Recent content by Verminn Ikhi

  1. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "As sad as it is, violence is sometimes the only option, indeed." he said with a sigh, almost as though wishing it wasn't. In a way, he did. Fights were grueling until the rats came to his aid, and it all amounted to a drag for the thief, who preferred to work in stealth and trickery. He didn't...
  2. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "I don't drink much, but the sentiment is appreciated." More than ever, He couldn't afford to ingest anything capable of loosening the tongue, because there was no telling what he'd say. Finally, he decided to just fuck around for their little time left. "Honestly, I'm glad you came up to me...
  3. Andrealphus and Agamemnon (WIP)

  4. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "No offense taken, you corrected yourself. I don't mind the rats as much as I think that living in a place ignored for so long means, most likely, you're staying in an absolute mess." He'd shudder a bit at the thought of splinters and mold, just to add something to his performance. Besides...
  5. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "Ah, so you'd save the homeless man and your friend while also serving your own purposes. Quite a smart way of going about it, Mr. Colton." He'd say this with a bit of extra pomp, obviously not serious about his formal way of speaking. Verminn had indeed stolen silver and saw with clarity what...
  6. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "You are excused, my good sir. We'll forget all about it." He'd say this nonchalantly in turn, as though he didn't really care whether Vandor apologized or not. "Selective, you say? Well, obviously." He'd chuckle as though the mercenary had just said something stupid. Well, he kind of had...
  7. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "He's on my shoulder for his own reasons and I allow him for mine. Rats are very hardy creatures, but they are also easy to please. Food is a favorite of Det, and he can even find his own and come back to me. We're friends, but only because it's beneficial for him. Besides, this is just cheap...
  8. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    "Work at...Sultanhome? The only "workers" left are rats, or so I've heard." He'd say this jokingly, not really taking his companion's question seriously. Well, he took it casually on the outside, but on the inside he focused a little more than he had before. He's trying to move in on me, trying...
  9. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    Verminn grinned at the mercenary's acceptance of his terms, stretching a bit as he did. "It appears I'm not the only gentleman around here. Ah, that is to say, your lenience is most appreciated." At Vandor's notice that he would stand guard, the thief almost chuckled at the strong irony of the...
  10. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    The rat returned the wink with a smug little blink of his own, and Verminn inwardly shook with laughter. Even a rat had a low opinion of this guy, and he knew this was the case because he could feel almost the imaginary aura of smugness radiating off of his friend. So far, it did not seem like...
  11. Verminn Ikhi

    LFG Hit me but gently

    Just going to put this out there, Vandor has no reason to get mad even if he figures out the rat's name, right?
  12. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    Of all the things Verminn had been expecting, it wasn't his victim being quite so easy to trick. Now that the Merc had seen the rats, he would probably be suspicious of each and everyone. That was fine, as long as he didn't do anything to Sultanhome. Suddenly, as if summoned, the very same...
  13. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    He would catch the conversations of the merc trying to find them in the next alleyway over, and pick up the pace. He knew he had to get to Sultanhome, where the rest of his friends were waiting, so he could change and make his way to the city proper. Finally, after a few tense seconds of speed...
  14. Verminn Ikhi

    LFG Hit me but gently

    Do you want me to edit the way I took Vandor's stuff or the amount inside the bag? I don't mean to Powerplay if I am doing so, so make sure to tell me if something's wrong.
  15. Verminn Ikhi

    Private Tales Alleys, Thieves And Mercenaries, Oh My!

    Pushing aside two pretty obvious stalkers and rushing by their target, two burly men would dexterously tear his shield off his back while a smaller one ripped a jangling bag of coin off his side. A small song played above them, clear and tranquil, dispelling the magic and revealing them as rats...