Andrealphus and Agamemnon (WIP)
It is more appropriate to say that instead of finding the egg, the egg found him. One day, as Andrealphus was leaving the mountain to travel yet again, the egg rolled towards him and he evaded in time for the incubator to hit a tree instead of him. He marvelled at the person sized egg and at the same time felt pity for the somewhat small tree, looking at it now completely trunkless and totaled. The impact seemed to have done something, though, because the egg began to hatch immediately, as though the bump had woken up its inhabitant. In truth, it was probably just hatching time, but he sure as hell didn't know.
Instead of running, however, when the slimy reptile thing clumsily fell out of its egg, he did possibly the dumbest thing the situation could have called for and immediately laid all of his food out in front of the Drake and tried his hardest to think of nothing but the following three sentences: "Hello, don't kill me," "That's for you, I promise," and “I have ZERO intention of messing with you.”
Luckily, Andrealphus had a secret weapon even he didn’t know about: Thanks to the dragonette’s age as well as the fact that there were no other adult dragons around, the extra large Kesh Drake who would be given the name Agamemnon had no standards. At all. There was nobody to tell then what a good partner should feel or look like, and this guy had offered them food and bowed to them like they were a god, so at that moment a bond unconsciously formed.
They’ve been friends ever since, even though buying food for two
(Still thinking on this)
Skills and Abilities
I want to include separate sections for Agi and Andre, so this'll be empty too for the moment.
(I have an idea, but haven't fleshed it out yet. )
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