brutal magic attack, gritting their teeth resolutely against the next onslaught while engaging the Wicken infantry. Their foes spilled forward with no regard for their fallen comrades, but it...
  2. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    Vordrakel returned Erën's gesture with a quick nod and followed him through the gate. Taking position at the First Sword's left flank, he scanned the battlefield for a visual of the cavalry. He sensed their coming, but it was reassuring to see the heaving chests of the horses galloping towards...
  3. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Aeraesar Attack On Qárele! | The War Board

    Rage was a dangerous thing, especially for those who kept fire close to their souls. Vordrakel had done everything in his power to suppress such feelings within himself, lest the flame he held within burn beyond his control. Trying to shut out the collective righteous fury of his kin, however...
  4. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Aeraesar Attack On Qárele! | The War Board

    Vordrakel gave the order for his unit to approach the bridge and support Anárion's soldiers. Two squads of Aerai infantry, bearing swords and shields, followed behind him, and behind them was the true power of his unit -- a platoon of battle mages. Their role was that of support: those who...
  5. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Roleplay OOC War in Aeraesar | The War Board

    Vord will join for that one! Destroying an enemy convoy sounds fun.
  6. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    The expected ring of clashing steel was missing as Vordrakel's weapon collided with the solid shadow. Instead what met his ears was a loud hissing noise, like wind-blown sand over a dune. He moved to counter, only to find empty air. His enemy had melted back into the floor like spilled ink. The...
  7. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    "On my way!" He hurried onward, toward the end of the wall. Ahead of him was a wide tower containing a protected post for archers as well as a staircase that descended to the plaza. With the enemy busy regrouping, he had an open path. The tower's interior was a beacon of silence amidst the...
  8. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    Vordrakel was relieved Erën had managed to keep his footing against the attacking creature; but he was not yet close enough to help, and at that moment other enemies were successfully clawing their way over the wall. In his path stood a gaunt figure with fangs and claws, probably once a human...
  9. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    The Aerai on the battlements were hard-pressed to keep their position. Every time they cut down an enemy, it seemed that two more clawed their way over the wall. It was growing increasingly difficult to find footing amongst the bodies piling up on the bloody stones, and more defenders were...
  10. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    Vordrakel tried to take a measure of the battlefield, but in the chaos he could only manage brief glances as the first of the enemy infantry surmounted the battlements. He theorized about their strategy by imagining himself as the enemy general shouting orders: to make as many ingress points as...
  11. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Fable - Ask On Toward the Burning Dawn

    Four candles burned in an arc. Four golden beads of light reflected off the intricate elven curve blade laid reverently on the floor before them. Vordrakel sat cross-legged behind the weapon, his emerald gaze never leaving the flame of the candle in front of him. His breaths were slow and even...
  12. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    LFG War in Aeraesar | Shadow and Ash

    I remember having Vord in a couple of these threads before I took a break. I could join if you want him in the story again.
  13. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Private Tales In the Moonless Night

    Ostára had cleared a temporary path forward with her enchanted arrows. They moved towards the door of the inner keep on Vailë's order, the horses kept in the safety of the center of the group as they pushed through the enemy line. Thinking they could take advantage of their dangerous foes'...
  14. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Private Tales In the Moonless Night

    As Vordrakel rejoined the group, he felt his kin's grim dismay at the sight of the fallen ones. Once their own flesh and blood - now no more than shadows of themselves bent to Arkhivom's will. Lost. Sorrowful memories were recognized and shared between the Aeraesarians, but each was a wound...
  15. Vordrakel Deaz'renith

    Private Tales In the Moonless Night

    Vordrakel dismounted with a salute of appreciation towards Ostára, grateful for the second set of eyes from above. With an apparent horde creeping around the dark woods outside the walls and yet unnumbered perils within, he knew those eyes might save more than just their horses this night...